Conquering The Novel

Chapter 167 Temple Of Pazuzu [3]

As I materialized in the new location, I found myself in a grand hall filled with columns and intricate carvings on the walls.

The air was musty, and there was a sense of foreboding that hung heavily in the hall.

I quickly assessed the situation and realized that the ceiling was slowly lowering, reducing the height of the hall with every passing moment.


I noticed a large stone door at the end of the hall, which seemed to be the only way out. However, it was sealed tight and wouldn't budge no matter how hard I tried.

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head, a voice that seemed to be coming from the ancient carvings on the walls.

"Welcome, Mortal," the voice said. "You have been chosen to participate in a test of your skills and cunning. To pass, you must solve the puzzles that lie ahead and defeat the guardians that stand in your way. Succeed and you will earn the right to meet Lord Pazuzu."


"...This is like a scene straight out of a video game," I muttered to myself as I took in my surroundings.

I was well aware that I had to use all my intelligence and skills to solve the puzzles and escape the hall before I became crushed like a bug.



I suddenly heard a loud growl of a monster, and as I hurriedly looked around the room, in the dim light, I could see three humanoid creatures emerging from the shadows.

They had rough, scaly skin and razor-sharp teeth. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and they snarled as they approached me.


"...This is fucking great, now I have to not only solve these puzzles but also defeat these monsters," I said with a hint of frustration in my voice.

As the monsters approached, I reached into my inventory and telekinetically lifted my shurikens into the air, ready for battle as I have no time to waste here.

The first monster, a massive hulking creature with razor-sharp claws, swung its arm at me but I dodged to the side, controlling the shurikens I slice through its limb.


The creature roared in pain as it stumbled back.

At the same time, I summoned my katana and launched a series of swift and powerful strikes, to kill the creature.

—You Have Killed A Humanoid Beast Krallen!

I then used my skill "Fell Crescent" to slice through the second monster, a shadowy beast with eyes that glowed an eerie red.

The monster's body was cut into two pieces as soon as hit by blue Crescent.

—You Have Killed A Shadowfiend!

The final monster, a gnarled and twisted abomination, barreled toward me.

I sprang into action, using my skill "Atomic Slash" to unleash a barrage of devastating blows.

The monster tried to counterattack, but I was too quick, as before even it could react its whole body was cut into pieces.

—You Have Killed A Humanoid Beast Krallen!

With the last monster defeated, I didn't have time to catch my breath. The shurikens and my katana disappeared as quickly as they had appeared as I stored them in my inventory, for there were puzzles waiting for me to solve.

I immediately turned my attention to the puzzles that lay ahead.

The first was a series of levers and buttons that controlled the movement of platforms and gates in the room.

I had to use my agility to jump from platform to platform, avoiding traps and solving puzzles.

The next challenge was a set of rotating gears and pulleys that needed to be aligned in the correct sequence to open the door.

Without wasting any time, I approached the first puzzle, I took a moment to examine the mechanism closely.

The levers and buttons were scattered across the room, connected to a complex network of gears and pulleys. I had to be careful, as each wrong move could trigger a trap or block my path.

I started by pulling the first lever, and the sound of clanging metal filled the room as the platform I was standing on began to move.

I leaped to the next platform, my eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger.

As I continued solving the puzzles, I had to be quick and precise, using my agility to dodge traps and navigate the moving platforms.

At one point, I found myself standing on a platform suspended over a pit of spikes. I had to time my jumps perfectly, using my momentum to propel myself from one platform to the next, while avoiding the traps and solving the puzzles along the way.

I finally discovered the right sequence and the platforms moved, enabling me to leap to the other side where I was faced with the next puzzle to solve.

As I approached the gears and pulleys, I focused my mind. The gears were massive, each one several feet in diameter, and they were interlocked in a complex pattern.

I had to figure out the correct sequence to align the gears so that they all moved together, turning the pulleys and unlocking the door.

I reached out with my mind, feeling the gears and their movement, trying to understand the pattern.

It was like a delicate dance, each gear influencing the others, and I had to find the right rhythm to unlock the door.

At first, I hesitated, not wanting to make a mistake and trigger a trap. But as I felt the gears turning under my mental touch, I grew bolder and more confident.

I moved the gears one by one, adjusting the sequence until I found the right combination.


And then, suddenly, everything clicked into place. The gears began to turn in perfect harmony, their movement flowing together like a well-oiled machine. The pulleys turned, and the door creaked open.


"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I muttered, frustration etched on my face.

Because the door that had just unlocked...was not the one I had been hoping for.

Tick-tock. The sound of the roof closing in on me filled the air, reminding me that time was running out.

I encircled electricity around me and quickly made my way toward the newly unlocked room. But as I approached, I saw that it was filled with a thick green poisonous gas, seeping out from every corner.

I knew that I had to be careful, as one wrong step could mean certain death.

I took a deep breath, focusing my mana and creating a blue energy shield around me.

As I stepped into the room, I could feel the toxic gas start to press against my shield. I started to move cautiously, using my mana to keep the shield intact.

The room was filled with all sorts of obstacles, including pools of toxic gas, sharp spikes, and even automated turrets.

I had to be quick and precise in my movements, using my agility and quick thinking to navigate the obstacles and avoid the hazards.

After a few moments of intense concentration using my Hawkeye skill, I finally spotted the key hanging on the other side of the room.

I sprinted towards it, dodging the spikes and leaping over the pools of toxic gas.

With a deep sigh of relief, I grabbed the key and quickly made my way back to the entrance door, having already memorized the path and assured that there were no traps along the way.

Tic— Tok— Tic

I quickly made my way toward the stone door and, upon spotting the keyhole, swiftly inserted the key and turned it until I heard the reassuring sound of the lock unlocking.

The door slowly creaked open, its stone hinges groaning, and as I stepped inside, it slammed shut behind me with a resounding thud.


With a sigh of relief, I let out a long breath. "Fuuuu..."

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