Comprehensive Manga: Uchiha Dimension Restaurant

Chapter 1031

1029. I’M Sorry, It’S All Our Fault

In the Internet cafe of the Dimension Restaurant, the last round of PK competition is currently underway.

Aqua grabbed her hair and shouted loudly: “Wow! This goddess has lost! How is this possible!”

But there is one thing to say, at the beginning, Limuru and the others thought that Guizhuzhen and others would be very powerful.

Is this TM looking down on them?

Although the ghostly beast really expected the current result, his heart was still broken, it was worse than eating shit!

Holy crap! It shouldn’t be!

[Congratulations to team 10 for winning, but you won too fast, which doesn’t show your game level at all]

Only Darkness showed a satisfied expression: “Hmm~ It’s really comfortable, and it feels good to be ravaged in the game.”5

As a jungler, Megumin comforted Aqua with a smile, but she chose Leona with her backhand. 29

“Support Garen? Jungle Leona? What heroes are you idiots picking!

Aqua stared at the computer screen in a panic, and danced and patted Guizhuzhen next to her.

In less than fifteen minutes, the base on Guizhuzhen’s side was flattened by Limuru and the others.

You are obviously a group of rookies and you choose heroes blindly? I really don’t understand what you are pretending to be!

At this moment, Darkness, who was the top orderer, immediately chose a nurse and shouted excitedly.

As everyone expected, just a few minutes after the game started, the Ghost Real team made frequent mistakes.

It seems that sometimes the victory comes too fast and it is not good, which can make people feel that there is no game experience.

Isn’t it just winning a little faster! This TM is also wrong? How does your dog system be a referee!

After seeing this scene, let’s not talk about the real reaction of the ghosts and animals, first of all, the ghost dance Tsuji Wu miserable can’t stand it.

“It’s all to blame Mr. Kazuma and the others! If they persisted a little longer, we wouldn’t have won so quickly.”

Even if you don’t want to win, don’t drag me down!

If you choose the wrong hero, choose the wrong hero. Anyway, he never thought he could win this game from the very beginning.

It didn’t take long for both teams to officially enter the game.

The screen switches to the team of Limuru and others.

This makes the ghost really very heartbroken, because he is playing ADC!

“Oh, it’s okay, I’m used to it.”

This feeling is so uncomfortable!

Faced with such an outcome, Aqua was unhappy on the spot.

“Get started! I can’t wait!”

Ainz Urgong covered his forehead and sighed speechlessly.

Because he finally realized profoundly that as long as he had a group of coercive teammates like Aqua, it would be impossible to win at all.

Holy crap! I’m really convinced you bunch of scumbags!

Looking at the three pit teammates, Sato Kazuma’s mouth twitched twice, suddenly wanting to die.

[Therefore, after some consideration, this system finally decided to cancel your qualifications for the competition and eliminate you all]

For him, instead of continuing to be shameful here, it is better to quickly show off.

With such a group of immortal teammates, the final outcome of the Hezhen team can be imagined. Naturally, they lost miserably.

They secretly made up their minds that they must teach the ghost team a hard lesson!

The ghost really didn’t accuse Aqua, but sighed calmly, it was really self-defeating.

He was obviously playing ADC, but he couldn’t even make up a single pawn.

Seeing Guiwu Tsuji Wumisui holding his head in his hands, he couldn’t help but feel the urge to complain.

To be reasonable, will you TM choose a lineup? Hey! You don’t want to win, do you?

Megumin also felt unacceptable: “Really…I can’t believe that I…will lose?”

I saw Sato Kazuma sighed heavily, then turned around and slipped away.

Obviously, Darkness wouldn’t play League of Legends at all, she was just a random hero.

At this moment, he is already like a ghost and beast, and gradually begins to give up on himself.

Although the game has just begun, for Guizhuzhen, the game has already ended from the beginning.

Sato Kazuma sat slumped on the gaming chair, his expression full of despair.

At the same time, Limuru, Ainz Urgong, Boruto, Zoryana, and Nobita were also stunned.

To be fair, don’t we just eat 100 million points?

Until now, Limuru, Ainz Urgong, Boruto, Zoryana, and Nobita are still stunned.

Of course, these are not the most outrageous, the most outrageous is actually Darkness.

The first is Megumin, this guy is playing as a jungler and went to the middle to grab the troops!

Hearing this sentence, the ghost almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

They couldn’t understand, why the ghosts really chose a bunch of weird heroes?

At this time, Kiwu Tsuji Wumisi’s face flushed with anger in an instant.

After all, Guizhuzhen and the others were so confident in their hero selection, and they were both Garen’s support and Leona’s jungler, so they all pretended to be.

Isn’t it? Can this be blamed on us too?

The blogger showed a small look of resentment, and glared at Kazuma Sato who was already hiding in the corner.


However, just as Limuru and the others were complaining about Hezhen Squad in their hearts, the system’s prompt sound also sounded at 220.

They won so beautifully, but they were eliminated by the system in the end?

After the sound of the system ended, Limuru and the others were dumbfounded.

“Oops! I accidentally picked the wrong hero! What should I do, Kazma?”

As early as the moment the game started, Darkness, who was the top laner, rushed under the enemy’s defensive tower and went to fight against the opposing top laner against the tower’s attack.

Thinking of this, Limuru and the others all soared in anger.

Grandma drops! It’s too arrogant!

Is it possible to blame everything on us just because of our food?

Followed by Aqua, her Garen has been robbing ADC troops!

“Oh, I knew it.”

“Hmph, don’t worry, Aqua, as long as I am here, the championship will definitely be won.”

Sure enough, when it came time to pick a hero, Aqua, who was a support, chose a Garen!

Because this match ended so quickly, they won’t even show their true skills, so they won Guizhuzhen and the others.

Because the ghosts really know that as long as there are Aqua and the others, this game will definitely lose.

“I thought I’d be eliminated, but I didn’t expect to be eliminated in this way. 35

As a result, after a long time of trouble, it turned out to be a group of veggies! Really fuck makes people speechless!

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