Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 The Kidnapped Mu Mu Inspector! 【1】

It was updated at 10 o’clock yesterday, why was it swallowed? Sorry everyone, 5 more today! Continuous hair!

The two motorcycles have long since been abandoned in the water under the bridge. As for the two robbers, Mu Mu and a female high school student have nowhere to go…

“Cunning robbers, they have long thought that we will be equipped with GPS! Motorcycles are only to stand out from the encirclement, and they are just to hide people’s eyes and ears!”

Satou was smoking with anger.

“Officer Satou, it’s not your fault. All of us are at fault!”

Takagi tried to console, but was stunned.

Because Satou cried.

This beautiful female detective is crying sadly…

“555, Mu Mu Inspector, he doesn’t have a weapon on him. If something happens, I will blame myself for the rest of my life!”

Thinking of the back of Mu Mu walking towards the bank calmly, and of Mu Mu’s words “I won’t let my subordinates take risks and hide behind”, Satou couldn’t help but burst into tears…

“Don’t worry, Mu Mu Inspector is so shrewd and powerful, it will definitely turn a bad one into a good one.”

Takagi had no choice but to comfort him, but he couldn’t stop Satou from crying.

“Oh? Isn’t this Satou Takagi? What are you guys still doing?”

A tall man in a blue suit snarled: “Mu Mu Inspector is currently in deep danger! We must find his location as soon as possible and save him!”

It was Shiratori Inspector who spoke.

Shiratori Inspector, with the same police rank as Mu Mu, is an Inspector, but in terms of seniority, it is lower than Mu Mu, and is often regarded as a younger brother by Kureme.

In the absence of Kureme, Shiratori has the power to call the shots.

“Yes! Shiratori Inspector!”

Satou and Takagi, hurriedly followed up with their hands, to search for Mu Mu everywhere.

Satou jumped into his red Ferrari, slammed the accelerator, turned into a red phantom, and sped away.

“Mu Mu Inspector, don’t let anything happen to you!”

Satou wiped away tears as he drove hard.

“Unexpectedly, Mu Mu Inspector, you are so impulsive, alas!”

In the eyes of Shiratori Inspector, a trace of regret flashed: “The two robbers are extremely vicious, it seems that the murder is much less. In the future criminal special investigation department, I will be the boss!”

Shiratori is not a bad guy, he just wants to climb up.

At this time, Mu Mu and Xiaolu had already been moved by the robbers halfway.

The two motorcycles were galloping fast, and when they got under the bridge, the two robbers forced Mu Mu and Xiaolu to get off, where a stolen car had already been prepared.

One of the two robbers drove the car, the other stared at Mu Mu and Xiaolu, and drove forward.

“Wow, haha, those incompetent police officers who can only install trackers can never imagine that we have already prepared the escape vehicle here. After changing the car, how do I find them?”

A robber laughed wildly.

“Um, Damn it. There’s a hole in my mask?”

Another robber exclaimed.

The mask in his hand revealed a large hole.

“So what? What about these two people?” Another robber said with a wicked smile, “I’ll do them later!”

When Xiaolu heard it, the two robbers actually went back on their word and wanted to kill themselves, which made Hua Rong pale in fright.


“Haha, girl, you wouldn’t be naive enough to think that the two of us robbed so much money and would keep our promise and release you both?”

The robber laughed wildly and looked at Xiaolu up and down: “Huh? This girl is not bad, it’s a pity to kill it directly. I’ll take it back later, enjoy it first, and kill it before it’s too late…”

Xiaolu was so frightened that she drilled straight into Mu Mu’s arms.

Mu Mu laughed and closed his eyes.

He didn’t look like a hostage at all, more like a taxi driver. The robber is in charge of driving, he is in charge of sitting…

to your lair…

Figure out your people, and move on.

“Hey!” Xiaolu was very angry to find that the Inspector was completely indifferent to the robbers who threatened to rape and then kill him, and he couldn’t help but squeeze Mu Mu: “You useless Inspector! Do you want to sit back and watch me get raped and murdered by robbers?”

Mu Mu pouted: “Aren’t you very brave when you reported the case? Even reckless, why are you cowardly again?”

“Who is counseling?” Little Green said in a loud voice, “I won’t succumb to evil forces! I’m not like some gutless waste Inspector!”

This little green is also strange.

She usually doesn’t like bickering with people.

Why do you always want to bicker with Mu Mu Inspector when you see him?

“Haha” Mu Mu continued to close his eyes and meditate.

“No!” The robber with the torn mask pondered for a while, and said with a sinister look: “My true face was seen by another hostage!”

“You mean? That woman? Not good!”

The other robber was shocked.

“Uh, this matter, the boss must be notified immediately!”

The robber immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

“Boss! That woman, saw my face!”

“What?” The boss on the phone was shocked and angrily said, “Why are you so careless?”

“Sorry, but she knows me, and the possibility of exposing me is very high!” The robber said viciously: “She must be killed!”


On the other side of the phone, the boss seemed rather hesitant, and after a while he said, “I see!”

The phone hangs up.

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