Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 542

Chapter 540 The 1 Person To Solve The Case? White Horse Police Chief! 【1】

It turned out that before the G20 summit building exploded, it was directly taken over by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, and was not under the jurisdiction of the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Then Mu Mu is not responsible.

Bai Ma wants to dump the blame on Mu Mu, which is totally unreasonable.

More and more people stared at the white horse with strange eyes.

Bai Ma’s face was blue and red, and he said viciously: “Mu Mu, you have to be responsible for what you said today!”

“Of course I will be responsible!”

Mu Mu said indifferently: “However, I will be responsible for what I am responsible for, and I will not be responsible for what I am responsible for, and no one else can throw the blame on me! This is my principle!”

The white horse was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that Mu Mu is completely worthy of his superior white horse.

The relationship between the two sides is tense and full of gunpowder.

It was the Prime Minister who stood up and acted as a gentleman: “Okay, now is not the time to argue about who is responsible. We should work together to investigate what’s going on in this case? Give the Japanese people a good explanation.”

Bai Ma and Mu Mu looked at each other and snorted, and turned their heads away.

The two sides began to seriously examine the mystery of the explosion of the G20 summit building.

Hakuba walked into the explosion site with Mu Mu09 and started an investigation.

The Prime Minister was behind and said solemnly: “Everyone, who can solve this case first, and who is the great hero of Japan. The G20 summit is about to start. We must not leave such a big hidden danger, and the bomber must be caught. Otherwise, the heads of countries at the G20 summit will be worried, and they will even miss this important meeting. For me, Japan’s face is tantamount to a slap in the face.”

Television also broadcast the Prime Minister’s speech publicly.

The entire Japanese people are talking about the explosion of the G20 summit building.

“It’s terrifying, it’s terrifying!”

“Doesn’t the government know what the hell is going on? Don’t they know at all?”

“This incident is comparable to 911 in the United States.”

“However, fortunately we have Mu Mu police surveillance, should be able to solve the case?”

Bai Ma looked at the whispers around him and various reports on TV, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Only then did he realize that before he knew it, Mu Mu had grown into such a formidable opponent.

His popularity among the Japanese people has completely surpassed himself.

When it comes to the Japanese police, the Japanese people only know Mu Mu, not themselves!

How can Hakuba, the number one boss of the Japanese police, bear this?

With a gloomy expression on his face, he shouted sharply to several elite subordinates directly under the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department: “Listen to me, I must get ahead of Mu Mu and solve this case. We can’t let Mu Mu get the limelight anymore! Too passive! Did you hear that?”


Several experts from the Metropolitan Police Department in Japan stood at attention and shouted together, “Please rest assured, Director, we will definitely be able to solve this case before Mu Mu.”


Hakuba’s face was gloomy: “I am the number one police officer in Japan, and I am the director of the Metropolitan Police Department in Japan! Mu Mu, you are just a frog in the bottom of a well in Tokyo, how dare you face me? I want you to be better off. Die, ruin your reputation.”

Once Bai Ma found out that Mu Mu was a threat to his status, he immediately showed a fierce look.

Mu Mu laughed secretly in his heart.

This case is obviously the theatrical version of 2018 – the executor of zero, the plot.

As a traveler, Mu Mu knows all the plots of the theatrical and animated versions.

Want to compete with me in solving the case?

Oh, I tortured you to death!

He walked slowly into the scene of the explosion.

Satou Miwako and other Mu Mu’s subordinates also hurriedly followed, for fear of any danger to Mu Mu.

“Director Mu Mu, although this place has been cleaned up, the criminals may have left behind any explosives. Please be careful, Director.”

Satou Miwako still admires Mu Mu like a daughter admires her father.

Mu Mu nodded and started searching for evidence at the scene.

However, it seems that the white horse is progressing faster.

This time, the white horse was ruthless, and brought out the most elite special search experts directly under the Metropolitan Police Department in Japan, and a bunch of top experts who solved the case. Together, they must overwhelm Mu Mu!

“Report, we found a set of fingerprints!”

A case-solving expert rushed to the white horse excitedly and reported.

“What? Fingerprints? Very good!”

In front of the Prime Minister and a group of reporters, the Chief of Police White Horse arrogantly said loudly, and glanced at Mu Mu triumphantly: “Hurry up and extract it, let us see, who is so daring? Dare to bomb the G20 summit building?”

The Prime Minister did not expect that the first person to make progress this time was not Mu Mu, the first person to solve the case, but Director White Horse?

“Ginger is still old and spicy.”

The Prime Minister was quite dissatisfied with Director White Horse before, but at this time he has to admit that this old fox is an old man who can always perform amazingly at critical moments. In a case as big as the G20 summit building, if Director White Horse can take a step ahead of Mu Mu Solving the case is very good for his position.

The Prime Minister looked at Mu Mu regretfully, and found that Mu Mu was calm and indifferent at all, and even thought hehe…

Indeed, Mu Mu was not only indifferent to the exaggerated performance of the white horse, but his heart was not fluctuating, and even 447 wanted to laugh at the pig.

White horse, white horse, this time, in order to solve the case, you did your best and used your best efforts.

The elite of the subordinates are all out, and they use so many advanced instruments, right?


In your case, you were easily caught in the criminal’s tricks, and were played with by real criminals.

Ha ha.

Mu Mu knew the identity of the real murderer for a long time, and he could even easily produce evidence, but he just wouldn’t do it!

He was waiting deliberately, waiting for Director White Horse to take the lead in ‘solving the case” and fall into the pit dug by the criminal!

In this way, with Baima’s eagerness to solve the case, he will definitely arrest the unfortunate immediately without saying a word.

Even if he can gain a lot of prestige for a while, but in the future, he only needs a little bit to prove that this is a wrongful conviction, and the prestige of the white horse will drop sharply!

As the saying goes, climb high and fall hard!

If Mu Mu wanted to take credit, he could easily solve the case with just a touch of his finger, but that couldn’t hit the white horse.

Now, Bai Ma is eager for success, and brings it to the door by himself to slap himself in the face, how can Mu Mu refuse such a good thing?

Then watch the white horse show with peace of mind.

When the time is ripe, Mu Mu will give him another fatal blow!

The performance of the white horse really aroused great attention from the media and the public! .

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