Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Blood Of Amazonia


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎1st July 2003▪︎]

I tap my earpiece and ask as I observe the peaceful and rich grassy scenery in front of me.

[....Currently, the Amazonian Hippeis and Hoplites are charging against one of the last existing strongholds of the Vaccians. Holly is leading the charge.]

Seraph informs.

" I see, I guess I'll take a look."

I smile and with a wave of my hand, a portal forms right in front of me.

The last two months have been very interesting, to say the least. After sorting out my relationships, I focused on the party that invaded and destroyed...two months ago.

They are essentially an alien civilization called Taurianxepos, a civilization made of up two races: The Quidrians and the Vaccians. The former are the squid-headed species and the latter are the ones who have the distinct head of a bull.

Their civilization includes an oxygen-filled planet and moon. The planet is the home of the Quidrians while the two moons are the homes of the Vaccians, thus they have a very unique symbiotic relationship.

After chasing them away, naturally, my next course of action was to invade and conquer their civilization but...I deemed it a waste of time.

So just for fun, I told Holly about it and since I've already corrupted her mindset, she suggested that I should allow the Amazonians to handle it.

As a race practically born and bred for battle, they are always itching for blood and a fight. 

Not the daily practiced fights between themselves but a bloody fight filled with carnage, sweat, blood, and glory like their told in the stories they grew up with.

As a revolutionary—her words not mine—she wants things to change and since her lover is a conqueror she wants to adopt that way of life, even if it's only occasionally—her words again not mine.

...I wanted a happy life so I agreed, gave them a portal device, and within a month, the Amazonians conquered the main planet. All without my help...well except their armor and weapons.

It would've been faster but since it's been a while since they've engaged in life-or-death battles, and the terrain—which is basically waterlogged land—a lot perished and thus, their conquest was delayed.

From the end of last month till now, they've been focusing on the Vaccian moon and since its rocky terrain, their conquest has been going smoothly...too smoothly if you count their virtually unkillable Queen leading their charge.

I've been a bit busy with all my ongoing projects, Empire, Eve, and team to handle so I haven't stepped foot on the Vaccian moon. 

...I just have the memories of the inhabitants and some footage from the planet due to the inter-spatial networking system improved in New Flaxia by Seraph.

Today, is kinda a free day for me so I'll pop there and take a peek at the war efforts...I might even get a live bloodbath to watch.

With a step and an image in mind, I cross through the portal and appear in the sky above a red desolate wasteland littered with obsidian-like rocks that stretches miles, as if experiencing an earthquake of eighth magnitude, the field is trembling and shaking as if it's the end of the world.

The sky is red and cloudless and seemingly bleak, illuminated by the red star in the nearby reaches of space. 

On it, tens of thousands of golden armor-clad Amazonians gleaming bright gold in the rays of the red sun, with unique-looking spears and shields are marching heavily towards a distant stronghold up ahead, their faces marred with cruel ferocious looks or smiles.

The Amazonian Hoplites...

Just above them—on golden chariots drawn by black-winged Pegasi or flying on their lonesome—are similarly armored Amazonian warrioresses, but instead of spears they are holding long distinct silver lances in one hand and a claymore in the other. 

As if they are riding the wind, they charge furiously toward the stronghold, and right at their head is Holly in her unique piece of armor, her iconic golden mace, and shield in her grasp as her long blood-red cape trails behind her.

Her face is as calm as water with her visage brimming and exuding undisputed might and unmatched authority.

"For Amazonia!"

Suddenly, Holly shouts—her clear voice as strong as a mountain as it ripples across the entire place into the ears of the warrioresses—as in front of them, down a minor slope, a great host numbering...hundreds of thousands of battle suit assorted Vaccians holding blue advanced rifles also charge towards them for a clash.

<Vhoom! Vhoom! Vhoom!>

In five minutes, the towering and bulky bull-headed aliens in their red suits of armor stand their ground in a specially practiced formation and start using their weapons to spew high-intensity bolts of plasma on the charging Amazonians.

With deadly accuracy, most of the blasts hit the Amazonians but they either shrug it off due to their armor, block it with their shields, or in the worst case stumble and fall due to the heavy impact—no one dies.

This goes on for a few minutes before eventually, like a roaring crashing wave, the Hoplites meet them head-on, without a loss in momentum.


As if an explosion just occurred, the Hoplites blast through them and start reaping their lives in multitudes, thick greenish blood and guts spilling everywhere as it bathes the red ground and the adrenaline-filled Amazonians.

Up above, the unique oval‐shaped air/spaceship of their civilization flies out of the walled stronghold and also charges to meet the Hippeis with Holly at their head.

<Boom! Boom! Boom!...>

Dodging the plasma-based beams from the aircrafts, the Hippeis—with practiced ease—hurl their silver lances towards the aircrafts at high speeds, knocking the airships down with each throw as they burst into flames.

And so the battle rages on. Below the Hoplites gradually demolish the terrestrial Vaccians while above, Holly and her squad tear the airships piece by piece.

Holly separates from her battling calvary amidst the chaos and with a boom, heads towards the manned towering walls of the stronghold.

Without bothering to dodge, she bathes in the shower of plasma rounds from the Vaccians on the walls and the turrets stationed on the wall from all sides, and with a roar, she smashes right into a random part of the wall with her mace.


The whole wall shakes crazily as the point of her impact crumbles almost immediately, triggering a chain reaction as the left and right side of that spot also starts cracking and crumbles down in seconds, revealing the inside of the heavily armed city teeming with another army of emotionless Vaccians.

Smiling, as behind her the Hoplites gradually close into her position, she ascends gracefully with her head held up high and points her mace towards the dangerous-looking army.

"May the Blood Of Amazonia Prevail! Charge!"

She screams and blasts towards the army while the Amazonians both above and below bellow in response and breaks through their resistance, all of them following Holly.

"...This Friday is turning out to be a blast."

I mutter excitedly as I pull my hand out off a portal, holding a large bag of chips.

I just hope nothing kills this vibe...because I'm loving it.


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