Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Chapter 158

But Letsa didn’t talk too much.

Whatever Artemis wanted to tell them, he would say it. “What’s the matter! What naughty thing is she trying to do again!”

As soon as Artemis and Lin Feng got down from above, they heard the love and killing of Letessa and Lanti. “Lord Artemis! Rante should take good care of Yong!” “Tomorrow’s battle is very important, and she wants to drink tonight!” Immediately showed joy.

In this family, the only one who can control Landi is Artemis, the main **** of the family. .

Chapter 338 The Ruins of Elsos

“I’m not! Don’t talk nonsense! I really don’t!” Randi, who was surrounding the bonfire with a wine glass in his hand.

Seeing that the head of the regiment, Letessa, actually reported herself in front of so many people, she quickly put the things in her hands on the ground and forced herself out of the scope of the defendant.

Under the dim light of the fire, Lan Di felt a little awkward when she saw that everyone’s eyes were on her. “Everyone. Everyone is watching what I’m doing…” “I shouldn’t have done anything strange!” Lante raised her head cautiously and whispered.

“Okay, since Landi has put things down, don’t waste time here, everyone should rest as soon as possible.” “There are more important things for everyone to do tomorrow.”

Artemis looked up at the huge canopy that covered the sky and the moon. Fortunately, the location he chose was a rare place.

There is a small clearing with no trees around.

A few steps in this direction, Artemis can clearly see the quiet and beautiful moon hanging in the sky. “It’s almost nine o’clock now. Letsa, you and Hayasaka have discussed tonight’s vigil.” “Yes!”

“I’ll make arrangements as soon as possible!”

There were several battles tonight, but fortunately, with the activity of the night watchmen, there were only sporadic monsters, and they were not able to break through the defense line of the camp.

The next day, after everyone had finished tidying up and picked up all the necessary items, they finally set off to the ruins of Elsos, which was seven or eight hundred meters away. “You said! Can we find treasures in this ruins!”

“I remember that in the biographies and novels I read, the protagonist and his party came to a certain ruin or a cave and other places, and they could get some treasures!” Saten Leiko, who was walking in the middle of the entire mixed team, The Ruins of Elsoth that I mentioned before finally slowly appeared in front of her eyes, which made her eyes shine.

By the way, I suddenly thought of those novels or comics I saw in the original world.

She also knows the reasons for cultural differences, which is why she speaks novels and biographies. “Probably not…”

“I don’t know how many years have passed since this ruin looks from the outside. Even if there is a treasure in it, I’m afraid it has already been taken by those greedy adventurers.” Shinomiya Kaguya heard Saten Leiko talk about the treasure, and she was also in her heart. A burst of vibration.

But rationally, she thought that the ruins, in her rough opinion, had existed for at least a thousand years.

Even if only a few hundred adventurers come to the Mysterious Realm of the Sea of ​​Trees every year, at least hundreds of adventurers have come to this place for thousands of years.

Treasure is basically something that can only be imagined.

In reality, how can something in fantasy appear. “mo~~ Sister Hui Ye said that!”

“The fun of exploring ruins is to explore the unknown!”

“It’s like being in a dungeon. Every time the rescue comes to a level, everyone’s hearts will light up!” Saten Leiko’s speech made the adventurers of the Artemis family around him stunned. stunned.

Almost at the same time, they turned to look at Satian Leiko, as if hoping to see something from her.

Because, from Saten Leiko’s speech, they felt that she didn’t care about the super dangerous places in the dungeon. Could it be that she is also a strong person like Lihua Luochanai cares about them!

“…Well, why are everyone coming to see me. …Did I say something strange?”

The moment Satian Leiko’s voice fell, she felt as if her whole body was being watched, and she quickly shot around.

It turned out that her sixth sense was correct. It turned out that the female adventurers from the Artemis family were watching.

This made Satian Leiko shut herself down for the next period of time. She was very talkative, and she kept her mouth shut, hoping that those who were staring at her would hurry (bhei) to take their eyes away from her.

Otherwise, I always feel stared at and look a little weird.

A few minutes later, a total of thirty-two people came to the gate of the ruins.

“This…isn’t this Lord Artemis!!!”

Everyone present, including the girls from the Artemis family, looked at the statue erected not far from the gate of the ruins in shock.

This statue has stood for thousands of years without falling down. It is conceivable that there is something in it.

The surrounding city walls and houses are basically only ruins, and the entire ruins can be roughly looked at.

There is only a place in the center of the ruins that looks like a temple.

Plus, the statue of Artemis erected in front of the temple gate.

It was immediately confirmed that this ruin should have belonged to a former follower or family of Artemis-sama. “Everyone has seen this statue, as well as signs that often appear on the nearby ruins.”

“That’s right, this is a small city built here by the family of the great elves in the past.”

“The main purpose… is to seal the strange creatures in the temple, and seal them here, so as not to let them come out and cause harm to the world.” Artemis stood beside the statue and gently stroked the cracks. , dust and time statues.

Starlight flashed in his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

But soon got out of this state.

Because she knows that there are more important things to solve now. “I didn’t expect that there are strange things sealed here!!!”

“Are the strange monsters the same as the strange monsters in the three major commissions of the Adventurer’s Guild?” “If that’s the case, how can a team with so few and such low strength succeed in the crusade!”

The words of Artemis made most people start to discuss. They originally thought that this place was just an ordinary ruin.

Unexpectedly, there are still strange things on the sealer here.

However, none of the strange creatures can be easily crusaded. Thinking back to the invincible Hera family and the Zeus family before, after they successfully defeated two monsters on the upper side.

