Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎12th July 2002▪︎]

[▪︎Royal Palace, Amazonia▪︎]

"Okay, so what's the plan?"

Holly asks almost anxiously, sitting on a bench in the palaces gardens wearing a white chiton.

I'm currently sitting beside her in a plain white shirt and blue jeans with regular black sneakers.

After, the 'friendly' conversation we had with the Queen yesterday, we left and went to our assigned rooms.

But before we left, the Queen told Holly about the date of their fight which is a day from now. 

They would've fought today but since this fight is a very big deal, the majority of the population must attend.

The dimensional plane is as big as North America so time is needed for everyone to show up, of course, if it wasn't for the fact that almost everyone can fly either via personal or flying mounts like the Pegasi, it would've taken longer.

So basically, today is kinda like a preparation day. That's why our lovely Princess next to me is anxious...despite how hard she's trying to hide it.

Well, I don't blame her. After all, she's up against her Mother who is the strongest Amazonian. 

Statistically, the chance of her beating her mother is as low as me being able to bang every chick here; I might die but I might also be able to finish.

Luckily for her, I'm here to help.

"Before I get to that, tell me. Do you think you have a real shot at beating your Mother?"

I look at her face and calmly ask.

She stares into my eyes for a few seconds and sighs deeply.

"Honestly,...not a chance. I've seen her fight before was scary, like really scary. I might be able to get some shots but in the end, I'll lose if there isn't some kind of miracle."

"It's good you know this, she's way out of your league. You have the potential but she has the experience, a major determinant in battles."

I add, making her silent as she clenches her fists.

"But...I can help you win."

I smile devilishly.

"I'm listening."

She responds and leans forwards.

"It's unorthodox, some might say cheating. So the bigger question is, will you do whatever it takes to win this fight even if it means disregarding your honor?"

I ask deeply as I look directly into her eyes.

She flinches and tries to avert her eyes away from me but I cup her chin and make her look into my stoic eyes.

Let's see if you have what it takes to truly stand by my side,... Holly.

I don't have time for someone who puts something as trivial as honor before logic, I can't roll with that kind of mindset unless I brainwash you.

She suddenly closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, the next second she opens them, revealing her deep blue eyes that now spark with a glint of unwaveringness and decisiveness.

"I'll do whatever it takes, my honor and pride don't mean anything when there's a chance to do the right thing. Do what you must."

She says with determination, and I smile.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Don't worry, what I will do is something that hinges on both of us so your victory will depend on you as much as it does me."

I explain with a smile and gently peck her lips.

With what I have in mind, the odds of her winning is sixty-five to thirty-five against the Queen. The rest will entirely be up to her skills. 

On the off chance that she is about to lose, then I might just mind-break our milf Queen...even if it will break my heart.

"Tch, what does she want now?"

Holly hisses as she turns and notices Crysela walking towards us with two warriors of similar height in a revealing white and red toga that highlights her petite but sexy figure.

...Hehe, the meat couldn't help itself to fall on my plate. This is the best chance to legally get a chance to break her.

"Holly, you said Amazonians believe wholeheartedly that they are superior to men right and that it's going to be hard to prove to them otherwise without some hard proof right?"

I ask with a dark smile, looking at Crysela as she's now a few minutes away from reaching us.

"Yeah? But what does that have to do with her?"

She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh my love, what if I tell you that she's the key to making that happen."

I smirk mysteriously as they stop in front of us, their sweet scent assaulting my sensitive nose.


Crysela and her entourage greet with a shallow bow, her face showing a forced smile.

Holly nods stoically in response then she turns to face me with a frown.


She says with undisguised disdain and disgust that makes me smirk.

"Why are you here Crysela? As you can see, we are busy at the moment."

Holly asks.

"Princess, if you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions."

She turns to her and answers calmly.

Holly glances at me and I nod with a devious smile in response.

"Go ahead."

She answers, then Crysela turns to me again.

"What trick or treasure did you use to resist the Divine pressure of the Queen?"

She asks in a commanding tone laced with envy.

"It's simple, I'm just better than all of you."

I respond softly with a mocking smirk that makes all of them pissed, especially Crysela who looks at me with burning eyes full of hate.

"A lowly man dare mocks me!? If it wasn't for the Princess, I'd cut your disgusting head off your shoulders. After tomorrow, your Princess can't protect you any longer and it will be my pleasure to show you how much trash you are."

She growls haughtily and the next moment spits on the ground in front of me.

"Why y---"

"It's okay, calm down. No need to waste energy on dirt, she will think you and her are on the same level."

I grab and explain calmly to a seriously pissed Holly who was just about to jump at Crysela in a tone that shows how little I think of her.

