Conan: The truth lies only within the range of fire

Chapter 64 Firefight

Conan witnessed a robbery.

But because they alerted the robbers, they drove away directly.

Conan uses a skateboard equipped with a high-performance solar engine, powered by solar rays, equipped with a turbocharger, and using Newton's coffin board as the board surface to catch up with the robbers.

Conan's actions directly frightened the police officers who were watching in the dark.

A little kid, skating on a Newton's coffin board with a speed of almost 80 kilometers per hour, was chasing the armed robbers.

Isn’t this lighting a lamp in the toilet to seek death?

One of the policemen immediately drove and blocked Conan's path.

Conan fell down and his eyes flashed with stars.

Conan, who recovered, found that the robber's vehicle had disappeared.

"Damn it! They escaped!"

The police officer who got out of the car to see if Conan was alright was shocked when he heard Conan's words.

What, do you still want to subdue a robber with a gun?

Conan, who failed to chase the robbers, had no choice but to return to Siling Bank.

Miyano Akemi, who had been missing for a long time, arrived late after the police arrived at Mitsubishi Bank.

At this time, Miyano Akemi had hidden one billion yen in a safe east of Miwa Station.

During Conan's reasoning, he discovered that there was a big problem with the staff of Mitsubishi Bank.

Among them is Miyano Akemi.

After completing the routine questioning by the police, Miyano Akemi received a call just as she left Mitsubishi Bank and got into her car.

Gin's cold voice reached Miyano Akemi's ears.

"Conduct the transaction now, and you immediately go to the abandoned factory area at 8-chome, Cupido Town."

Miyano Akemi asked: "Isn't it agreed that the transaction time will be two days later?"

"You have no choice. Come here now, if you still want you and your sister to leave the organization."

Before Miyano Akemi could speak again, Gin had already hung up the phone.

Miyano Akemi had no choice but to drive to Cupido Town.

However, Miyano Akemi did not take away the billion yen hidden in the safe east of Yoneka Station, but went alone.

Miyano Akemi, who understands organizational style, knows that this billion yen is her trump card.

If this trump card is handed over directly, it is very likely that Gin will turn his back on him.


Akai Shuichi looked at the phone in a daze.

Above is the text message Miyano Akemi sent her before taking action.

[Majesty, if you can leave the organization in this way, can you date me as my real boyfriend...]

Akai Shuichi's eyes were cold and firm. He covered his phone and said, "Let's go to Cupido Town."

Akai Shuichi walked in front.

Followed by dozens of FBI members.


Amuro Toru's subordinate Yuya Kazami notified the police on standby.

"Leave now and go to the abandoned factory area of ​​8-chome, Cupido Town! Be prepared for the possibility of a fight at any time!"

A car flooded the street, heading for Cupido Town.


The destinations of the three forces are all the abandoned warehouses at 8-chome, Cupido Town.

At this time, Kamiya Minazuki, Gin, and Vodka had arrived at the abandoned factory area in advance, waiting for the arrival of Miyano Akemi.

Two snipers, Chianti and Cohen, have occupied the commanding heights near the abandoned factory area and are on standby.

"Gin! Miyano Akemi has driven in, but something is wrong!"

Keir's voice came from the tiny headphones in Gin's ears.

Gin's eyes flashed: "What's going on?"

"Behind Miyano Akemi's car, many unidentified vehicles appeared. They seemed to be personnel from two forces. They parked outside the abandoned factory area and had already entered the factory area."

Gin frowned.

Among the two forces, besides the FBI, which other force is there?

"Chianti, Cohen, can you shoot me?"

"No, there are many people on the other side. Once a shot is fired, our position will be exposed!"

"Bourbon, Kil, have you found Shuichi Akai?"

"No, it cannot be ruled out that Shuichi Akai has entered the factory."

At this moment.

A red car parked outside the warehouse where Gin, Vodka and Kamiya Minatsuki were.

Kamiya Minayuki's expression was solemn.

On the one hand, she is worried that Miyano Akemi will reveal her flaws.

On the other hand, he was worried that Gin would directly shoot and kill Miyano Akemi.

Kamiya Minayuki felt a little anxious.

'What is this guy Akai doing? ! '

However, when Miyano Akemi got out of the car and saw Kamiya Minazuki, her expression did not change at all.

Miyano Akemi walked towards the warehouse.

Gin had already drawn his pistol, preparing to shoot Miyano Akemi to lure out Akai Shuichi.

And Kamiya Minazuki was ready to draw his gun at any time, and killed Gin first before Gin killed Miyano Akemi.

Since something went wrong with Shuichi Akai, he has to rescue Miyano Akemi.

However, Gin's eyes suddenly flickered, and a mirror reflection hit his face.

"Sniper scope!"

Gin immediately gave up shooting Miyano Akemi and rolled to the left.

next moment.

There was a bullet hole where Gin was standing before.

Kamiya Minatsuki and Vodka immediately found a bunker to hide.

On an extremely secluded rooftop in an abandoned factory area, Akai Shuichi was lying on the ground with a sniper rifle in his hand and a smile appeared on his lips.

After firing the shot, Shuichi Akai immediately took the sniper rifle and rushed into the corridor with a flying dive and roll.

After that, a large number of bullets landed on the rooftop where Shuichi Akai was.

"Gin! Found Akai Shuichi! He hid in the corridor!"

Gin said coldly: "Let all members of the organization take action!"

In an instant.

Fierce fighting began throughout the abandoned factory area.

The warehouse where Kamiya Minatsuki and the others were located was already shrouded in smoke from smoke bombs, making it difficult to see anything. Bullets were continuously fired into the warehouse, making the three of them afraid to show their heads easily.

Gin ordered the three Cohens at the commanding heights: "Kill Miyano Akemi!"

Cohen's urgent voice came from Gin's earphones; "Our sniper position has been discovered and encountered fierce firepower. The opponent has heavy weapons! We have now been forced to move, without Miyano Akemi's field of vision!"

Gin's face was extremely gloomy.

I thought it was a foolproof plan, but I didn't expect that the other party was even more prepared.

At this time, Miyano Akemi was hiding behind the car and was at a loss.

The moment Gin took out his pistol just now, he thought his life had come to an end.

But not only did Gin fail to shoot, but he seemed to have been shot at.

Then there were sounds of various firefights outside.

In the smoke.

A hand suddenly grabbed Miyano Akemi's arm.

Miyano Akemi, who was unaware of the situation, took out a pistol and wanted to shoot.

"Mingmei, it's me."

Hearing the familiar voice, Miyano Akemi was extremely surprised: "Your Majesty?!"

"It's dangerous here, come with me!"

Shuichi Akai pulled Miyano Akemi away from the smoke area.

Akai Shuichi's voice came from the headphones of Kamiya Minazuki and Amuro Toru.

"Mingmei has been received."

Hearing that Miyano Akemi's rescue had been successful, Kamiya Minatsuki breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was finally his turn to serve the organization!

"Hey, Gin, Vodka, I'm planning to break out. If you want to stay here, it's up to you."

Kamiya Minatsuki picked up a submachine gun and began to break forward.

Gin and Vodka followed Kamiya Minatsuki out of the smoke area of ​​the warehouse.

After leaving the smoke area, Gin looked extremely ugly when he saw the scene of the abandoned factory area.

Artillery fire roared and flames flew everywhere.

Gin never expected that the FBI would be so bold as to use heavy weapons in Japan.

Gin suddenly thought of a possibility.

The other force is the Japanese official, and the FBI used heavy weapons with the authorization of the Japanese official!

And outside the abandoned factory area.

A small figure stared dumbly at the abandoned factory where the firefight was taking place.

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