Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Chapter 138

“Nayue-chan… I’m relying on you on this journey! I’ll copy these routes as soon as possible!” Hayasaka Ai didn’t think there was anything wrong with Nangong Nayue’s reaction.

She quickly bowed slightly to thank Nangong that month.

This time, it is not only thanks to today’s Nangong that month for their protection, but also the protection of all previous battles.

If it weren’t for the existence of Nangong Nayue, they wouldn’t be so bold and reassuring to go deep into an area they had never been to before.

It should also spend a lot of time exploring step by step, steadily. “It’s okay, I may need your help later.”

Nangong waved his hand slightly that month. She couldn’t bear to see little girls dying in front of her, not to mention that these were all Lin Feng’s darlings.

If there is any damage, I am afraid that I will not have any good fruit to eat after returning.

The last time I was almost turned over and spanked by Lin Feng.

“If Yue-chan needs help, just say it! We will do our best!”

Hayasaka’s eyes lit up, but she didn’t expect that Nangong would also need their help that month, so she must help. “Well, I see!”

“I’ll tell you when the time comes.”

Nangong didn’t go into details here that month, just slapped it haha.

Of course, the bhei that Nangong said in that month is a matter of another world, except for those gods.

Among the adventurers she has met, there is no one who can threaten her yet.

Hayasaka Ai and his party didn’t waste too much time here. It was already around two o’clock in the afternoon, hoping to find what they needed on the 25th floor.

Tier 25 is the new purgatory of the dungeon.

It is also the second death line below the first death line.

The number of casualties and casualties of adventurers is of course less than that of the middle tier, mainly due to the limitation of the number and strength of adventurers.

LV2 adventurers of average strength, without the leadership of a large team, dare not easily come to the lower level.

The middle tiers are all just barely.

Starting from this temporary camp, we soon arrived at the last large room on the 24th floor.

It took about ten minutes to clear the monsters in this room.

Gather in front of the cave that seems to be completely frozen, but is actually covered with blue crystals.

If you go down from here, you should be able to reach the 25th floor, which is the new lower world.

Ai Hayasaka and his party of nine walked in this dark passage, and soon took out three or five portable magic stone lamps from the space bag, which vaguely allowed everyone to see the road under their feet and their companions around.

There will be no monsters refreshed in the passage between the layers, and at most there are only monsters rushing up from the lower layers.

But this usually doesn’t happen easily.

The floor, walls and ceiling of the cave are as smooth as ice, so you have to be extra careful when going down here. “there’s noise!”

Walking on the avant-garde Poison Island Fang, at the end of the **** in the cave, there was a faint sound of water from there.

He reminded everyone behind him.

A new class and a new environment are about to appear in front of everyone.

The sound became louder and clearer, and it was indeed the sound of water splashing on rocks or other objects.

At this moment, Daphne had already slowly drawn out the rapier hanging from her waist, and the portable magic stone lamp she had previously held in her hand had been handed over to Lily.

The **** is quickly over, through the cave. “!!”

In the next instant, Hayasaka Ai and the other nine fell into a state of speechlessness and shock.

They were all taken away by the ‘beautiful scenery’ in front of them.

In the distance, the falling waterfall seems to be playing an unknown roaring music.

The crystalline sky forms countless valleys and cliffs.

A mist of water was floating in the air, and at the same time, the chirping of monsters flying in the air could be faintly heard.

A majestic and completely different ‘world of water’ from the upper and middle tiers appeared in front of many girls. “This, is this the world of the 25th floor?”

Hayasaka Ai opened her mouth slightly and murmured unconsciously. .

Chapter 301 The Majestic Waterfall

Ai Hayasaka and his party stood not far from the entrance of the cave, looking at the scene floating in front of everyone with a bit of ecstasy.

This is a supernatural landscape that exists in a dungeon. In the everyday world where Hayasaka Ai and the others live, such a beautiful scene would never appear.

The most dazzling among them is the great waterfall in the center of everyone’s field of vision.

“This…is this just…~.”

“Don’t be, we don’t know the name of this-waterfall.”

Before Hayasaka Ai could sigh, she was interrupted by Seleu- on the side.

All of a sudden, Ai Hayasaka’s face turned slightly red, and she looked embarrassed. She really didn’t know the name of this waterfall.

The girls present should have no idea.

After all, no one got the map and introduction about the 19th floor and beyond.


The girls around saw Ai Hayasaka’s embarrassed and cute appearance, and they all couldn’t help laughing.

It’s an extremely rare opportunity to see Ai Hayasaka like this. It would be nice if I had a mobile phone on me, and I could take a picture of this scene for Lin Feng and Kaguya to see.


Hayasaka Ai almost stomped her feet and exploded, these bad girls, she is the leader! Bullying the captain is not a good performance!

“However…the waterfall does look really invigorating.”

“It would be great if this place were a safe floor!”

Seleu looked at the surrounding scenery a little obsessively, and kept sighing.

