Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Framed Anshan! Kill 2 Birds With 1 St1! 【3】

The third one is delivered! Ask for everything!

“You came right away. At this time, Yuko Ikezawa had already fled, but Akira Fujie mistakenly thought it was Yoko’s treachery, and was even more angry.”

“You attacked him secretly, knocked him unconscious. Then set it up as the scene of his so-called suicide.”

“You get ready with an ice dagger, then push him off the table behind his back, pretending to be Fujie Akiyoshi trying to create a homicide sign. Then turn on the air conditioner to make the ice melt.”

“All of this is to put the blame on Chi Ze Yuko!”

“Next, you didn’t notice the hair in the deceased’s hand, but hurried to pick up Yoko, and persuaded Yoko to hire Mouri Kogoro as a bodyguard, so that Brother Mouri could be your alibi witness. ”

“According to your design, Ikezawa Yuko stole the key and scuffled with the deceased, so there must be traces left, which will give priority to the suspicion of the police.”

“Even if the police didn’t find Yuko Ikezawa, I think you would pass the key theft and lead the investigation object to Yuko Ikezawa without a trace, right?”

Mu Mu lightly completed the reasoning.

“The evidence of the decision is that you left so many fingerprints on the table and the victim’s floor! The police found through comparison that the traces and distribution of these fingerprints are so dense, indicating that you have completed the killing activity here! You Is there anything else to say?”

Where did these fingerprints come from?

This is what Mu Mu left for Kishiyama on the table and the floor while subduing Yoko Okino and Yuko Ikezawa!

Silver Gloves, understand?

“…” Kishiyama was shocked.

He couldn’t accept it at all. Why did the victim leave so many fingerprints on the scene?

Even if he had approached the corpse and left a few fingerprints to explain, but so many dense fingerprints, everyone can see clearly, it is impossible that he just fell!

Then there is only one explanation!

He is the murderer!

Without Yoko Okino’s knowledge, he also came here and completed the murder!

“Mr. Kishida, you!~”

Yoko Okino was shocked.

“It turned out to be you! Do you still want to put the blame on me?” Ike Ze Yuko got angry, rushed up and gave Kishida a slap in the face.

“No!” Conan was shocked, but soon thought of a flaw, and said loudly: “I was able to investigate the scene before, why didn’t I find so many Kishida’s fingerprints? These fingerprints, couldn’t someone get them later?”

Mu Mu pointed to the surveyors.

The uncle Kancha said embarrassedly: “Just now, this Anshan tripped over the body, partially destroying the scene and leaving some fingerprints, so we were not suspicious at first, but Mu Mu Inspector reminded us that we did the scene again. , only to find more evidence!”

“…” Conan’s eyes were dizzy…

What is this all about?

New evidence keeps appearing, and his face is swollen again and again!

Was he really deceived by this Kishida?

Can he predict the prophet, figure out how he will reason, and then deliberately set it up as a double trap that is suspected to be a suicide pretending to be murder, or actually being killed?

Conan is stunned!

“No! I’m not a murderer! Yoko, you have to believe me!” Kishiyama said excitedly: “The reason why I took the evidence was that I felt like your hair…”

“It’s useless to talk!”

Mu Mu looked at Miwako.

Miwako and Takagi, nodded.

Mu Mu Inspector’s reasoning is flawless and very reasonable.

Two decisive pieces of evidence prove that Kishiyama has a great suspicion of murder.

“Let’s go.”

Miwako grabbed Kishiyama and escorted him to a police car.

Kishiyama kept screaming: “I’m not a murderer! I’m not!”

Mu Mu was prompted.

“You cracked the [Idol Secret Room Murder Case]!”

“Kishiyama’s crime value is 500 points, and you get 5,000 justice points!”

“You helped Okino Yoko and Ikezawa Yuko get out of their crimes, and the two idols’ favorability for you increased by 50 points!”

“You get Miwako favorability +10, and Ran Mouri who witnessed the case +10 favorability!”

Ha ha···

Mu Mu watched the gloomy Kishiyama being sent to the police car, and looked at Yoko Okino and Yuko Ikezawa, who were beside him, and summed up silently in his heart…

Well, if you want to blame Kishiyama, you can blame yourself for being an ugly man, while Yoko and Yuko are all beautiful beauties who can warm the bed.

This black pot, you don’t carry it, who will carry it?

Here in this Inspector, the only value of an ugly man is to go to jail!

Of course, the two lively and fragrant beauty idols, Yoko Okino and Yuko Ikezawa, will not be easily let go.

They will go to another prison and be punished, of course, the [Prison of Retribution] and be punished by this Inspector. Wow haha.

“You two, go to the Mihua Hotel, open a presidential suite, and wait for me!”

Mu Mu Inspector looked righteous and ordered Yoko Okino and Yuko Ikezawa.

The two female stars looked at each other, blushing.

But what else? Dare to resist?

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