Comprehensive Heroic Spirit Dominator

Page 19

Whether it is profound martial arts, combat wisdom, or the bravery brought about by repeated training, in these aspects, Liliana has extremely overwhelming deficiencies. The gap brought about is already an insurmountable gully. Even though she has higher physical fitness than Paul, coupled with her ignorance of the heroic spirit's body, she has little chance of winning.

"Yes, Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness."

Liliana's eyes were burning with fighting intent, she stood up straight again, and saluted Paul with her sword in hand.

"Then, Sir Paul, I, Liliana Krannichar, will fight with you!"

The incomparably fierce fighting spirit made even Paul, who had experienced many battles, a little bit dumbfounded.

"So impatient, but, little girl, don't underestimate me!"

There was a bit of a bitter smile on Paul's face. After all, he, who had reached the peak of knighthood, couldn't bear the reputation of bullying little girls.

"Don't worry, the protection His Majesty gave me is not that simple."

Even this man called her a little girl, but Liliana didn't show any anger.

She, who practiced the knight's code all the time, would no longer be irritated by such words.

However, even so, she was explaining the power she had just acquired to the knight she had admired in the past.

Should such openness be respected, or should it be called stupid?

Seeing the girl's determination, Paul also had a trace of respect on his face.

This man will not underestimate the enemy, even if it is a weak enemy, he will do his best to defeat it.

Be it the fair-looking young heroic spirit, or the handsome middle-aged man who has reached the peak of knighthood, they all drew their swords.

Unlike Liliana, that is the treasure that almost all knights wish for, the Holy Sword of Durandar.What Paul used was just a long sword made by an ordinary famous master. Even if there were certain magic formulas attached to it, it could not be regarded as a luxury.

It can be said that the strength of this knight is basically condensed on the body that has experienced magic power again and again.

With the long sword unsheathed, the duel between the knights was imminent.

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Chapter 18 Paul Browntree (for collection)

Knight confronted knight.

The knight holding the platinum holy sword was facing off against the knight holding the bright silver long sword.

The heroic but charming girl confronted the incomparably handsome middle-aged knight.

Invisible wills wrestled between them.

No one tried to attack in vain, and no one planned to give up just like that.

They concentrate and put all their energy on their opponents and the sharp sword in their hands.

The honor of being a knight and the loyalty of being a subject make it impossible for any one of them to fail, and none of them are willing to fail.

An incomparably dignified atmosphere surrounds this newly built, extremely luxurious hall.

The two of them stepped tightly on the vermilion carpet that was produced from nowhere, but it was definitely extremely expensive.

They all maintain a perfect posture, just like they are in training, they can find any opportunity, attack quickly, and properly defend against the opponent's attack.

Everyone was trying to find the loophole caused by the other's momentary absence, but neither of them found anything.

Whether Liliana or Paul, they are all characters who have experienced more than ten years of knight training and have traveled countless battlefields. Even if Liliana is a little immature, she will not make such a naive mistake.

The pain brought by the training again and again has long turned this girl into a war machine.

Be it on the battlefield, or in the duel arena, even if it's just a normal duel, she will do her best and never hold back.

The word underestimating the enemy has long been erased from her consciousness. Countless failures and pains have made her no longer that incomparably innocent girl.

At this moment, she is a knight, a knight loyal to her lord, a knight fighting for her loyalty and glory!

And Paul, of course, was the same, his solid muscles, which were carved like a knife, were neither tense nor relaxed, and he was always maintaining himself in the best sword-strike posture.

Even if there is a girl in front of him, he will never make the mistake of underestimating the enemy. It is not because of his weakness, nor is it because of his cowardice. It is just because he is a model knight. No matter what kind of opponent he faces, He will treat it with great respect.

After that, he stabbed the sharp sword in his hand into the enemy's chest!

Gilgamesh leaned comfortably on the throne made of gold and gemstones, and he looked at the two people who were fighting invisible with a slightly interested expression.

Even such a high-ranking knight duel is just an interesting pastime for this oldest king.

In the era when gods and humans lived together, in the era called the Age of Gods, no matter how powerful warriors were, they were not rare.

Even, those demigods or sons of gods have the strength far beyond the pinnacle of this world, the so-called godslayers.

At this time, Gilgamesh is not enjoying this war that is about the honor of the two, it is better to say that he is killing his own boredom.

There was no other reason, the two people present, no matter who they were, as long as Gilgamesh had the slightest thought, he could kill them instantly.

As for Liliana's heroic transformation, and Paul's "sacred annihilation technique" are not worth mentioning to Gilgamesh.

Therefore, at this moment, the King of Heroes was appreciating this duel with such a lack of awe.

And the two people present were not walking around casually like the duels in those books.

They maintain a posture that is the most perfect for themselves and the most difficult for the enemy.

Whether it's a pretty girl or a heroic middle-aged man, they are all constantly adjusting their state. This kind of competition is also a huge burden for them.

For them, as long as there is a moment of negligence, the distance of several meters can be said to be fleeting under the strength of their feet.

Even if it is any mistake, it will lead to the outcome of this duel.

However, there are decisive differences between the two.

A girl's heroic spirit, no matter how weak it is, is a phantom species called a heroic spirit.

No matter how strong Paul's muscles are, no matter how tough his bones are, no matter how long his breath is.

In front of the heroic spirit, none of this has the slightest meaning.

The heroic spirit is not tired, whether it is inner fatigue or physical fatigue, it is swept away by the legendary power at any moment.

Therefore, if he persisted like this, it would still be Paul's disadvantage.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Paul's shoulders trembled slightly.

Even if it was a trace, it was noticed by Liliana.

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