Comprehensive Manga: Start with Blood-Devouring Raid

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

Chapter 398 [Buddhist] Profound Truth Three Thousand Worlds! (1/3 for subscription!)

The Buddha’s light is getting brighter and brighter, and it has a tendency to illuminate the entire universe. It is so dazzling that the gods, Buddhas and demon kings who are watching the battle instinctively narrow their eyes.

“Master!” Fenrir, the god-killing wolf, felt his heart palpitate and couldn’t help roaring.

Now that he has become Lan Yufeng’s mount, he has joined the community of [Immortal Kingdom]. He would naturally care about Lan Yufeng’s safety.

“I’m stuck.” The twin goddesses’ eyes flashed slightly, slightly relieved.

“[Buddhist] Profound Truth, simulates the creation of a star map, three thousand worlds, if Lan Yufeng wanted to escape just now, he can escape, the release method of Sakyamuni this time is not so mysterious.

[Fire Worship Cult] The sect master spoke indifferently.

“However, for the Devil King, running away is a shame. As the one who once defeated millions of gods and Buddhas, he chose to shake the [Three Thousand Worlds] hard.”

The twin goddesses did not make a sound. She thought so too.

The Demon King is arrogant, unless the gap in strength is really like a gulf, and it is hard to die, usually they will fight to the end.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the Demon King makes people palpitate.

In this era, no one who can be called a Demon King is weak. The weak are not worthy of being the Demon King!

However, just thinking of this, the twin goddesses sank slightly and narrowed their eyes.

Since Lan Yufeng chose not to escape, does that mean that he has a way to break through the simulated star map Three Thousand Worlds?

If the real 743 is like that, it will be very troublesome.

The twin goddesses knew that she could only think like this, and she couldn’t do more, she just watched the battle quietly, waiting for the result to appear.

“It seems that he has completely fallen into the world of three thousand worlds. 35 Lan Yufeng stands above the sky, glances around, the scene has changed. It is no longer the riddled surface of the moon.

On the contrary, it is on a high mountain that cannot be seen from the top of the mountain.

On this high mountain, there is a lot of spiritual power, and a golden font is listed vertically on it.

Thirty-three days away, Lingshan Holy Land.

Looking around again, Lan Yufeng saw an ancient temple.

In that ancient temple, there is an ancient Buddha with green lights, dusty, and there are four big characters on its plaque.

Great Thunder Temple!

In front of the ancient temple, there is an ancient Bodhi tree, the body is dry, only seven or eight green leaves are intertwined at the torso.

Although there are only a few green leaves, each green leaf is full of vitality, contains infinite breath of life, and contains the truth of life.

Suddenly, in front of the ancient tree, a monk appeared. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, as if he was comprehending something.

“Da Leiyin Temple, the ancient Bodhi tree, enlightenment and becoming a Buddha. This is a reappearance scene of merit.” Lan Yufeng’s silver eyes shone, piercing the illusion.

Whether it is the Daleiyin Temple, the ancient Bodhi tree, or the monk, they are all phantoms and do not exist. It should be said that even this piece of Lingshan Holy Land is a phantom.

The reappearance of exploits made these phantoms appear.

in mythology.

Sakyamuni sat in meditation under the ancient Bodhi tree for seven days and seven nights.

At this point, he ascended to Buddhahood, became an awakened one, and calmed the common people, and his name was Shakyamuni.

This great achievement made Sakyamuni become the [Buddha Lord], ranking in the field of two-digit full authority, and he founded [Buddhist Sect] with the central profound meaning of the simulated star creation map [Three Thousand Worlds] obtained after the great enlightenment. ] This huge community.

At this moment, golden light rose and spread throughout the entire Lingshan Holy Land.

On the top of the sky, an ancient Buddha sits high on it, reciting the sound of the Buddha, and the Buddha’s light is also sprinkled from the sky, turning the entire Lingshan Holy Land into a sacred area with golden light.

And that Buddha sound, directly to the soul, lingering in the mind, endlessly.

This made Lan Yufeng frown and wanted to expel the Buddha, but found that he couldn’t.

Suddenly, the sound of the Buddha became vast and grand, resounding throughout the Holy Land of Lingshan.

At the same time, in the sky and underground of Lingshan Holy Land, there are thousands of phantoms of golden Buddhas appearing, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

This continuous Buddhist sound comes from all directions, such as the ancient bell being tolled. It is solemn, vast, magnificent, with a Buddhist rhythm reaching the sky, and it has the meaning of educating the world.

Even the bloodthirsty Demon King, here, will become peaceful and soft (bfeg), and he will no longer have the slightest desire to kill.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the Buddha changed, and six large characters of different colors appeared on the sky.

That is, the six-character mantra!


Om: The white light of equality of wisdom purifies the pride and ego in the way of heaven, and severes the suffering of degeneration and mutation.

Well: the light of wisdom created by the greenness purifies the jealousy in the way of Asura, and eliminates the suffering of struggle.

It: The yellow light of self-generated primordial wisdom purifies ignorance and greed in human beings, and eliminates the disasters of birth, old age, disease, death, and poverty.

Pa: The blue dharma realm’s body-nature wisdom light, purifies the foolishness of the animal path, and eliminates the dullness and suffering.

Mi: The beauty of red is to observe the light of wisdom, to purify the miserliness in the realm of hungry ghosts, and to eliminate the suffering of hunger, thirst and thirst.

Hum: The great round mirror of black and blue light, purifies hatred and hatred in hell, and eliminates heat, cold and bitterness.

When the six-character mantra appeared, Lan Yufeng felt his ears tremble, his mind trembled, and his consciousness was slightly lost.

At this time, all kinds of gods shrouded in the six-character mantra descended, forming a circle, trying to seal Lan Yufeng.

——【Buddhist】Profound meaning

Simulate a star map and three thousand worlds.

Small Thousand World Seal!

“Shakyamuni, if you want to seal me, you can’t do it!” Lan Yufeng’s spiritual power erupted, his consciousness became clear, and he punched out,

In the next moment, the fist strength enough to collapse the universe exploded, carrying the might of the collapse of the universe, breaking through the seal of the six-character mantra, and heading towards the ancient Buddha.

However, even if it runs through the ancient Buddha, it is still useless.

With the reappearance of the ripples, the ancient Buddha changed back to its original state again, and the world was in turmoil.

To be precise, it gives the same feeling of going back in time.

Suddenly, the six-character mantra appeared again, trying to seal Lan Yufeng.

In response, Lan Yufeng frowned slightly, keeping his heart, and threw out countless punches in an instant.

The fist is as strong as a blue dragon, roaring and breaking through the six-character mantra, swallowing thousands of Buddhas, but it is still useless.

The all-seeing and all-powerful star shines, causing Lan Yufeng to narrow his silver eyes.

——【Buddhist】Profound meaning

Simulated star map・Three thousand worlds

Zhongqian World·Reincarnation!

Lan Yufeng, completely caught in the seal cycle of the three thousand worlds.

It turns out that it is no wonder that Sakyamuni used [Three Thousand Worlds] and the two goddesses to restrain [Heaven Movement Theory] and conduct endless chaotic battles.

Zhongqian World·Reincarnation

It does do that.

It’s just that the words of Shakyamuni alone can’t stop the [Tiandong Talk], so the two goddesses will take action.

It is worthy of being a simulated star map, three thousand worlds, with the strongest sealing ability.

If you want to get out of here, you can only collapse this reincarnation world in an instant.

“Since that’s the case…” Lan Yufeng’s eyes were sharp and he opened his palms.

(ps: ask for full order wow, ask for everything, QAQ~).

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