Conquering The Omni-Verse!

A Massacre


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

"That was great guys, you are the real heroes."

Homelander said with a smile to the film crew after shooting his last scene and left the area.

As he was leaving, a certain stout director quickly rushed from the scene and stopped him after reaching his position.

"Homelander, a minute please."

He said with a smile as Homelander turned to face him, slightly irritated by his action.


"Uhm, I just realized that one of the scenes has one mistake so we will need to reshoot that scene. It won't take long."

He explained with a smile on his face.

"Later, I have something to do."

Homelander said and turned to walk away.

"It's really necessary that we do it now, it won't take time I promise."

The director said.

Hearing this, Homelander turned around and put his hands on his shoulders.

"....I said later, do you not understand?"

Homelander asked coolly as he started squeezing the director's shoulders with minimal effort, making him shake and shift uneasily due to the pain.

He fearfully nodded silently, not wanting to even make a sound to further agitate Homelander who now has a weird and twisted smile on his face.


Homelander said, his grip on the director's shoulders gradually increasing with each second.

"H-H-Homelander, p-please you're h-hurting me."

The director stuttered in pain as he couldn't take it any longer. He could feel his shoulder bone gradually fracturing under Homelander's grip and this made him horrified with his eyes slightly tearing.

"...Oh I see. Well, you know what they say. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, now get out off my sight."

Homelander said as he realized what he was doing and stopped. Immediately, the director left with his steps shaky, silently swearing not to ever push his luck again.

Seeing him leave, Homelander's face morphed into a frown, and walked away.

He passed by numerous employees and trailers and arrived in a somewhat quiet space with a chair between two trailers and sat down after adjusting his cape.

'Why didn't you break his bones? You know that would've been the right thing to do. Even a common director has the guts to boss you around, tch, your image is becoming weaker.'

A voice identical to his own mocked sounded inside his head.

"I don't have time for this now."

Homelander muttered in an annoyed tone as he bent himself in his seat, his hands now on his head.

It's been a week since he took the drug and during this time, his alter ego has become very active. Usually, he can only converse with it when he's in front of a mirror but now he can hear its voice gnawing at the back of his head.

His cold, calm, and wise other self is now much more ruthless and impatient than before. It could now influence his actions and make him do things he normally wouldn't consider doing.

He doesn't particularly hate the new change in his personality but lately, it has been urging him to be more violent and ruthless than before and it's getting annoying, to say the least.

'Excuses, time is of the essence, John. With the power you have right now you still behave like a pampered pussy, scuttling everywhere for attention when you could be doing something much greater. What a fucking waste of potential.'

The voice insulted in a cold tone, indicating the overwhelming amount of disappointment it felt towards him.

"Shut up! You're just jealous of everything I have because you will never get it!"

Homelander shouted in anger, shutting the voice up.

"Uhm, sir? I'm I interrupting?"

Ashely nervously asked as she came in front of him. She is wearing a reddish-pink suit with similarly colored heels with a large tablet in her hands.

"What do you want Ashley?"

Homelander sighed as he looked at her, his twitching face telling her that she should hurry and leave.

"Erh-Uhm, take a look."

She nervously said and brought the table's screen in front of him and played a video.

"...Oh? That uh, that's not my fault."

Homelander hesitantly said as he finished watching the video that showed his fight with the African terrorists together with the destruction and death toll of innocent bystanders as the aftermath.

" We all know it is but...."

"Say it, Ashley! But what?"

Homelander asked.

"The public isn't taking it well, you are currently down... fifteen points and there's currently a demonstration in front of the Tower against you."

Ashley nervously explained as she showed him the video of people in front of the Tower with plaques and signs denouncing and insulting him with wild fervor.

The whole place became drenched in silence as Homelander digested all that he saw. His head lowered with various expressions flashing on his face from confusion, sadness, disbelief, and finally settling on anger. 

"I can't believe they can do this to me, don't they see all this happened because I'm doing this for them? Ungrateful fucking bastards!"

