Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 720 - Gin\\\'s Battleground

   Chapter 720 The Battlefield of Gin

   Jiang Xia’s ears moved slightly to catch the point.

  Gin said “not long to live”, not “don’t live tonight”… This shows that he did not plan to shoot the puppet before throwing it into the incinerator as soon as he arrived at the factory.

  ”…” PlanA seems to have a show?

  Jiangxia feels wonderful.

   He followed the words of Gin and said:

   “It is true that he is sometimes too alert. But on the other hand, this is actually an advantage – this time I forgot to tell him in advance that it’s normal to organize a gun…”

   After picking up Matsuda Jinhei, it seems that he has never seen gin. The boss is seen a lot, but the boss doesn’t usually point a gun at people. Jiang Xia really forgot to emphasize to Xingui that Jinjiu had the habit of drawing a gun at will.

   He coughed twice, and made a false promise of goodwill to Gin: “I will add you to his boss list later, and this kind of thing will never happen again.”

   Silently driving the car, a very low-key vodka: “…” Also added to the list… In Uzo’s eyes, is that Chitu an AI who can’t turn his head. No, AI has no brains, no, that’s not the point, the point is that he dared to grab Big Brother’s gun. Why didn’t Big Brother kill him with a single shot, and then kill the culprit next to him who introduced the dangerous elements… Tsk, what a pity.

   The headshot crisis was temporarily lifted, Matsuda Jinping glanced at Jiang Xia and sat up silently, even more low-key than vodka.

  Gin glanced at him.

  Compared to the pure impression of “this is Uzo’s tool man”, at this time, Gin took a more formal look at “Xitu”.

  … This new subordinate that Uzo looked for seems to have more than just sharpness and obedience. Judging from what happened just now, at least his reflexes and strengths are far from simple, and he doesn’t know how strong he was before he was ruined by Uzzo’s mess of interrogation drugs.

  Gin wine turned to Jiang Xia: “What is he good at?”

   Jiang Xia thought about it carefully, and felt that this question should be changed to “What is not good at”, so as to answer it better.

   First of all, eloquence is of course not very good, ghosts can’t speak human words at all.

In addition, the brain may not be enough – Matsuda Jin was a smart man in his lifetime, but unfortunately his body was blown up when he turned into a ghost, and he lost his brain, and he is not like a psychic who can only think rationally with a soul, so now, in his aspect characteristics have deteriorated.

  … But Jiang Xia doesn’t think it’s important. Anyway, he and the ghost can communicate at any time to help him make decisions and provide advice. Even if there is a delay, it’s not a big problem. And most of the time in the future, “Xitu” will actually be himself. After all, it takes more murderous aura than a psychic to open a puppet.

   In short, the problem of the brain can be completely ignored.

   So Jiangxia integrated the current situation and erased a little unimportant information:

   “In addition to eloquence, everything else is good, especially good at repairing all kinds of equipment and boxing – he also repaired the mechanical watch that was damaged by my bravery before.”

  Gin has become accustomed to Uzo’s nonsense at certain times. He decisively ignored the word “fight for righteousness”, which was incompatible with Uzo, and focused on another question: “Boxing?”

  This is not what Gin thought. When he thought that Xi Tu was born in a circus, he actually thought of weapons such as throwing knives, and boxing… always felt more formal.

“Yes, underground fighting seems to be a good one.” Jiang Xia deliberately misinterpreted Gin’s question, diverted the topic from the source of his skills, and patted Matsuda Jinping’s arm twice, “Although it looks a little thin, like A young social animal who has just entered the society, but he is actually very good at fighting – don’t believe it will let him play with vodka later.”

   Driving quietly, the vodka that never even dared to vomit: “?!!”

   No vodka was used to shout “Big Brother!” this time.

  Gin retracted his gun, picked up the cigarette he just left in the ashtray and extinguished it, then lit a new one: “Vodka is a civilian.”

   This is not only to help the younger brother out of the siege, but also to point out this point euphemistically, so that Uzo will not misjudge his force value because of Vodka’s sturdy body, and accidentally kill someone when he scare Vodka.

   Then Gin looked at Matsuda Jinping, and suddenly sneered: “I’m coming.”

   “…?” Jiang Xia was stunned for a moment, and after re-reading the short sentence, combined with what they were talking about before, it was confirmed – Qin Jiu actually wanted to try his tool person.

   For a moment, Jiang Xia was mixed.

  Happy is that Gin seems to recognize the ability of the vest, and seems to have some interest in it. In this way, the probability of passing the interview has increased significantly, and there is no need to mix up from the bottom peripheral members, which undoubtedly saves a lot of murderousness.

   But on the other hand, the appreciation from Gin seems to be a bit too much. Gin doesn’t even care about being caught with a gun just now… This model worker must have taken a fancy to his tool and wanted to dig it for the organization.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Xia became alert.

He didn’t want to hand over the new vest for a long time, and he didn’t want to turn it over to the organization — after all, as “Jiang Xia”, he didn’t usually have much contact with the organization. The next time he performs the mission, he will inevitably be far away from the main body, and the murderous aura he will get will definitely not be comparable to the consumption of opening the puppet. It’s like putting murderous intentions on his own to do tasks for the organization… And even if murderous intentions are not considered, how many ghosts can a peripheral member get on the way? It’s not worth thinking about.

  Jiang Xia thinks it can’t be done.

   However, after observing the gin again, he found that the murderous aura on the other party was still very strong, and Jiang Xia felt that he vaguely understood.

  ——Gin probably didn’t want to rob his subordinates.

Just now, he was briefly taken away by Matsuda Jinhei’s control of the gun. Later, the showdown of “Bibi is a gun or a hand” was forcibly interrupted by a third-party person who loves peace… Maybe gin is actually very good. Care about this, so you want to have a try?

  …The more I think about it, the more I feel that I have glimpsed the truth.

   Although Jinjiu seems to be just a busy cadre, he has a strong personality and is obviously not the kind of Buddhist boss who “lose face when he loses face”. Even if his younger brother praised rum in front of him, Gin would feel awkward.

   Now, in the situation just now, Gin might really care. In particular, Matsuda Jinping’s behavior at that time was actually barely regarded as a “sneak attack” – Jin Jiu usually pointed a gun at people and talked, pointing out that he was used to it, I am afraid that someone would suddenly come up to make his gun.

   As he was thinking, there was a faint light ahead.

   – The old chemical plant has arrived.

  This is actually a stronghold of the organization. It is convenient to destroy stolen goods or destroy corpses. Moreover, the terrain is open and the surrounding area extends in all directions, so it is not easy to be surrounded.

   (end of this chapter)

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