Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 561

Chapter 559 Mu Mu God Operates! Hit The Satellite With The Police Car! 【2】

Everyone didn’t understand what Hibuka said, only Director Mu Mu said: “Hibuka, I understand your feelings, only you can do it now, and it should be like this.”

At this time, Director Mu Mu continued.

“It has something to do with you being detained in the Prosecutor’s Office by 231 Yuba’s suicide!”

“Three years ago, Yuba was not admitted to be a prosecutor, and then because of the graduation ceremony, he was disqualified as a lawyer trainee, and even ended his career as a lawyer, and then you can find another One of his assistants, Lawyer Tachibana Mirror, arranged Yuba 231 to work in Lawyer Tachibana Mirror’s law firm. On the one hand, it was to let Lawyer Tachibana Mirror supervise his every move, and on the other hand, it was to cover up Yuba. The identity of the field two and three.”

“But what you didn’t expect is that in the process of getting along with the two “zero zero zero” people, Tachibana mirror lawyer will fall in love with Yuba 231, and soon you will let Yuba 231 invade the game company in order to test the system , was found and arrested, and in order not to reveal your identity, he chose to commit suicide in the procuratorate!”

“But you don’t know that Yuba 231 is not dead, and is still alive and well under the protection of the police officers of the Ministry of Public Security, Yukiko!”

“Yes!” At this time, Kudou Yukiko quickly took out another mobile phone to connect to the video. The person on the screen was Hanba 231 who should have died three years ago.

In the picture, Hanba 231 looks more mature than three years ago, and he said a few words to Hibuka with a smile on his face.

After a while, Hibuka’s face showed a very painful expression, and then he slowly knelt on the ground and said the password with difficulty.

At this time, the satellite finally changed its previous orbit, but because of the separation, the speed of the satellite’s fall was accelerated, and the direction was deviated!

At this time, Director White Horse suddenly stood up and said, “Director Mu Mu, what should we do now?”

Mu Mu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: “Director White Horse, I just said a few minutes ago that everything is up to me, but how did you do it? Who asked you to transfer all the staff to the Carrosino Tower!”

This time, the corners of Director White Horse’s mouth twitched rapidly, yes, Mu Mu didn’t say it, he made the decision privately!

But who would have thought that the fallen ‘Shiratori’ satellite would de-orbit and fly towards the Canosino Tower!

“Director Mu Mu, if the satellite falls on the iron tower, countless people will…” At this time, Director White Horse slammed on the table angrily, lowered his head and said with great remorse: “Director Mu Mu, please!”

He didn’t want to be a sinner for the whole country, and he didn’t want to cause many citizens to die tragically because of his stubbornness!

If not dealt with in time, their Metropolitan Police Department will become the sinner of the country!

Director Mu Mu said with a smile: “As a director of the Ministry of Public Security in Japan, it is my duty and obligation to protect the rights and safety of the people. Don’t worry, I will handle the rest!”

Then Mu Mu got the girl who had been driving for him out of the car and waited in the Metropolitan Police Department with Kisaki Eri and Xiao Ran.

The Metropolitan Police Department is by far the safest place to be.

It’s just that the dark Metropolitan Police Department is very empty, only Xiao Ran and other women in Mu Mu’s harem.

Kisaki Eri looked anxious and asked Kudou Yukiko, who was standing beside him: “Yukiko, Mu Mu brother…”

“Mu Mu is the best man I’ve ever met. He is beyond our imagination. We have to believe that Mu Mu will do nothing.” Kudou Yukiko said confidently.

“Yeah!” Kisaki Eri clenched his hands into fists and nodded heavily!

At this time, Director Mu Mu had already driven quickly to the Kano Shino Tower, and unfortunately the entire road was congested!

Seeing that the road leading to the tower is full of congested Mu Mu, I quickly activated the super police system to check the surrounding environment, and found that in addition to this road leading to the Canosino Tower, there is only one subway left open to traffic. route.

No way, Mu Mu had no choice but to slam the accelerator to the maximum, and under the attention of many private car drivers, drove the police car onto the subway rails!

I entered an abandoned and dangerous building along the railroad tracks, slammed the accelerator to the maximum, and ran and flicked my tail in the abandoned building, all of which were seen by everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department, everyone watching While widening his eyes, he also broke into a cold sweat for Director Mu Mu.  …

If the disembodied satellite hits the Kanoshino Tower, there will be many heads of state there.

This time, it is not just a simple incident issue, it has risen to an international issue!

If the explosion of the [Sea Cliff] was sesame, then the current one will become a watermelon!

All departments responsible for this international summit will be condemned and bear all the responsibilities. As the director of the Metropolitan Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security, Director White Horse will naturally bear all the responsibilities.

Director Mu Mu will also be implicated more or less!

Of course Mu Mu doesn’t want to have this kind of blemish in his career.

At this moment, everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department is in a cold sweat for Officer Mu Mu!

Secretly said: Director Mu Mu, come on!

“Come on! Brother Mu Mu!” Kisaki Eri cheered for Director Mu Mu with a blushing face on his pretty face!

I saw Mu Mu driving the police car and rushing towards the satellite that hit the Kano Shino Tower!

Seeing this scene, Kisaki Eri and the other women suddenly went blank in their minds, and tears gradually formed on their cheeks.

“Brother Mu Mu!”

On the other hand, Kudou Yukiko passed out as his eyes darkened.

Xiao Ran is better, at least he can take care of Kisaki Eri and Kudou Yukiko.

In the 2.0 luxury car parked in the famous autumn mountain villa for a few days, Iwai said with a blushing face.

“Brother Mu Mu, hurry up, work hard, they will be here soon!”

The last incident didn’t hurt Mu Mu. In the last few seconds, he jumped out of the car, which perfectly relieved this crisis.

Of course, because of Mu Mu’s extraordinary performance, the Metropolitan Police Department specially held a celebration party for Mu Mu, but Director Mu Mu didn’t like that kind of occasion, but with Xiao Ran, Kudou Yukiko and several other women, The days of racing continued in the mountain village of the famous autumn mountain.

Iwai said cautiously: “Brother Mu Mu, your driving skills are very good.”

“This director has never lost on drag racing skills. Are you talking about the driving skills on your body?” Mu Mu narrowed his eyes. .

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