Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎15th September 2002▪︎]

[▪︎Amazonia, Other Realms▪︎]

"Well, this is depressing."

I comment as I observe the men in front of me on top of a tall wooden platform.

Holly, who is wearing a white silk dress with a red cape hanging loosely from her shoulders is standing behind me with two young gingers in armor holding spears standing beside her.

Two months have passed since Holly became Queen. 

The former Queen is being held captive in the Palace in a secret place on permanent house arrest, and thankfully she's being cooperative. 

Something about being proud of Holly, weird but least to me.

With my help, we've organized and restructured some laws and we've also created a mini-governmental council consisting of loyal and experienced Amazonians to help govern and enforce the laws.

Some people were still in doubt of my capabilities but after pulverizing a few mountains, even those with rebellious thoughts became docile, some adore me now.

So now, I'm the unofficial co-ruler of this Continent-sized mystical Planet in a pocket dimension the size of a solar system. 

Meaning, my goal of getting this plane is complete. 

The reason why I didn't outright conquer the place is that since Holly is my partner and was also the heir, it was more efficient to just get the place through her.

And this has worked in my favor in a lot of ways, for example, I don't need to spend time either brainwashing people to follow me or directing some of my attention to it.

Now, if I want to, I can just mobilize some of them to either wage wars or fight on my behalf.

Relationship-wise, things are going smoothly. I shared some things about me with her about who I really am and a whole lot of things that show that I trust her.

She was kinda miffed that I have a wife back home, but she got over it since she's relatively open-minded and isn't against sharing.

The good thing about all this is that my influence is rubbing off her slowly so with time she will be the ideal Queen I need, not the righteous hero she is now.

Oh, and about Crysela, she's my loyal dog now. I still haven't decided what to do with her.

Hmm, I guess when I go back I'll take her with me, maybe she'll be my assistant or my fuck toy, who knows?

We've also enacted laws regarding reproduction, as in, now if any Amazonian wants some fun time or to give birth, they'll have to go to Earth and find a boyfriend or something.

It will take a while for them to be comfortable with this arrangement so Holly has decided to stay here for a while and guide them through the process.

And that is why, at the moment, we are inside this long and spacious cave located inside a mountain.

It is dark and gloomy with only a few barely lit wall torches and from the behaviors of the two women behind, it's also cold. 

On our sides, in the stony walls, rows of relatively clean cells can be seen, creating a large open space in the middle where five thousand muscular men of different ethnicities are standing in a clean white chiton.

Even though their eyes are on us, they are dull and don't have a shred of light in them, as if they've given up on life. 

Plus, the overall ambiance all around them is a mixture of despair, hopelessness, and gloom. Certainly not an environment any sane person can live in.

These are the 'sperm banks' of this generation and this mountain cave is the sperm bank. 

I expected a large number but like Crysela, not everyone prefers to frolic around with 'lesser men' and even if they do, they will just extract the sperm and artificially inseminate it into themselves.

Come to think of it, I guess it's not an exaggeration that the women here call themselves sisters, considering the man-to-woman ratio.

"Now that we've seen them, what do you suggest we do about them?"

Holly inquires as she comes to stand beside me, a little melancholic.

"We give them a choice, they deserve that at least."

I reply and crouch down to their eye level.

"Today is a special day for all of you, after all, there's a new Queen in town..."

I pause and observe their reactions, none of them react whatsoever.

"You may or may not care but she cares about you guys so she's going to give you guys a choice today. Over here, is a portal...."

As I say this, I form a portal below me on the floor, right in front of the men.

"This portal will take you guys safely to the outside world and over there, someone will take care of you guys till you adapt to the environment. In other words, you'll be free."

I finish in a soft tone with a calm smile and rise. 

Still, there's no reaction but there's a faint gleam in their eyes but it dies down as fast as it blossoms. The whole place is eerily silent.

"Why aren't they responding? They should be happy right?"

Holly looks at me anxiously, her eyes showing how sad she is upon seeing no reaction.

This is simply a case of passive suicidal ideation, almost all of the criminals in jail back home have this. They basically want to die.

Sighing, I turn back to her and explain as simply as I can.

"They are tired of life Holly, they just want to die. They are fed up with the suffering and maltreatment transferred from generation to generation and just want to rest. Just look at them, they've been trained not to even talk or complain in the presence of you guys."

Hearing this, she turns and looks at them with pity and even her guards are ashamed to look at their robot-like faces.

"Sigh, so what should I do?"

"Well, it depends on you. I mean I can forcefully push them into the portal or I can do these men a favor and put them out of their misery because, at this point, they don't even consider themselves as...people?"

I shrug and she becomes silent, just looking at the faces of all of them with sadness that slowly turns into stoicism.

"Do you people want to rest?"

She asks calmly in a soft tone.

All the men turn to look at each other, silently communicating with their eyes, and then turn back to nod at her with a smile.

"...I see, then your wish will be granted. Virgil, I want to go back and can I leave this to you?"

She asks stoically, her gaze still on them.

"Of course."

I smile at her and with a wave of my hand, the portal below me closes, and a new one forms at the entrance.

She nods with a sad smile and walks away as the two guards flank her sides and leave, leaving me alone.

Now that they're gone, it's time to do some dirty work.

Looking at their smiling faces, I stretch my hand and open my palms, in a way that looks like I'm holding a ball and focus on the ambient mana in the air.

"Sol Ignis."

I mutter and immediately, mana swirls on top of my hand and forms into a blazing ball of bright golden flames, the size of a human head.

The radiant heat emanating from the fiery mass alone is distorting the air around me and also making the men sweat profusely as they find it difficult to breathe.

A spell I got from browsing through the secret records in the Palaces library.

"Don't worry, you won't feel a thing, I promise."

I assure them and they only flash me broken smiles in response as everyone grabs the hands of their neighbor.

Very touching.


I wave and fling the ball to them, my perception instantly slows to a crawl and I create a portal and calmly walk through it just before the ball explodes.

I instantly find myself in the large luxurious bedroom of Holly and fix my gaze on her naked body on the red king-sized four-poster bed, covered in linen sheets embroidered with golden patterns.

It looks like she has been waiting for me.

"What is goi--"

"Just get naked and come here."

She says with a gaze filled with lust.


My eyebrow raises playfully as I snap my fingers making, my clothes fall on the ground and disappear under the bed in a swarm of bots.

I climb onto the bed and move on top of Holly, we stare at each other for a few seconds, and instantly, our lips crash into a passionate kiss.

As we make out aggressively, my hands find their way to her perfectly erect nipples and start playing with them.


She moans as I separate my lips from hers and start trailing down kisses from her face to her neck, sucking and leaving hickeys as I move, eliciting soft moans from her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I ask warmly, working my way to her soft perky breasts as I suck and bite her nipples.

"Not now~ just shut up and make love to me~"

She breathes sensually, her eyes unfocused, as her back slightly arches from the pleasure.

"I hear you."

Ending the kiss on her smooth white belly, I spread her legs apart and align my erect rod to her wet pink pussy and grab her waist with my eyes locked into hers.

"I love you."

She whispers lovingly with a beautiful nervous smile on her face.

"I know and I love you too."

I smile and push my hips, inserting my dick into her folds.



We both moan as her tight warm folds begin to squeeze around my dick, bringing me a euphoric high as I start moving slowly and rhythmically.

And with this, we engage in a hot passionate session of lovemaking that will probably last till evening.


Canon has started and Virgil is already conquering planets in the advance chapters so check out Patreo.n/KingSeyer if you can't wait for next week.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.