Comprehensive Manga: Uchiha Dimension Restaurant

Chapter 1025

1023. Mikoto’S Team Loses And All Members Are Eliminated

Twenty minutes into the game, a small-scale team battle broke out in the bottom lane.

Anyway, her enchantress has four displacements, the big deal is that she will just run directly when the time comes.

In addition, the extra individual was caught and killed once before, which was a great blow to her, causing her mentality to have problems.

But Itachi’s mantis has been restrained by the demon, and it is impossible to support Obito and others.

“Not fair! Not fair! Misaka asked for a rematch! Why would he threaten our players?

In the next game, the two sides frequently broke out team battles, and the fighting became more and more fierce.

[The first round of PK competition is over, congratulations to team 1 for winning]

Seeing that the mantis wanted to leave, Shokuhou immediately controlled the enchantress to move back.

If she dares to disobey Madara’s words, what if Madara takes revenge against her after the game is over?

“Wow! 35

No way, for his own safety, Shokuhou had to do this.

At the same time, Ali was also rushing to the bot lane to support him, and he was about to come to the bot lane soon.

And Shokuhou is pinning Itachi’s mantis, preventing the mantis from going to the bottom to support Obito and others.

Although Meiqin and their game skills are very powerful, their equipment has been crushed by Madara and others by 5.2.

Now that Itachi and Ahri have arrived at the bottom, under the attack of the two, she and Misaka No. 10032 have only one dead end.

“Hey! How did you get scared away by others? Are you kidding me?”

She didn’t expect Shokuhou to be scared away by Madara, she’s definitely finished!

In this team battle, basically every time Madara’s team won.

After seeing this scene, Fanwai’s eyes widened, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

So the final outcome can be imagined. It didn’t take long for Meiqin and the others to lose the game, and they were pushed out of the base by Madara and others.

The notification sound that they were killed also spread throughout the Internet cafe.

Indeed, Madara’s behavior of threatening Shokuhou just now violated the competition rules.

Shokuhou raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and began to manipulate the mantis that the enchantress had been keeping itachi at bay.

Hearing Madara’s roar, Shokuhou was instantly frightened and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Not to mention a mere mantis, even if Ahri rushes to the bottom of the river now, the bee-eater monster will not die.

As long as the enchantress keeps her distance after she is invisible, even if the mantis is invisible, don’t even think of touching the enchantress “Twenty Two”

Not only has four displacements, but also uses magic chains to control the enemy.

“Really…I’m really sorry Madara, I…I’ll leave right away.”

“Cough, because Madara violated the rules of the game, he was given a yellow card warning. If he commits another crime, Madara will be directly disqualified from the game.

“It’s now.”

“This is not good.”

Shokuhou is also in a bad state. Since being threatened by Madara, she has become a little confused.

And Itachi’s mantis has only a certain displacement. After attacking the enchantress, Itachi’s mantis will not be able to touch the enchantress.

Although Yaoji’s blood volume has been crippled, the hero of Yaoji is very flexible.

Without Shokuhou’s restraint, Itachi’s mantis immediately ran towards the bottom road.

[Night Hunter (Kill) Tauren Chief]

While Shokuhou was operating the enchantress in the game, while observing Itachi’s panicked expression, he instantly felt a sense of revenge.

Based on their current state, they simply can’t show their true level.

Because after losing a few teamfights, Madara and the others’ economy is far ahead of Mikoto’s team.

“Ness! It seems that Madara doesn’t only give away heads, he can still play a role in critical moments!”

“Beautiful Madara! Great job!”

When the extra individual was killed, she pointed at Madara angrily and protested in dissatisfaction.

The team of Madara and others chose to play normally.

Because she has absolute confidence to contain Itachi, and she can also ensure that her enchantress will not die.

The team of Mikoto and others has been playing around the top lane, and seems to regard Madara as a breakthrough.

When he came back to his senses, Shokuhou agreed to Madara’s request, and then controlled the enchantress to leave the bottom road.

If the stalemate continues like this, Obito and Shisui will be killed by the opposing bot lane duo.

Now his mantis can’t walk away, and he can’t kill the enchantress.

This is a threat to the personal safety of other players and should be punished.

Faced with this situation, even the strongest Mikoto is powerless to Revolving Heaven.

However, just as Shokuhou was proud, Madara, who was sitting next to her, was angry.

Sure enough, soon the fanwai individual and Misaka No. 10032 went home to soak in the hot springs.

“It’s so noisy! You girl doll leave me right away, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!

Because the person she is most afraid of is Madara. Ever since Shokuhou checked Madara’s memory in the forbidden world, Madara has become her nightmare.

When he found out that Shokuhou’s enchantress had escaped, Obito burst into a smile and couldn’t help but praise Madara.

So Shokuhou had to admit that she was too afraid of Madara.

Because Madara’s team had established an advantage before, both Obito and Itachi took a lot of kills.

I have to say, the hero of Yaoji is really disgusting, it’s so annoying!

“Ahhhh, Mr. Itachi, I’m so sorry. I won’t let you support your teammates, so just stay here and play with me.

“Hee hee, Mr. Itachi, I advise you to give up, you can’t run away.”

[Void Predator (Kill) Runaway Lolita]

Shisui also gave Madara a thumbs up and cheered loudly.

In contrast, Shokuhou’s expression was very calm, not panic at all.

Shisui and Obito are doomed unless Mantis arrives in time to help turn the tide.

Itachi frowned, slowly starting to panic.

So Itachi simply gave up chasing the demon, and let the mantis turn and leave, wanting to support Obito and others.

In the next second, Guo Huang at the front desk immediately gave Madara a verbal warning, which temporarily calmed the anger of the extra individual.

While keeping a distance from the praying mantis, she controlled the mantis with a chain, preventing the mantis from supporting her teammates.

I saw Madara suddenly yelled at Shokuhou, and then made a vicious threat.

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