Conquering The Omni-Verse!

A Powerup


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Vought Tower, New York City▪︎]

[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

Homelander stood in his furnished living room holding a vial that contains a dark blue liquid with a contemplating look on his face.

He isn't sure if using the vial is safe for him, since he knew of what happens when supes abuse Compound V. 

He is aware of the possible dangers and repercussions of using the drug but remembering how Virgil beat him to submission made him frown instantly, his eyes showing how furious he is at the thought of that.

'Why am I even hesitating, that bastard only defeated me because of this. 

If Virgil used it with no problem then I shouldn't even worry about it. It's time to even the playing field, there can be no one better than me.'

He thought, his face showing his resolve and opened the vial. 

He admired the liquid for a while and the next second, drank it.

The correct way of using the drug is by injecting it into your bloodstream but since his skin is impenetrable, he has to improvise and drink it.

He stood there after drinking with a look of expectation in his eyes, but after a minute he became disappointed.

'Why didn't it wo---"


All of sudden he clutched his head and started screaming in pain, it was as if thousands of needles were poking into his brain as the pain continuously increased, making him kneel down on the ground.

"Aaaaghhh, M-Make it s-stop!"

He yelled in pain as he lied on the floor, blood pouring out of his ears, nose and eyes. 

He could feel his body changing, his bones breaking and mending, his organs stretching, it was as if thousands of bullet ants were rampaging through his body, making him experience pain he never thought was possible.

After five minutes of experiencing that torturous pain, he started losing consciousness.

'The pain has stopped... but why do I feel so cold and tired? I want to sleep so badly.'

He thought as he lay on the slightly blood soaked floor, his eyes gradually closing.

'No no no, I can't sleep right now. This can't be happening, I'm not going to die when I have so much to do. I have to get Ryan back and kill Virgil.... I'm not going to die without killing that fucking asshole!'

He thought angrily, his eyes showing resistance with his body gradually shaking.

"I'm the fucking Homelander! I'm a god and gods don't die. There is nothing that can stop me!"

He gritted his teeth and exclaimed as he opened his bloodshot eyes and tried to stand despite how weak he is feeling. 

But this ended in failure as anytime he tried to stand up, he will fall back down. His continuous failure making him extremely angry.



He shouted as a large shockwave left his body, thoroughly destroying everything in the room and even cracking his polycarbonate floor-to-ceiling windows.

His body, now devoid of any clothes rose into the air. His complexion, hair and eyes brightened, his body more sculpted than before since all his muscles became more compressed and streamlined.

Overall, he looked slightly younger and more vibrant.

"..... So this is it huh? This is the peak of my existence. I feel like I can scatter this floor with my voice alone and crush mountains with my bare fist,.... this power feels so unreal, it's like... I'm not even human anymore."

He said with a crazy smile on his face as he clenched his fist, creating a small air explosion as a result. 

"Haha...Hahahahaha! I'm a god now! There is nothing that can stop me, no one and nothing can control me. Virgil... the day we meet again you are soo fucked."

He burst out into a maniacal laughter with a crazy grin on his face, his eyes showing a trace of madness.

"Everything is fine, don't come in. I will be with you guys in a moment."

He glanced at his door and said, referring to the armed guards and nervous Ashley who are standing right outside his door about to barge into his room.

"Uhm okay, let's go guys."

Ashley said and immediately left with the guards.

"I have things to do now with this power but let's see what the fuss is all about."

Homelander muttered and descended onto the floor of his destroyed room, sinking his feet into the ground as a result of his new found strength.

With an smile on his face, he took another step and this time an invisible field covered his body so when his foot touched the ground, it didn't sink.

"I guess I have a lot to learn now, this is going to be fun."


"This presents a huge opportunity for the company and yourselves, with the supe terrorist on the loose you guys can show the world that nothing can go wrong when you're around."

Mr Edgar, who is facing the seated members of The Seven explained with a smile as he used the holographic projector to reveal the face of a young Japanese man.

"So basically you want us to head out there and kill/capture this guy? What about PR training or Homelander? You can't expect us to go without him right?"

A-Train asked as he folded his arms, his expression showing slight disbelief with the rest except Starlight giving a slight nod to his question.

"There is no need for PR training or any of those things right now, what matters is that you guys go out and take him out. Regarding Homelander, he has been feeling down and unstable as of late so Maeve is going to lead you guys for this mission."

Mr Edgar announced with a professional smile. Hearing this, everyone especially Maeve became surprised and looked at Edgar with faces that asked if what he said is a joke.

"You can't be serious, you realize he won't be happy with this right?"

Maeve asked with a now calm face as she crossed her legs.

"No one cares if he's happy or not. This is a corporate decision and besides, the supe terror--"

"It's supervillain not supe terrorist, get your facts straight."

Homelander calmly corrected as he entered the room wearing his iconic suit, making everyone shocked when they saw his visible changes.

"Homelander, its nice to have you with us. Have a seat."

Mr Edgar said with a smile as he looked at Homelander's stoic face that looked slightly younger and held his now bright blue eyes.

"Cut the bullshit Edgar, you don't need to pretend after all the feeling is mutual. I just want to make something clear to you right here right now, this is my team, my family.

I make the decisions and the rules around here not you or your fat incompetent shareholders, there is no way this team is going to do something without my permission."

Homelander calmly explained with a dangerous tone as he faced Mr Edgar whose smile has disappeared. 

Everyone became silent since they could feel the tension in the air due to Homelander's tone with Stormfront watching the confrontation with an amused smile.

"You are the least person I need to hear telling me about incompetence, after all the world's strongest man isn't so strong now is he?"

Mr Edgar mocked with a smile on his face, facing Homelander without a shred of fear.

Hearing this, the team except from Noir and Stormfront became confused but they remained silent with Maeve silently noting the unsurprised look on Stormfront's face. 

Surprisingly, Homelander didn't rage out or frown at mention of this but rather smiled.

The next Moment, an invisible field covered the room, instantly cracking the ground and the windows on his sides and behind him with the team thrown out of their seats onto the ground.

"Think I'm unstable now Mr Edgar? ... Don't answer cause it doesn't matter. 

Rest assured, the terrorist won't be a problem, I will make sure of it. 

Just know that from now onwards I have the final say regarding anything related to this team and if any of those corporate assholes have a problem with that then I guess I can pay them a friendly visit and smoothing things out with them. 

Be ready in ten minutes guys, we have a criminal to eliminate."

Homelander said and left the room with a smile on his face, a glint of madness flashing through his eyes but disappeared the next second.

Mr Edgar stood there quietly with no expression on his face but sweating profusely as he took in the sights of the cracked ground and windows together with the team who stood up with difficulty.

For the first time in his life, he was in fact terrified of the man called Homelander, something he never imagined was remotely possible.

Moments later he left the room, fully intent on finding out what made him this powerful leaving behind the team who had shocked and slightly fearful faces.

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