Comprehensive Manga: Start with Blood-Devouring Raid

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Chapter 536 Break into the spaceship! (3/5 for subscription!)

“I’ll ask again, where is the strongest?” Seeing that no one answered, the three-headed monster’s tone gradually became colder, although its tone was not friendly at the beginning.

“Hey, did you come here in that spaceship?” Saitama suddenly said, “Are you all aliens?”

Saitama couldn’t help but tut two words, but said to Genos next to him: “Look, I said there are aliens, this time you and I lost the bet, according to our agreement, this half year You paid for the meal.””

Hearing this, Genos couldn’t help sweating profusely, and hurriedly pulled Saitama and said, “Teacher, this is obviously not the time to say this.

Saitama also attracted the attention of the three-headed monster. He looked at Saitama as if he was looking at a reptile, and a light blue light flashed in his black eyes.

“There is no energy level. Sure enough, “883” is just an ordinary ant.”

The three-headed monster seemed to be very disappointed. He waved it casually, but the hand that turned into a hammer came out of his body and smashed into the crowd on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, but there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, such a big hammer, the speed is not very fast, everyone present can easily dodge.

Suddenly, the hammer that was still flying in the air changed, but it was like an exploding water balloon, turning into countless spears of flesh and blood, shooting away at a speed hundreds of times faster, targeting all creatures within a kilometer. .

After releasing this move, the three-headed monsters flew towards the spaceship as if they were unable to resist the gang.

As the first escort of the spacecraft, his main responsibility is to ensure that the spacecraft is not damaged, and fighting is not his first goal.

The sudden change of attack made the heroes somewhat unexpected. Although everyone avoided them, most of them seemed a little embarrassed.

“Damn it guy, you actually underestimate me!” The grumpy metal bat couldn’t bear it anymore. After a run-up, he jumped into the air with the help of momentum, and the bat in his hand slammed into the air. Three-headed monster.

The three-headed monster didn’t seem to feel the murderous aura behind it. It took the blow of the metal bat abruptly, and was hit directly from the air to the ground, and even its body was torn in half.

Seeing that the three-headed monster died so easily, Bang Gu couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Could it be that what came this time was not the huge crisis predicted?

The metal bat didn’t think so much. After he smashed the three-headed monster down, he rushed over and smashed the body of the three-headed monster fiercely.

It wasn’t until the three-headed monster was smashed into flesh that the metal bat stopped.

“Che, this guy is nothing more than that.” The metal bat held the bat with a look of disdain.

Having said that, the metal bat turned around and shouted at the heroes: “As I see it, you all go back, I can handle these guys alone, and you can prepare the final preparation plan. 99

“Metal bat, be careful behind you!” To the confusion of the metal bat, Tong Di suddenly shouted.

“What can I have behind my back, that guy has become meat sauce.

Although the metal bat firmly believes that the three-headed monster has been killed by himself, after all, he has been smashed into meat sauce by himself. I am afraid that no matter how tenacious the life force is, it is impossible to resurrect from a pile of meat sauce?

However, out of trust in Tong Di, the metal bat still looked back, but this look made the hair on the metal bat explode.

The puddle of meat foam just now disappeared, replaced by three creeping monsters.

Without waiting for the metal bat to fill the knife again, the three monsters have already taken shape. The appearance of the three monsters is basically the same. They are all fleshy wings and disgusting inner muscles. The rest are exactly the same.

“How, how is this possible?!” The metal bat had an incredible look on his face. He had never seen a guy who was smashed into meat sauce and could be resurrected, and he had turned into three.

“Annoying” “Ant” “Kill You”

The three monsters said one sentence each, but they pieced together a complete sentence.

The metal bat was knocked out in an instant, and his life and death were already uncertain. Seeing that the monster’s vitality was so tenacious, all the other heroes were deeply afraid.

“Feng, let’s do it too.” Dragon Roll suggested.

Lan Yufeng shook his head: “Leave this to others, let’s go inside the spaceship…”

Hearing this sentence, Tornado couldn’t help being stunned. You must know that what is inside the spaceship is still unknown at the moment, and it is undoubtedly dangerous to rush into it.

More importantly, this spaceship looks airtight, how to get in?

“Feng, let me also take a ride.” Saitama came over, looking very expectant, looking at his appearance, it didn’t look like he had encountered an enemy at all, but rather like he had encountered an interesting toy.

Lan Yufeng smiled, “Of course I’ll take you there, but the spaceship is so big, everyone has to move separately when they get inside.”

Before the words fell, the three of them were all in a trance, and when they reacted again, they had already appeared inside the spaceship.

The structure inside the spaceship is very strange. The material that makes up the spaceship is like flesh and blood, and it even wriggles from time to time, which looks extremely disgusting.

The tornado was also taken aback and quickly floated up from the ground.

“This is the inside of the spaceship. It looks delicious.” Saitama looked around, but licked his lips. It seemed that if he was given a pot, he would really cut some meat and cook it. .

“Okay, when you get here, let’s separate and try to find the alien leader. As long as he is subdued, this group of aliens should lose their fighting spirit.” Lan Yufeng suggested.

As for Lan Yufeng’s suggestion, the three of them naturally had no objection. After all, the three of them in 4.6 were the top combat powers on the planet, and fighting alone was more convenient than fighting in a team.

“Then I’ll take a step first!” Saitama kicked abruptly, disappearing from sight in an instant.

Tornado seemed a little hesitant, “Feng, let’s go together? I’m afraid you will encounter some danger.”

Hearing this, Lan Yufeng shook his head with a wry smile, “Don’t worry, I won’t be in danger if the universe explodes.”

“Hmph, I can’t forget the sloppy mouth at any time! Then I’m leaving, be careful, and run away when you encounter an enemy you can’t beat.”

“Alright, alright, I must run when the time comes.” Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

Seeing that the tornado also left, Lan Yufeng’s eyes passed through countless obstacles and saw the man who claimed to be the overlord of the universe–Boros.

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