Conan’s Strongest Uncle

Chapter 43

Chapter 0043 The Meeting At The Rice Flower Hotel

It is imperative to train Xiao Ran. According to Mouri Kogoro, Xiao Ran’s karate is probably between mastery and perfection. Such strength is not enough to encounter danger in the future.

There will be many dangers in the future, both by her side and by Conan’s side, so be sure to help her train her ability to protect herself.

Mouri Kogoro also thought about passing on the cosmic guidance technique he had learned to Xiao Ran, so that she could practice as well, and even thought about saving up points to exchange for Xiao Ran with a surrogate doll that had been drawn by lottery before.

It’s just that the points needed for the dead doll are too high, and it takes a full 100,000 to redeem.

All of this can’t be rushed, it can only be done step by step.

“Okay, Xiao Ran, take a good rest, your feet will be completely healed when you wake up tomorrow.” Mouri Kogoro walked out of Xiao Ran’s room and closed the door by the way.

Xiao Ran, who was on the bed, immediately collapsed on the tatami, leaned on his side, and hugged the quilt beside him.

Mouri Kogoro had a beer in his hand and looked at the heavy snow outside, thinking of Conan who was taken away.

Mouri Kogoro, whose memory was completely restored, of course also remembered Conan’s life experience.

Conan, I didn’t expect you to have such a bumpy life! !

Your father is not actually your father, and your mother is not actually your mother, but my woman. You picked it up. Isn’t the snowy night extra cold tonight!

Thinking of this, Mouri suddenly felt that he was too cruel to this little devil, and he felt a little guilt in his heart.

But when Mouri suddenly remembered the first time he saw this little devil, the slutty baby face said that he couldn’t take a bath.

This is not cruel at all, let the blizzard come harder!

However, since she divorced Kisaki Eri, she hasn’t met Yukiko again. Is this friendship still frozen?

Mouri Kogoro couldn’t help but miss Yukiko deeply in his heart, because in fact, he really hadn’t seen Yukiko for many years. In recent years, Mouri Kogoro went to the United States to find her, but she avoided seeing her.

This time is a good opportunity. I have decided that tomorrow should be at the Rice Flower Hotel, and I will meet her there!

Mouri Kogoro drank his beer in one gulp and went back to his room to rest.

It was almost noon the next day, and Mouri Kogoro, dressed and leaving the office, hailed a taxi from the side of the road.

“Please go to the Rice Flower Hotel.”

The driver of this taxi is actually an old acquaintance. He was the guy who was as chatty as the driver in Sijiucheng last time. He was a middle-aged man with reading glasses and was a little bald.

The guy started chatting to Mouri again as soon as he was driving, and Mouri Kogoro’s expressionless expression didn’t stop him from continuing to talk with the newspaper on his head and pretending to be asleep.

Mouri Kogoro looks like a life without love.

Finally at the Rice Flower Hotel, Mouri ran away after paying the money.

The driver also licked his face and said, “Welcome to the next ride.”

Also next time, I see you close your car door directly.

Mouri Kogoro straightened his clothes and walked into the Rice Krispies Hotel.

He just sat in the hall, covering with a newspaper in his hand, and began to wait.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Mouri Kogoro to see Edogawa Fumyo and a strangely dressed man, Cos Night Baron. This is Yukiko and Kudou Yūsaku.

The two took the elevator to the suite. After a while, the door of the Rice Blossom Hotel opened, and the disguised Conan classmate appeared. Mouri Kogoro hurriedly hid himself. At this time, Conan must not find out.

He hid behind a plant, pierced two holes in the newspaper in his hand, and watched Conan’s every move through the two holes.

Mouri Kogoro snickered as he watched Conan apparently hadn’t slept well and looked contemplative, then jumped up and down, asked the front desk again, and ran to the parking lot.

After a while, at the entrance of the stairs, Conan was seen following a two-meter tall man on the third floor.

In Room 301 of the Rice Blossom Hotel, chickens and dogs began to jump up and down.

And Mouri Kogoro didn’t want to get involved at all, he was drinking tea in the lobby, waiting quietly for Yukiko to come down.

Not long after, four people came out of the elevator, Conan walked in front with a look of anger, and Dr. Agasa followed behind him and comforted in a low voice.

Yukiko and Kudou Yūsaku, who followed behind, still did not lift their disguise. Both of them looked like they had a headache. Yukiko said, “What should I do, Shinichi is really angry?”

“It’s alright, this is also to exercise his reasoning ability. You know, it’s not easy for him to mess with this organization.” Kudou Yūsaku comforted him.

At this moment, Kudou Yūsaku noticed a gaze watching him, and couldn’t help but turn his head and saw a familiar figure, Mouri Kogoro.

Yukiko followed Kudou Yūsaku’s line of sight to see Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Kogoro’s eyes kept staring at Yukiko, Yukiko couldn’t help but open his mouth slightly, very surprised.

I dress up like this and recognize it? ?

“Why did you stop?” Conan rolled his eyes and turned to look at the two of them, but his vision was blocked, and he didn’t see Mouri Kogoro, who was blocked by the wall.

Kudou Yūsaku said, “Shinichi, you go back with Dr. Agasa first, we still have some things to deal with, we will come over later.”

Hearing this, Conan curled his lips in disdain: “Mysterious.” After that, he got into Dr. Agasa’s car and went back to Dr. Agasa’s house.

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