Comprehensive Freedom

v9 Chapter 126 - "Food Luck" and "Food Righteousness"


The average hunting level of the Eight Kings: 6000, so cruel reality does not hit the talent strange.

They really did not expect that the eight kings in the food world are so terrifying.

Just hearing this terrifying hunting level, it has made people feel deeply desperate, how can there be the courage to capture the Eight Kings.

Even if you want to do that, no one dares to take on such a task.

Unable to hunt the eight kings, they can still accept this.

But when Noel questioned the cooking, they could not accept it.

In this regard, Yasushi Rina with the tongue of the gods reacted the most violently and was also the most unconvinced.

Standing up excitedly, she frowned unpleasantly.

“I have an extraordinary taste, and can visualize the taste in my mind. Are you sure I can’t cook the eight kings?”

“Ok, sure and sure.”

Noel didn’t even think about it for a second, and gave the answer very decisively.

With such an annoying answer, or in front of the other two people, Azumi Rina was even more angry.

As she was preparing to refute, Noel stepped forward.

“Now that the Eight Kings are a bit too far away, as far as the food ingredients of the current human world are concerned, there are many of them that you cannot cook.”

“Some special gourmet ingredients require you to have enough food luck to find them out, and you also need to learn the food meaning so that they can be cooked well.”

Hearing the emergence of two new words, the curiosity of the three women was suddenly hooked.

Very curious, what is the food luck and food meaning mentioned.

Without making random guesses, Mujiu Zhiyuan asked directly.

“Noel, the food transport and food you just mentioned, can this improve our cooking skills?”

“Well, that can greatly enhance your cooking skills.”

Hearing this, Noel nodded slightly.

Knowing that they could improve their cooking skills, this made the three girls even more curious about this and could not wait to figure it out.

Ganri Xiangzi ran to sit next to Noel and took his hand into his arms.

“Since you have already mentioned it, then you give us a good explanation, what exactly is the food and food.”

“Uh um, I really want to know.”

There is something to learn, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo sitting on the other side of Noor also hugged his other arm and looked at him with expectant eyes.

The original plan to take action, Aya cut Rina, suddenly realized that he no longer has his place.

Seeing that the left and right positions are occupied by people, but they are unwilling to fall behind.

So he gathered courage and dared to walk to Noel.

“Quick…quickly…I know that…what is that…” She was so blushed that Rina cut her face, and she sat directly on Noel’s lap.

Knoll was a bit ignorant, and didn’t expect it to develop like this.

From the beginning, I never thought of concealing anything.

Now that it has been proposed, it must be explained clearly to them.

Accidents are accidents, but Noel is very happy for such accidents.

Knowing the fragrance from the three women, Noel began to explain to them.

“Then let me talk about food luck first.”

“Shiyun refers to the genius who can feel the guidance of the ingredients and be loved by the ingredients.”

“For example, when you are looking for special ingredients, you can inexplicably feel the location of the ingredients you need, as if you were guided by the ingredients.”

“For another example, when you are cooking special ingredients that you have never cooked, you can know how to proceed.”

“This is food luck.”

After introducing the food luck, Noel stopped to continue.

Ganri Xiangzi was very jealous, and quickly picked up the drink on the table and handed it to Noel to give him a sip.

Very satisfied with this, Noel glanced at Ganri Xiangzi with appreciation, and then continued slowly.

“Next, I will tell you about food.”

“Compared with the illusion of food luck, food is easier for people to actually feel, and even learn this skill through hard work.”

“Food justice, this is something you can’t touch yet, the ultimate mystery that only a super chef can learn.”

“People who have learned to eat right can not have to eat within a few days. Even so, they can maintain their body skills, and they will be faster than other people in processing ingredients, even without any mistakes.”

“Although it can be learned through hard work, it is not easy to learn this skill.”

“If you really want to learn food justice, you have to go to the Shilin Temple to learn. The alias is also called Yunyin Temple.”

“It is said that no one knows its specific address. It can be said that it is a legendary temple. It is not easy to find it.”

Learn whether food can be learned through hard work, or the ultimate mystery that only a super chef can learn. How could the three girls not be interested in this.

Just hearing what Noel was behind, they felt a sudden loss.

Without knowing the address, one cannot learn food.

and many more!

How did Noel know this?

Now that Noel knows these things, it means that he either knows the address or has mastered the skill of eating right.

When the three girls realized the point, the flame of hope in their eyes ignited again.

But guessing is only guessing after all, and it needs to be determined to know whether this is the case, otherwise it is just a joy.

In order to determine what was in her mind, one of them was asked angrily.

“Nuoer, do you know the address of the Shilin Temple, or do you know how to acquire food justice?”


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