"I'll k--"

"Enough of the threats Crysela, because we both know you can't do anything here. You've wounded my honor and the pride of our beloved Princess so now I have to retaliate."

I say calmly as I stand up from my seat and look down at her angry face and her crew in a way that makes them feel small.

"Hoh, and how will you do that?"

She asks with a mocking smile as she gives me a once over, making her crew chuckle.

"I challenge you to a duel bound by a blood oath."

I announce with a cold smile that makes Crysela and her crew look at me with a shock that turns into full-blown laughter, only Holly is looking at them with a pitiful smile.

A [Blood Oath] is a type of binding ritual that sort of binds the souls of the two parties together. The oath binds using magic so it's very strong and is nigh impossible to break and when it forms, it codes the command or the agreement into your soul so you won't be able to resist.

Very useful and convenient when you need a servant or...a slave.

"You? A man wants to duel me, a Queensguard? This is the most amusing thing I've heard in my two hundred years of life. Tell me, why should I belittle myself and my entire people and fight with a man?"

"Because if you win, I'll swear a blood oath and be your servant or pet for the rest of my life or you are a coward?"

I smirk mockingly, making her smile freeze.

"Oh I see, you just want an early grave right? Don't worry, since you've proposed then I accept, after all, it's been a while since I had a pretty pet to play with."

She says and licks her red lips viciously.

"You see the thing is if you lose you'll be my slave and would have to obey every one of my commands for the rest of your life."

I grin evilly.

"I like your confidence little man, I agree. It will be very exciting to break you, don't run away because I'll find you and I will kill you."

She threatens dangerously and walks away with her group.

Looking at their departing figures, a vicious smile etches on my face and I sit down beside her again.

"I should've known this is what you'll do, you always seem to hide dark thoughts under that charming face of yours."

She shakes her head with a smile as she looks at me.

"Do you disapprove?"

I ask with a smile.

"No, not at all. You were right when you said this will help my goal, my people need a serious wake-up call. Besides, I've never liked Crysela in the first place and she will deserve whatever you do to her."

She flashes me a dark smile that makes me nod my head in approval and then relax in my seat with my head raised upwards, gazing at the clear blue sky filled with magical birds.

I'm glad my ways are brushing off her, hmm, after this I have to start molding her. She needs a Maeve transformation.

Tomorrow, I'll finally get someone to break. 

Hehe, this will be fun.


[▪︎13th July 2002▪︎]

[▪︎ Grand Coliseum, Amazonia▪︎]

"Proud Daughters of Amazonia, we gathered here today this morning to witness the battle between our Queen and our Princess for the title of Queen and Ruler of Amazonia and The Other Realm.

But before that, we will start off with an interesting battle between this Man called Virgil and Crysela, our Queensguard.

The battle will be bound by a blood oath under the eyes of the Gods, the loser will be the eternal slave of the winner.

Step forward to initiate the blood oath."

The announcer, who is standing in the middle of the coliseum says and beckons Crysela and me. 

Wearing a white traditional toga with black leather sandals of Greco-Roman origins, I walk toward the middle-aged woman.

All around me, in the various levels of the stands, are beautiful women of various ages who are seated on the smooth and long rectangular stone benches, staring at the arena in silence.

As Crysela and I near the woman, I glance at the two separate Imperial boxes close to each other adorned in gold and silver and flash a smile at Holly who is seated on a plush throne-like chair with a cold expression on her face.

She smiles and whispers to me something that only my enhanced ears can hear at that distance.

"Win for me."

I nod and stop beside the announcer who is holding a golden ceramic bowl, ignoring the haughty looks on Cryselas face.

"Say your vows."

She says as two other women hand us extremely sharp daggers made of a foreign type of metal.

Crysela moves a little closer, right in front of the bowl, and starts as she cuts her palm with the dagger.

"I vow by the blood of my ancestors that should I lose this battle, ill be the slave of the man called Virgil for the rest of my life. 'Sanguis Pro Sanguine'."

She says somberly as her blood flows into the bowl and flashes brightly for a second. She moves away.

I look at the blade made of obsidian and with a smirk, slice my palms but it doesn't even leave a scratch.

"I'll have to improvise."

I sigh and after taking in the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, especially the slight fear in Crysela's eyes, I bite down on my palms.

"I vow by the blood of my ancestors that sh ould I lose this battle, I'll be the slave of the Woman called Crysela for the rest of my life. 'Sanguis Pro Sanguine'."

I say as I clench my palms, letting my dark red blood flow into the bowl while it immediately starts healing. 

The moment my wound heals the bowl shines brightly, marking the end of the blood oath.

We both then go back and stand a considerable distance away from each other with our weapons in hand and stare at each other.

"May the best warrior win."


•Patreo.n/KingSeyer, if you want to read ahead. 

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