Conan: The truth lies only within the range of fire

Chapter 664 There is another foreign aid

In order to ask Kamiya Mingetsu to help, Conan also yelled "Kamiya Daishuaibi" against his will.

However, Kamiya Mingyue curled her lips and said: "You brat calls me Dashaibi. It doesn't make any sense. You might as well call me Akai."

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched crazily.

Not feeling anything?

Then don't let him bark! Don’t you know he’s also ashamed when he screams? !

However, Kamiya Minazuki did not embarrass Conan and Akai Shuichi again.

Conan and Akai Shuichi let out a long breath.

It's really tiring every time you talk to Minaya Kamiya, because you never know whether the next thing you say will offend him. If you offend him, you will definitely be retaliated by this petty guy.

Conan said to Akai Shuichi: "Mr. Akai, I just asked Teacher Judy, but I'm not sure whether Teacher Judy can find Osamu Inoue."

Akai Shuichi pondered for a moment and then said: "I also have a foreign aid. His mind is smarter than mine and he is also good at reasoning. With his help, we might be able to find Inoue Osamu smoothly.

Now you don't have to worry about Inoue Haru. What you should worry about now is yourselves. You must hide before Kamiya and I arrive! "

Conan replied seriously: "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Sera Masumi, who was standing at the door watching Maiko Shiragato, turned to stare at Conan and asked: "The person who is talking to you on the phone is what you call one of your own? Are there two of them?"

Conan pretended to be confused and said, "What did you say?"

Sera Masumi analyzed: "One is the person you call teacher, and the other is the one with the sniper rifle. He may be from the FBI, but judging from your attitude just now, it seems that Kamiya Minazuki is here. If you say so, I There are three people?”

Conan looked at Sera Masumi calmly and looked at each other without answering.

At this time, the announcement on the maglev train sounded.

"The train will arrive at Shibahama Station in 15 minutes and will start to slow down in five minutes!"

Sera Masumi stared into Conan's eyes. She wanted Conan to reveal some information to her.

Especially regarding Minazuki Kamiya and the FBI. In Sera Masumi's view, Minazuki Kamiya is really a criminal. If the person using the sniper rifle is the FBI, why would the FBI be with the criminal Kamiya Minazuki?

Sera Masumi heard the vibration coming from Conan and reminded: "The phone is ringing."

Conan took out a second cell phone from his pocket and connected it.

Sera Masumi was surprised to see Conan's second identical mobile phone.

Mao Lilan's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Shinichi, where are you? Dad called me and said that he lost the prisoner at the North Exit of Xingangbin. Shinichi..."

Conan hung up the phone. By answering the call, he was revealing his identity to Sera Masumi.

But Sera Masumi already knew that Conan was the little boy ten years ago.

Sera Masumi looked at the mobile phones held in Conan's left and right hands: "Mobile phones, you brought two."

"um, yes."

After Conan answered Sera Masumi this time, he called Judy: "Hey, teacher, do you have any clues about the prisoner's location now?"

Judy replied: "It should be near the Gangbei exit."

Cameron speculated: "If the prisoner started from Shinkohama and took the Kohoku exit, he should be planning to take the Third Keihin to Tokyo."

Akai Shuichi's voice came from the other Cameron mobile phone in Judy's hand: "He may just be hiding his identity, but he actually went to the coastal area along the downstream line."

The voice of Haneda Hideyoshi came from Cameron's mobile phone: "Then what is he trying to do?"

After Conan hung up the phone, Akai Shuichi dialed Haneda Hideyoshi's number and established an online multi-person chat with Haneda Hideyoshi and Cameron's mobile phones.

Haneda Hideyoshi in the hotel looked at the map and said: "I think we should not make things too complicated. For example, the Industrial Avenue in front of the Kohoku exit extends to the east. If you go west, you will pass through the crossroads." Kamoike Bridge across the Tsurumi River.

At this time, you should be able to see the maglev train on the bridge, right? "

Akai Shuichi was surprised and said: "Could it be that..."

Judy also realized what Haneda Hideyoshi meant: "Is the prisoner chasing the maglev train?!"

Haneda Hideyoshi said solemnly: "I'm afraid that's it."

Shuichi Akai and Judy thought of a possibility at the same time, that is, the maglev train might suffer disaster!

Because Inoue Osamu couldn't do anything even if he caught the maglev train, and he couldn't get into the maglev train to kill Alan Mackenzie.

Then he must have some means to chase the maglev train and kill Alan Mackenzie without entering the maglev train.

Alan Mackenzie can be killed without entering the maglev train. All Akai Shuichi and others can think of is destroying the maglev train.

As an engineer, Haru Inoue can do this!

Akai Shuichi solemnly said: "Judy!"

Judy also understood the seriousness of the matter: "I know, Cameron! Go to the Duck Pond Bridge now!"

Cameron, the driver of the car, stepped on the accelerator again and sped towards the Yachi Bridge.

When Kamiya Minatsuki heard that Inoue Osamu was likely to destroy the maglev train, the smile on his lips never faded: "This guy is a talent. I like him, and it's not in vain that I helped him."

Hearing Kamiya Minatsuki say, "I helped him," Akai Shuichi turned his head and looked at Kamiya Minatsuki: "You helped him? Did you already know that Inoue Osamu was an accomplice?"

Kamiya Minazuki said with a grin: "I just happened to see Inoue Osamu taking away the unconscious John Fould and Alan Mackenzie when the eccentricity occurred in the medical examination room of the hospital, and then reminded him later , someone just wants to kill his companions on the maglev train."

Kamiya Minayuki had no intention of hiding it at all. If he had, how could Shuichi Akai know about the good deeds he had done, and how could he show off?

Akai Shuichi's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

Now he figured out why his special silver bullet missed, and why Conan said that Maiko Baijiu suddenly became defensive and stood against the wall.

It turns out it was all because of that bastard Kamiya Minatsuki!

Inoue Osamu must have told Shirogu Maiko about his intention to snipe Shirogu Maiko, and then Shirogu Maiko would stand against the wall in case of a sniper attack.

As expected, it was like this again. How could Kamiya Minazuki keep watching the show as an honest bystander? This guy would definitely cause trouble whenever he got the chance.

Now that the situation is urgent, Akai Shuichi has no time to think about what has happened and asks the helicopter pilot: "How long will it take to catch up with the maglev train?"

The pilot replied: "The helicopter is flying at its maximum speed now. If nothing else happens, we will catch up in a few minutes!"

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