Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 173 - exist? Have a mission?

   Chapter 173 Where? Have a mission?

After    made up his mind to “ran into” with the two, Jiang Xia remembered something.

   When he got home, he took out the special organization machine and sent a message to Gin:

  [Does a regular member need to report to other places? I want to travel to Osaka, but I’m afraid you can’t find me when you use me], and then send my ghost to others to kill without authorization.


   In the distance, after the gin was finished, he returned to the car with a bag of documents. Vodka immediately stepped on the accelerator and skillfully fled the scene.

  Gin sat in the co-pilot and threw the bag under his feet.

   He glanced at the news on his phone and was very satisfied with Jiang Xia’s serious and rigorous attitude.

  —There are really fewer and fewer members who are team-minded and think about their bosses. What’s even more rare is that Uzo is not the kind of trash who can’t move and can only be a marionette. On the contrary, the young man can always complete the task efficiently and according to his own ideas on the basis of taking care of the interests of the organization.

  Gin went back in a good mood: [No]

   When the organization has important tasks, it will be notified in advance. And if it’s not an important task, you can ask anyone to do it, and if the person is not there, you can change it, and there is no need to report.

   Wuzuo has just risen up now and is still in a hidden observation period, and he needs a person to transfer between him and the boss. In a few more years, Wu Zuo has become an old employee and can take tasks directly from his superiors.

  Gin counted the time, and only hoped that he could find more capable helpers before that. Otherwise, when Uzo leaves, he may have a little psychological gap, which will lead to a linear increase in the number of other members who have been dealt with due to ineffectiveness… Fortunately, even if Uzo passes the observation period smoothly, the two are in Tokyo. There will be many opportunities for cooperation.

   Thinking of Uzo’s efficiency in performing his tasks, Gin suddenly remembered another thing.

  —Recently, news from Kiichiro Numabuchi came from Osaka.

  Numabuchi Kiichiro used to be a member of the organization. He was initially trained as a killer, but he failed to pass. So it was relegated to the experimental material for human experiments.

  Numabuchi Kiichiro, who had a strong desire to survive, did not want to sit still and fled overnight.

This experience made Numabuchi’s mental state very unstable. As soon as he saw the person wearing black clothes, he felt that it was a member of the organization who came to chase and kill him, so he started to fight back in advance… In this way, Numabuchi Kiichiro was arrested and jailed by the police for killing several innocent passers-by dressed in black.

Not long after   , the escaped king succeeded in escaping again and became a wanted criminal without any news.

   Until a few days ago, no one saw him in Osaka.

   Gin has read the profile of Numbuchi Kiichiro. According to his judgment, Numbuchi Kiichiro did not reveal the organization during his arrest. It is also possible that this person had mentioned it before, but he was just regarded as a lunatic, and no one believed it.

   But in short, this kind of person who knows the inside story of the organization is a very unstable factor, and it is best to silence it.

  Gin then packaged up this latest news, as well as the relevant information of Numabuchi Kiichiro, and sent it to Jiang Xia, who was going to Osaka.

  Although there is already a special person to deal with this matter, but Uzo has gone all the way, so let’s do a task according to the situation.

From Gin’s point of view, since Uzo is traveling, it means that he has no clear goal for this trip – he should just hear that the people in Osaka are more enthusiastic and cheerful, so he wants to experience the customs and customs and wait for the opportunity to find prey. Start.

   After all, according to Gin’s speculation, Uzo’s “assassination” requires a certain amount of communication and inducement. Therefore, compared to Tokyo, Osaka people are more outgoing and better at talking, which allows Uzo to enjoy the joy of killing to the fullest.

  Gin has no problem with this junior’s hobby, but just thinks it’s a waste of time. In that case, why don’t you give Wuzuo a task and let him do something serious along the way.

   Of course, considering that Osaka is unfamiliar to Uzo, looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. So this time the task is not mandatory.

In addition, Gin feels that this is just a reminder to Uzo—Numabuchi Kiichiro has a habit of “attacking people wearing black clothes”, and if I remember correctly, Uzo also firmly implements the organization’s traditions , often in black.

   Therefore, the relevant information in this quest can effectively make Uzo vigilant, and in case of encountering Numabuchi Kiichiro, he can avoid being attacked.


   Jiang Xia swept through the information of Numabuchi Kiichiro, wrote down all the information, and then deleted the letter.

   This sudden task did not trouble him.

   First of all it is not mandatory, the paddling is over.

   In addition, Jiang Xia remembered that when he went to the case of Hattori Heiji this time, he did have the opportunity to come into contact with Kiichiro Numabuchi.

   It will be good to see the situation and deal with it when the time comes. Pretend to try too hard.


   After a few days, Hattori Heiji finally invited Mouri Kogoro, and the Mouri family set off for Osaka.

  Jiang Xia also followed.

   When Hattori Heiji went to pick up people at the station, he was a little apprehensive at first.

   Later, he found out that Conan really didn’t call Jiang Xia, he was relieved and happily took the three of them to visit Osaka.

   A few people didn’t notice any of them, and a winged ghost unknowingly got in among them.

   After visiting the perfect scene, it was time for dinner. Hattori Heiji took Conan and the others to eat at a restaurant he frequented.

  Jiang Xia came to the diagonally opposite side of the hotel, and observed secretly through the open door.

   Actually, as early as the scenic spot, Jiang Xia had already seen Hattori Heiji and his party. But there are so many people in the scenic spot, if Hattori Heiji excuses himself to “break up”, only Conan will be left… I don’t know if the case can be triggered smoothly.

   And restaurants are different.

  —It doesn’t count as an open space. Once the dishes are placed on the table, Hattori Heiji wants to leave again, and it’s not so easy to make excuses.

   Jiang Xia waited at the door for a while, and finally waited for the dish to be served.

   He was about to enter the store for a chance encounter, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of someone approaching him out of the corner of his eye.

   Jiang Xia stopped, turned around, and saw a high school girl with a high ponytail looking at him carefully.

   Jiang Xia had never seen this girl, but considering her hairstyle and the place where she appeared, a name appeared in Jiang Xia’s mind – Yuan Shan He Ye.

  Toyama Kazuha is Hattori Heiji’s childhood sweetheart, and he is regarded as a secret lover of Hattori Heiji.

   The reason for using the word “supposedly” is that Toyama and Ye actually have a very obvious love, but it’s a pity that Hattori Heiji’s steel content is too high, and he just couldn’t understand it.

  Today, Toyama and Ye are here because she wants to see what kind of vixen the “Kudou” that Hattori Heiji talks about every day.

   (end of this chapter)

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