Homelander exclaimed as he rose from his seat, revealing his furious face to Ashley who just watched all this and silently gulped in fear.

"S-Sir, I'm going to head back now to handle the situation. See y--"

"No, don't do anything. I will handle this myself."

Homelander said coldly and left the place.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Ashley muttered nervously as she gazed upwards and watched him fly away while twirling the locks of her hair.


"Vought may have all the money and influence to cover their tracks but guess what? We are finally having the house judiciary hold a hearing against Vought and Homelander!"

Victoria said with vigor, standing on a stage in front of a large crowd who roared in response after hearing her words.



Suddenly, Homelander landed on the stage from the sky with a calm smile on his face.

The whole became silent at the sight of him with Victoria's face showing fake fear as he came in front of her.

"May I?"

He asked with a smile, gesturing to the microphone. She immediately gave it to him and this made Homelander turn to the crowd mixed with journalists and news reporters who are recording the scene live.

"Guys, I know you all are upset about what happened to the innocent bystanders and buildings."

Homelander said in a sad tone as he descended the stage and walked through the crowd that gave him way.

"I mean I'm upset too and obviously nobody wants innocent people to get hurt. Sadly, the bad guys don't see it that way and this leads to these kinds of things happening."

He ended as he walked back from the crowd and floated onto the stage again, about to give another speech but someone interrupted him.

"Wait, does that mean stuff like this has happened before? Can you tell us how often?"

A female reporter questioned, making the crowd also ask him with loud voices.

"No that's not what I'm saying. My point is we all have a common enemy, an enemy we can't afford to let harm this country."

"Are you saying only the lives of Americans matter?"

Another journalist asked, inciting another round of angry and loud questioning from the crowd.

"Of course not, all lives matter. But if you've served with some of our brave soldiers you'll know that freedom comes at a price."

Homelander said with a forced smile with his face slightly twitching in irritation from the questioning as he gestured to a dark-skinned soldier in front of the crowd.

"You don't speak for us you motherfucking asshole!"

The soldier shouted, disgusted at the way Homelander tried to associate his actions with the soldiers.

"Yeah, you don't speak for us!"

"You don't speak for us!"

"You don't...."

The crowd chanted loudly, repeating the sentence over and over again with curses and insults occasionally added into the mix.

Homelander silently watched all this, his anger exponentially increasing every second as the crowd continued taunting him with the cameras flashing at his twitching face.

Victoria watched Homelander's face with a smile but Cindy who is dressed in a professional suit came to her with an uneasy expression on her pretty face.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to leave now, I have a bad feeling."

Cindy said nervously as she glanced at the silent Homelander that slowly started reeking of blood to her.

"I see, then let's start moving. I'm also getting a weird feeling."

Victoria said with a frown as she looked at him once last time and descended with Cindy.

'Kill them all.... they don't deserve your kindness and love.'

The voice said in a hypnotizing tone and faded away as all sound disappeared from Homelander's ears.

If anyone could see inside his brain, they will see blackish veins vastly spreading all over it, tainting his mindset and making his mentality further unstable.

"Yes.. they don't."

Homelander muttered in a cold tone as his eyes started glowing and the next moment, large beams of heat shot out of his eyes.


"Someone please help!"


Screams erupted from the crowd as Homelander mowed them down with his [Heat Vision], moving his eyes from left to right as he cut and burnt everyone and thing in his field of vision.

Three minutes later, he finally stopped and looked around at the burnt and dismembered bodies in front of him that soaked the ground with blood and guts with smoke all around the place.

"I feel... so good. So this is freedom huh?"

He muttered with a mad smile as he glanced one final time at the carnage in front of him and flew away the next second with a boom.

"Oh, God...."

Victoria muttered as she got up from the ground with dirt all over her body and watched the scene in front of her with both disbelief and fear.

"Wow, things are going to get so much crazy from her onwards and I can't wait to see it."

Cindy said as she stood beside her with a crazy look on her face, unbothered by what she is seeing.

They will later find out that what she said was indeed the truth, from here onwards crazy things are going to start happening.

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