Conan’s Strongest Uncle

Chapter 65

Chapter 0065 Xiao Ran Poisoning Incident

At this moment, Xiao Ran suddenly noticed that there seemed to be an animal swimming between his legs under the water. He couldn’t help but be afraid of a pinch, and immediately felt a slight tingling in the inner thigh.

Xiao Ran couldn’t help but dive his head to the bottom of the sea, and immediately saw a sea snake with wings disappear in front of him, and the dizziness kept hitting him.

She quickly fluttered to the surface and shouted loudly: “Dad, sea snake, there are… sea snakes in the sea.” Xiao Ran passed out without even finishing speaking, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Mouri Kogoro saw This scene turned pale in shock, and threw the Takako in his hand to I Toyo, and hurriedly swam in the direction of Xiao Ran.

He quickly came to Xiao Ran’s side like a flying fish.

As soon as Mouri Kogoro touched Xiao Ran’s body, his face was even more ugly. At this moment, Xiao Ran was in a state of near death. The toxin of this sea snake was so strong that it was useless even for healing techniques. Mouri Kogoro quickly held Xiao Ran’s body. The head kept swimming towards the shore.

The college students on the side also rescued Gui and Zi, and a group of them surrounded Gui and Zi constantly looking for the wound of the sea snake bite.

Mouri Kogoro finally carried Xiao Ran ashore, and Xiao Ai finally caught up with her short legs.

Kogoro kept rummaging for the wound on Xiao Ran’s body with both hands, shouting to Xiao Ran loudly, “Lan, Lan, hold on, tell Dad, where did you get bitten?” Mouri was panicked like a child at the moment.

Xiao Ran pointed weakly under his body, and Mouri Kogoro immediately found two small teeth marks on the inner thigh.

He quickly let Xiao Ran lie down on the beach, and then placed Xiao Ran’s two snow-white thighs in an M shape.

After that, he leaned down without hesitation. At this moment, he couldn’t care about anything. Xiao Ran’s dying state had already made Mouri lose his mind. He immediately turned his head down, and his mouth went to the sea snake’s wound. Peck on the ground.

“Hmm…” The unconscious Xiao Ran opened his mouth slightly.

Loving father sucks wound venom for poisoned daughter! ! !

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ai’s pupils were constantly shrinking, her mouth was slightly open, her hands were covering her mouth, and she looked panicked.

The impact of this scene is so great that scientists who have always been calm don’t know how to deal with it!

Mouri Kogoro sucked the venom from the wound and spit it out on the sand beside him, his mouth went numb immediately, but he didn’t stop, and he kept repeating the behavior.

Xiao Ai finally reacted and muttered: “Tannin, tannin, yes, the tannin in black tea can neutralize this toxin.” She hurriedly moved her short legs and rushed towards the restaurant. go.

The location of Xiao Ran’s wound was very embarrassing, two fingers away from the center of the M-shaped thigh. This sea snake’s attack was very tricky.

Mouri Kogoro clasped Xiao Ran tightly with both hands, constantly sensing her state, for fear that Xiao Ran would jump from a near-death to a black death!

He kept spitting out the venom sucked from Xiao Ran’s wound, and gradually, the black blood at the wound faded and turned a little red.

Mouri was pleasantly surprised to find that, with the reduction of venom, Xiao Ran’s state dropped from near-death to seriously injured (poisoned state).

The energy drawn from Mouri immediately spread to Xiao Ran’s wound along his mouth.

Healing energy reverberated in Xiao Ran’s wound, Susu Mama’s stimulation erupted in the center of the M word, and Xiao Ran, who was lying on the ground, couldn’t help trembling all over.

Haibara, who came back with a big cup of black tea, saw this scene and couldn’t help but misunderstand: This is… a lie!

At the moment, Haibara just feels like her whole worldview has been shattered.

Looking at Xiao Ran who was fully recovered, Mouri Kogoro finally breathed a sigh of relief, his mouth was completely swollen at the moment, Haibara hurriedly handed over the black tea, Mouri Kogoro took a sip and rinsed, then spit it out.

“Uncle Mouri, why don’t you pour the black tea on Xiao Ran quickly!” Haibara reminded him, but Mouri knew that Xiao Ran had fully recovered at this moment, and the healing technique had been performed, not to mention the toxins in the body, it was the word “M”. The wound in the inner thigh disappeared without a trace.

Due to the barrier of sight, Haibara couldn’t see the wound at all, Mouri Kogoro could only take the black tea and poured it on Xiao Ran’s M-shaped center, pretending to be in a coma, Xiao Ran couldn’t help but be covered in a mess. shake.

Xiao Ran was finally safe and sound, and Mouri Kogoro remembered another person bitten by the sea snake, Toda Takako.

The place where Toda Takako was bitten by the sea snake was the back of her hand, and Itoyo was also giving her emergency treatment, taking venom and tying her arms to prevent blood circulation.

When Mouri Kogoro came, he found out that Takako’s condition was only seriously injured (poisoned).

She and Xiao Ran are in a different state. The reason is that the location of the poisoning is different. The place where Xiao Ran was bitten is the key point, so the poison is so fierce and tyrannical, it immediately turns her into a near-death state. Kazuko was working on the wound, and it was not easy for the venom to circulate throughout the body. Itoyo tied her arm, so the injury did not worsen.

With so many people watching, it is impossible for Mouri Kogoro to expose the healing technique in front of everyone and cure it, so he can only watch from the sidelines, and if the situation deteriorates again, he will take action.

The Xiao Ran poisoning incident this time made Mouri Kogoro completely serious. He thought he could grasp the overall situation by knowing the plot, but he never thought that changes could happen at any time.

However, Mouri Kogoro will never let Xiao Ran get hurt. Mouri Kogoro’s eyes are fixed on the woman with short yellow hair.

After a while, Songqi Yayan kept running towards the beach. The ambulance medical staff followed behind him. The two stretchers were quickly carried over, and the paramedics carried Gui Hezi and Xiao Ran up.

Although Xiao Ran’s body returned to normal, he still pretended to be unconscious, and was carried into the ambulance by the paramedics without any response.

Mouri Kogoro and others hurriedly took a taxi to the hospital. Mouri Kogoro, who was sitting in the taxi, hugged Haibara Ai and was still very scared. He almost lost Xiao Ran just now.

In his mind, the knowledge he had written down by his own knowledge and knowledge kept echoing in his mind. The venom of sea snakes is the strongest among snakes, far surpassing other poisonous snakes on land.

There is a species called Akitlin sea snake distributed near Hawaii. This species has the strongest toxin among all sea snakes and ranks second in the world’s poison king list. It is more poisonous than cyanide. It is 40 times stronger, and only slightly less toxic than the box jellyfish.

If it hadn’t been handled properly, Xiao Ran would indeed have died, and if Takako Toda couldn’t get to the hospital within 30 minutes to inject serum, he would have died.

Xiao Ai looked at Mouri with an ugly face and couldn’t help but say, “Uncle Mouri, don’t worry, she will be fine!”

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