In the end, he was defeated by the strange creature on the one-eyed black dragon.

Ordinary adventurers don’t know about these things, but if you want to know about them, you can still find some clues. “Everyone, don’t panic!”

“How could I lead everyone to fight an uncertain battle!”

Artemis saw that most of the girls in the team, especially her family members, were a little flustered and scared.

The title of the strange creature is real.

LV8 and LV9 level adventurers can all fail, not to mention these little shrimps.

However, when they heard the voice of their own Lord God, they still resisted the unrest in their hearts and looked up. .

Chapter 339 Entering the Moon God Temple

These girls from the Artemis family still believe in their family’s main god.

After all, she’s not like the gods like Orari, who basically just sit back and enjoy (after all, they don’t have much fighting power, and they can’t go to dungeons).

Among all the gods in the lower realm, Artemis is almost the only one who always stands with the adventurers of the family.

Eat together, sleep together, fight together, chat together and more. ~…

And their combat skills, bow and arrow combat skills are all taught by Artemis.

Otherwise, how could they not have mastered the superb shooting skills so quickly. “As I understand it!”

“The sealed monster must not be resurrected for a long time, and its strength should still be recovering.” “The strength it can show is definitely not one-tenth of the previous one.”

The girls from the Artemis family who were standing at the bottom of the stairs suddenly came to their senses after hearing Artemis’ explanation.

They knew how Artemis could make them do some mortal tasks. “It’s just been resurrected?” “The strength is less than 1/10,000?”

“In that case, with so many of us and our head Letsha, we will definitely be able to complete this crusade!”

The girls of the Artemis family cheered again, as if they were excited and happy to be able to slay one of those powerful monsters this time.

This is a feat!

If they can successfully crusade against the strange creatures, they will be 100% famous throughout the continent.

Even in the ears of the major gods, it will appear from time to time.


A hero hailed from generation to generation!

Lin Feng watched Artemis and her family silently from the beginning.

She knew that, according to the plot of the original book, if she, Lin Feng, was not here.

The Familia of Artemis and herself are sure to come to an end.

Twenty young and beautiful girls died, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunting, was also sealed in the body by the strange creature ‘Andaris’.

Steal the power of priesthoods such as the Moon God, Hunting Goddess, etc.

You must know that Artemis’ strength can also be ranked in the forefront of all the gods.

She can shatter entire continents with one blow.

After ‘Andaris’ stole the power of Artemis, he quickly gathered the power of the gods in the air, trying to use the power of Artemis to destroy the entire continent.

“Don’t be too happy, everyone. After I open the seal of the temple, everyone must pay attention to any situation around you.” “You must not be careless!”

“This time, we are not facing those monsters or those adventurers of the dark faction.” “But very powerful monsters.”

Artemis, who was standing beside the statue, looked down and saw that everyone was smiling happily, and the worries and fears that had condensed before disappeared.

However, after a few seconds, I felt that there was a little bit of pride in the words these girls were talking to.

This isn’t crusade against those goblins!

Artemis had to tell them again that they must not be careless after entering the temple.

As for why they didn’t say anything about Lin Feng and her family, of course, it was because of the strength they had shown before.

She also wanted to tell Lin Feng directly, and let the powerful girls in his family pay attention to the lives of the girls in the Artemis family.

Do your best to save their lives.

Artemis saw that everyone was almost prepared, and he said everything he needed to say.

The next step is to officially enter the stage of crusade against the eccentric ‘Andaris’.

Artemis came to the door of the temple, reached out and placed his hand on the position where he unlocked the seal on the door of the temple, after ten seconds of debugging and confirmation.

The huge and solid giant door was slowly moved away with the sound of ‘bang rumbling’.

Just when everyone wanted to see the scenery inside, they suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice. “Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!”

There are also characteristic footsteps made by arthropod movements.

A shoeless person wearing shoes or only socks can’t make that sound either.

However, the situation inside the temple will be provided to you soon. “what?!!!”

“What the **** is this?”

“How is it like the connection between meat **** and meat balls?”

After entering the temple, the unknown power was suddenly locked after the last person stepped into the temple.

It seems that as long as it is not cleared, it cannot be unlocked.

It’s like a game.

“Everyone pay attention!!! There are monsters in these meat balls!”. . Ask for flowers.

“If these meat **** are broken, the scorpion monsters we encountered in the big sea of ​​trees outside will appear from the inside!” Artemis saw meat **** everywhere as soon as he stepped into the temple.

Whether it is close to the wall or hanging from the ceiling.

There was only one road left in almost the entire surrounding that could lead to the depths of the temple. “Bang Bang Bang!!!”

There was an Amazon who seemed to be a little closer to these meat **** that harbored scorpion monsters. In an instant, several meat **** near her burst open!

Minced meat and blood, constantly flying in the air.

As long as you can’t dodge a little bit, you may be covered with unpleasant blood and minced meat.

The most important thing is that I don’t know if this bursting thing will contain poison like those scorpion tails.

… 0 “Get out of the way!!”

As the head of the group, Lietsha was only a few meters away from the Amazon, but she saw that the Amazon’s line of sight was not in a dangerous place.

Her face changed suddenly, she didn’t want the entire team to be reduced when they first entered the temple.

This is a blow to everyone’s spirits.

But… a distance of several meters, as an lv4-level adventurer, Lietsha can indeed reach it in an instant.

The main thing is that this position is not very easy to grasp.

The group of small scorpions that broke out of the egg was behind Amazon.

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