Bai,yang:;,Qi.Yue,’9![:,Five!’.Three.?!:Seven!.Eight:.One?!,;Nine’:!;Three,!:Three..Six: ?;,5′.?3,.;,7′”””8.’1?.9:!”;3:”.3:?.6.] The environment and scenery of the 18th floor and where they are now Compared with the 25th stratum, there is still a big gap.

At least in terms of eye-catching and exciting, the gap is not small.

And the 25th floor space is huge, at least two or three times as much as the 18th floor.

This huge waterfall can’t see the top when looking up. Hayasaka Ai and others standing on the protruding high platform can see the rivers below from the edge.

From time to time, several unknown monsters living in the water can be seen jumping out.

Starting from this tier, adventurers in the dungeon will encounter fewer adventurers from other teams.

There is also a high chance that the adventurers you will encounter will only be dead corpses or relics left behind.

The main reason is that there are many monsters in these rivers that cross-flow from a distance.

If you don’t pay attention, you may be attacked to death by them.

“Look over there, Xiao Ai! The water flowing down from the waterfall seems to continue to flow directly down, and it doesn’t seem to stop at this level.”

Standing at the front of the team, Seleu was almost at the edge of this high platform.

The small hand was placed between the eyebrows, as if blocking the sunlight and looking into the distance.

Although the sky on the 25th floor looks like the sun is shining, there is no sun.

It is very likely that the blue in the sky was formed by blue crystals and some unknown reasons.

However, Seleu soon noticed that beyond the waterfall in the distance, there seemed to be a huge deep hole around it, and the river water from the waterfall was rushing into it.

After reacting, she immediately turned around and told everyone about this strange thing.

On the previous floor, there was no such situation at all.

Although they all look a little strange, they also have similar deep pits.

But those are very narrow tunnels and hard to notice.

Now a huge deep pit appears directly over the waterfall, which is troublesome.

When I was in the guild before, I heard Aegina say that the deeper the strategy is, the more monsters of various types below.

Among them are all kinds of monsters flying in the sky. “Eh!” “Really!”

“What the **** is that place! How could such a deep pit appear there!”

Hearing Seleu’s words, the eyes of many girls quickly shifted their attention from the direction they were paying attention to, and turned to the waterfall that they felt majestic from the beginning.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and no one knew the specific information about these classes.

I don’t even know the name of this waterfall or the names that are circulated about this class, so how can I know what this deep pit means. “How about… When we scout the surrounding area and do the task, let’s sneak over to take a look?”

Hayasaka Ai looked around and saw that everyone seemed to be a little curious about this class, especially the situation over the waterfall, so she suggested. “I agree!!”

“I want to see it too!”

Sai Liu and Du Dao Ya Zisheng were the first to grab people, and they came down directly. . . . Ask for flowers.

Hayasaka Ai saw the two of them sighing slightly, and then turned her attention to the others.

Lily stood beside Daphne, her eyes twinkling curiously and wanted to see the waterfall in the distance, but because of her height and some fear, she could only see the waterfall flying down from above, but not the deep pit. .


“Let’s go! Let’s go down and explore, at least to understand the specific environment around us.”

Although only two people voiced support for the time being, but Ai Hayasaka could basically see the curiosity about the waterfall from their eyes. “good!”

Many girls also heard the meaning of Hayasaka Ai’s words, not just to explore the surroundings to complete the task first, and everything to the waterfall is a branch line.

When Hayasaka Ai said this, she also saw an unknown monster flying in the air nearby, as if she was about to notice them.

If they don’t leave, the first battle on the 25th floor will probably begin.

Hayasaka Ai and the others were only a few steps away from the passage to the upper floor. The location of the waterfall and the deep pit karst cave, according to the rough surrounding environment, was probably in the center.

On their right and left, there is a winding road leading down.

Ai Hayasaka quickly led everyone up the winding mountain road on the right.

The width of this mountain road is only about 3 meters, with walls on the left and cliffs on the right.

If you don’t pay attention to the fall… I’m afraid even the gods will be hard to save.

Lily has been walking only against the left wall, never even looking here.

So did Cassandra.

When walking on this road, from time to time, the sound of flapping wings can be heard whistling past.

The monster that looked like a half-human bird from the outside was hovering in the air, not knowing what it was looking for.

Fortunately, they were not found on this winding mountain road for the time being.

Otherwise, it would be extremely detrimental to them if they started a war here.

Of course, in this case, Hayasaka Ai and the others would use magic to get rid of these monsters directly.

So instead of hiding, he continued to ‘swagger’ to observe the surrounding scenery here. Long.

Chapter 302 The Frightened Seleu

The surrounding environment was constantly excavated by Hayasaka Ai and others, and they probably figured out what was there.

There are crystal inlays in almost every place and location.

Whether it is white crystal or blue crystal, as long as the scenery comes into view, they will exist.

It seems that this 25th floor can also be called the ‘crystal world’, but it has a shocking waterfall and a river that runs through the entire floor.

It seems more reasonable to call it the ‘world of water’.

After all, there are monsters in these rivers.

This detail has been confirmed by Seleu before.

But where so much water would flow here, it really puzzled Hayasaka Ai and the others.

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