Comprehensive Manga: Dimensional Infinite

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Going to the Church

“Here, this is my home.”

Opening the door with a click, Xia Lin walked in first, took out a pair of slippers at the entrance, and handed them to Asia.

“excuse me.”

Asia bowed again in trepidation, and then, like a small animal in a new environment, looked at the furnishings in the room curiously.

Xia Lin was speechless, and realized that Asia was obviously a foreigner, and she knew a lot about Japanese etiquette.

Xia Lin suddenly had a doubt in her heart, whether Asia had already learned about Japanese customs before coming to Japan.

Well, here comes the question.

In the end, am I doing Asia, or is Asia doing me?

But looking at Asia’s innocent face, Xia Lin laughed, how could such a little white rabbit have such complicated thoughts.

Probably because she was very polite to people in the past.

“It’s such a cozy place.”

After putting on the slippers, Asia followed Xia Lin to the living room, looking at the simple furnishings in the living room, a warm smile appeared on her face.

“It will indeed be warmer if more than one person lives together.”

Xia Lin nodded, he put the suitcase down.

“Well, will I live in a room with Xia Lin in the future?”

As if thinking of something, Asia’s pretty face had a touching rosy touch, and even her voice lowered.

“Sleep in the same room with me? Are you in a hurry?”

Xia Lin glanced at Asia with a half smile.

“Alas…that…that, not…not…”

Hearing this, Asia was like a steamed crab, her pretty face was full of blush, she waved her hands at a loss, and almost fainted.

It’s just that Asia kept saying “no” for a long time, but she didn’t say a complete sentence. In the end, she could only lower her head, her head was so hot that it was smoking, and she didn’t dare to look at Xia Lin’s eyes.

“Besides my bedroom, there are two empty rooms, you can pick one.”

Xia Lin didn’t continue to tease her, otherwise he would be in trouble if he passed out.

“I know.”

Asia’s tongue is not easy to get up.

“Okay, here’s the key to the door, you take it.”

Xia Lin walked to the cabinet, opened the drawer, took out a key from it and handed it to Asia.

“Thank you, I will definitely keep it well.”

Asia held the key with her hands folded, as if she was holding a treasure, her face still rosy, with a happy smile.

“It’s not too early, you hurry up and explain to your friends.”

Xia Lin said with a smile: “My word, go buy you some daily necessities first, or when you come back, go to the supermarket together? I don’t know if you will come back here for dinner?”

“Just a little explanation, it shouldn’t take long.”

Asia thought for a while and said.

Just the next moment, Asia seemed to remember something, the expression on her little face collapsed again, and she said a little embarrassedly, “That…I don’t seem to know where he is.”

“Then you swore before that you would go alone.”

Asia is even more embarrassed.

Xia Lin said helplessly, “Forget it, I’ll go with you. It’s getting late, and I won’t worry if you go out alone.”


Asia was very moved and said that she now realizes that she is really lucky to have met such a person who is worried about her safety.

“Where does your friend live?”

Xia Lin asked casually, he knew that Asia’s destination was the church.

“Actually it’s like this…”

Asia thought about it and decided to explain it to Xia Lin.

Half a minute later, Asia explained the purpose of coming to Kuwang Town.

“Get lost and get lost in two completely opposite directions, and your sense of direction is good enough.”

After listening, Xia Lin Tsukkomi said that the direction of his home and the direction of the church are two completely opposite directions.

Xia Lin is thankful for the attributes of Asia, a road idiot, otherwise, she may not be able to meet her.

“Because this is the first time I came to Japan, I am not very familiar with the environment and architecture here, and I have not found anyone to ask for directions.”

Asia said embarrassedly, her voice getting lower and lower, “Sorry.”

“Okay, no need to apologize, it’s not a big deal.”

Xia Lin turned around and was about to go out. He put on his shoes again. Seeing Asia, he was still standing in the same place uneasily, and said, “Let’s go quickly and settle things before it gets dark.”

“Yes Yes.”

Asia was agitated, and hurriedly followed behind Xia Lin.

After going out, Xia Lin stopped a car halfway.

From home to the church in the suburbs, it would take an hour to walk by foot. Although Xia Lin’s strength can be reduced completely, there is no need to waste physical strength and time.

“It cost you money.”

After getting into the taxi, Asia blamed herself very much. In fact, if she was alone, she would just walk.

“There is no need to apologize. You will be mine in the future. There will be a lot of expenses like this in the future. Do you have to apologize like this every time? Isn’t it too outrageous.”

Xia Lin said playfully.


Asia roared like a mosquito, and replied in a low voice with a blushing face.

The driver’s brother sitting in the cab looked envious through the rearview mirror.

Oh shit.

Is the current student party so rigid in falling in love?

And it’s still a nun’s uniform, even playing with the temptation of uniforms!

The driver’s brother thought about his goddess who didn’t give him any good looks after licking for half a year, and wondered if he would change the style he pursued in the future.

Of course, Xia Lin didn’t know that she was just using a sentence to tease the little nun, but later the goddess of the driver’s elder brother completely blocked him.

If I knew, I would definitely laugh out loud.

After more than ten minutes, the taxi arrived at the destination.

After Xia Lin paid the money, she got out of the car with Asia.

In addition to the fare, Xia Lin gave another tip to let the driver wait for a while. After all, this is a suburb, and there should be no taxis coming during this meeting time. Xia Lin didn’t want to go back on foot.

The location of the church is halfway up the mountain, so it can only be reached on foot.

At this moment, it was already evening, and the sunset was as red as blood.

The gray church sits alone on the hillside, and the blood-like sunset shines on the church, which looks a little weird.

Even at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the church, you can feel an ominous dullness.

“Just send me here, then I’ll go up by myself.”

After getting out of the car, Asia was surprisingly tough, although his tone was still soft.


Xia Lin didn’t refuse, but after Asia walked down the mountain path, he followed directly. *

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