Comprehensive Manga: Uchiha Dimension Restaurant

Chapter 999

997. The Changes In The World Of Kamen Rider, The Time Robber Was Destroyed By The Group

Five minutes later, in the chat group, Accelerator followed Guo Huang’s instructions and told all the regular customers about the Comic Con competition.

Accelerator: “@All members. The boss is going to hold a comic exhibition competition this afternoon, and wants everyone to go to the comic exhibition to distribute flyers.

Accelerator: “As of 8:00 p.m., whoever sends the most flyers will win the championship, and the winner can ask the boss to realize a wish.

As soon as the news came out, the group instantly exploded.

Tony Stark: “I don’t remember there was a game contest tonight? And now there’s another comic-con contest going on?”

Yuan Dagu: “Isn’t it good? If we hold two games, it means that we have another chance to realize our wishes. 35

Uzumaki Naruto: “Well, that sounds like a good idea. When does the afternoon game start? I want to go.

Uzumaki blogger: “Idiot dad, people just said it was held in the afternoon, it must be starting now.”

Sato Kazuma: “Oh! It turned out to be a comic exhibition competition? Then I have to go.”

Limuru: “Agreed! I haven’t been to Comic-Con for a long time! It’s so nostalgic.”

Kakarot: “Yo Xi! I’m going to the competition too!”

I said to myself: “Well, since that’s the case, let’s go together.”

God of Destruction Beerus: “Hey! You guys are not allowed to fight me for the championship! Otherwise, be careful I will destroy you! I must win the championship this time, and let the boss cook me the best food in the world! 99

A few minutes later, the news in the group kept ringing, and many people were very interested in this Comic Con competition.

In particular, Kazuma Sato, Ainz Urgong, and Rimuru.

As hardcore otakus, they signed up one after another and couldn’t wait.

Even if they can’t win the championship, it doesn’t matter, as long as they can go to the comic exhibition, they will be satisfied.

Vegeta: “Hmph, last night’s championship was snatched away by that dead shemale Demon Mai Tsuji, this time I must win the championship”!

At this moment, Vegeta suddenly sent a message, saying that he must win the championship.

Seeing this news, all the customers who didn’t come to the restaurant last night were stunned.

What the heck? Last night’s champion was snatched away by Kiwu Tsuji Wumai?

What does this mean? Was there a game last night too?

Obviously, Vegeta’s remarks have aroused the curiosity of some people.

Kazuya “@vegeta. You mean, the boss also held a competition last night? And also let the Onimai Tsuji no miserable guy win the championship?

Dragon Maid Thor: “Yes, yes! Last night, the master held a heavy taste competition, but I didn’t expect that the dead shemale won the championship!

Shogo Joban: “Eh? Heavy… heavy taste competition? I’ve never heard of such a strange event.

Future Kadoyaji: “Well, it looks like we missed something interesting last night.”

In the world of Kamen Rider, mature Xiao Ming is holding his mobile phone to observe the news in the chat group.

Beside him, Kazuya Shi and Shogo Joban stood.

“How? Are we going to play this afternoon?

I saw Shuanggo Joban suddenly turned off his mobile phone and began to ask Menyaji and mature Xiaoming for their opinions.

“Of course I’m going, yesterday was busy all day, it’s time to relax today.

Menya Shi nodded without hesitation, and said in a lazy tone.

That’s right, the three of them were busy all day yesterday, and now is the time to relax.

As for what were they doing yesterday? Of course, they were going to eliminate the robbers.

Brother Mature Xiaoming said before that he wanted to help Zhuangwu Victory to eliminate the robbers.

After a whole day of hard work, they finally destroyed the lair of the robbers yesterday, and also eliminated the boss of the robbers, Swarutz.

This is very normal, after all, the current Vivian Zhuangwu has absorbed all the power of Lao Zhuangwu, and can transform into the king of the devil at any time.

Moreover, Shuanggo Vibrant is not fighting alone, and he has Men Yashi and mature Xiaoming as helpers by his side.

With the combined force of these three people, eliminating a Swarutz is simply easy, even effortless!

Not to mention one Swartz, even 10,000 Swartz is not enough for the three of them to fight!

But after eliminating Swarutz, they also spent a lot of time doing the aftermath, which is why they didn’t come to the Dimension Restaurant last night.

“I think so, let’s go.

At this time, the mature brother Ming agreed with Men Yashi’s point of view, and decided to go to Guo Huang to participate in the afternoon game, just go out to play.

They had such a big win yesterday and they should have gone out and celebrated together.

After making the decision, the mature brother Ming opened the dimensional channel with his dimensional mobile phone.

Afterwards, the three of them went to the Dimension Restaurant together.

Not only them, but also other old customers who want to participate in the competition are also going to the Dimension Restaurant.

Meanwhile, at Dimension Restaurant.

The employees have changed their clothes and are taking the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

Everyone was ready to go out and hand out flyers.

As for Misaka No. 10032, this girl had already arrived on the first floor ahead of schedule.

She is currently sitting in a chair, engrossed in reading a book.

And the name of this book is actually called “”|| How to develop green tea. 55

At this moment, the elevator finally descended from the top floor of the twentieth floor to the first floor.

Immediately afterwards, ten people came out of the elevator and slowly walked to the lobby on the first floor.

They are: Guo Huang, Lord Madara, Hashirama, Obito, Shisui, Itachi, Lin, Fafner, Jotaro, Accelerator.

“Huh? What the hell! You… what are you looking at, girl?

As soon as he came to the lobby, Guo Huang found the book in the hands of Misaka 10032, which made him stunned.

Because the title of this book is called The Way to Cultivate Green Tea?

Man! What a shit book this fuck is!

How can you, a little girl, read this kind of book? Your soul will be poisoned by this kind of book!

If you start reading this kind of book at a young age, won’t you be the ultimate green tea bitch when you grow up?

How can this TM work!

No no no! Guo Huang must stop this from happening!

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