Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎22nd April 2003▪︎]

Steeping out of the portal, I press a button on my mechanic gills—made of my suits nanobots—making it delve back into my suit and shake my head to get rid of the image from earlier.

I just came from Atlantis. Earlier today, while I was in the Guardian base, I got a message from the Atlantis council. Something about marriage.

You see, in Atlantean. culture if the existing King is killed or beaten in single combat, the victor gets to be the next Monarch and by extension gets to keep the Queen also as a prize trophy.

Since Omni-man killed Aquarus, he was supposed to be the next King but you know...

Now that I beat him up and chase him off, I'm entitled to the throne of Atlantis which naturally I want because the Atlanteans control the seas of the world but the marriage was the problem.

As much as I love banging exotic humanoid chicks, I definitely wouldn't want that bimbo Aquaria as my wife in any law whatsoever.

So to keep the throne without marrying her, I had to go there privately and orchestrate the whole ceremony—their whole marriage ceremony involves me beating a leviathan and then proceeding to fuck Aquaria in front of the entire people.

There's this Atlantean—a steward I think—who even when Aquarus was alive was in love with Aquaria so the moment I found out how weak-willed he is, I've been manipulating him for this exact day.

So as of now, he is the King Of Atlantis and he's also my pet so to speak. The guy is so weak-willed that I didn't even need to 'code' him, just plain old brainwashing and because of this he can't and won't be able to refuse my command.

Plus, Aquaria is still readily available to me so I've got the whole place in the bag. The morbid image I want to get rid of is the fact that just for curiosity's sake, I stayed there to watch the royal bedding ceremony and that...isn't something I would recommend anyone to watch.

... It's moments like this that I hate my perfect memory, sigh, I'll just keep it in the mental records of messed up things...

I walk to the bar counter and pour myself a drink and surprise fills me up as I notice that the place is empty.

Hmm, Holly has been wallowing in Amazonia for a while now and she rarely comes home. I also haven't been spending much time with her with all these Guardians Of The Globe business and that's bad for m——our mental health.

My trip to Talescria is around the corner and I guess we could both use this as a form of escapism and a date...even if I'm primarily going there for business.

[Eve is calling.]

Seraph announces cooly as I down a shot.

"Answer, I have a feeling this might be interesting."

I smile and put the glass down and with a faint electronic beep, the call connects.

[Hi Virgil, do you have a minute?]

Eve asks with a hint little fearful tension in her voice.

"Of course, what's up Eve?"

I ask cooly and plump down on one of the couches.

[I'm free this weekend, especially today and I was hoping we could maybe meet up for a cup of coffee. I know this great cafè just around my school.]

She says, a little nervous with excitement in her voice.

Oh, she wants to take things up to the next level. This should be good.

"Sure, I'm free right now. What's the name of the place?"

[....Okay, it's Shellie's Cafè. To be honest, I was expecting a rejection here.]

She says happily with surprise evident in her voice and tone.

"Nah, how can I reject you? Even if I was busy, I would've made time. So what time should we meet up?"

I say softly with a smile on my face.

[...Can we meet up five minutes from now?]

"Sure, I'll be there in no time."

[Great, I'll see you there, bye-bye.]

She says, a little giddy and hangs up the call.

"Seraph, show me a picture of the place."

I order as I stand up from the couch.

Wordless, a holographic display pops up in front of me, showing me a clear image of the cafè. From what I'm seeing, it looks like a decent spot with few distractions.

...She's thought of this for a while. Well then, I can't disappoint my date so it's time to get dressed.

"Seraph, give me the 'all black'."

I instruct and the next moment, the nanobots making up my suits start moving and within just seconds, it morphs into something else entirely.

Now, I'm wearing a black-fitting long-sleeved t-shirt with an iconic V image on the front, black comfortable jeans trousers, and shining black high-top sneakers. On my face are a nice pair of black-rimmed glasses with my hair now in a ponytail.

Checking myself, I nod and create a portal beside me—It's always good to be early.

Then, I walk into it and appear in a clean alleyway right beside the place and walk out of it to the front of the coffee establishment.

It's a beautiful two-story building near the street with a set of chairs and tables underneath small canopies spread all over the extended space near the sidewalk.

Some of the people out here in the open-air space start staring at me but ignore it as I gently push open the door and enter the inside of the place.

The smell of coffee beans, perfume, cakes, and pastries flows into my nose as I take in the sights of the modernly decorated silver-painted shop.

The counter is at the very front and there are seats lined along the walls filled with low-chattering men and women eating and drinking. The seats are spaced out and overall it feels comfortable with its bare minimal decorations.

Turning my head to the right, I see Eve quietly seated on the last seat at the corner of the shop with a nervous look on her face, gazing out the floor-to-ceiling windows holding her chin up with her palm, her elbows propping up her arms.

She looks very beautiful today in her white sexy jumper, dark blue jeans, black sneakers, and white earrings. 

Her hair is glossier than usual and free falling on her back and on her face is light makeup that makes her look more vibrant and brings out the green color of her eyes.

I take it back, she looks breathtaking...

Smiling, I walk to the counter and call one of the female baristas.

"Hello miss, can I take a minute of your time?"

I ask politely, making the young Japanese lady with brown hair wearing her blue uniform blush as her attention switches from the machine to me.

"...Sure, what can I get you, Sir?"

She asks with a smile, staring at my face with unconcealed interest.

"You see that lady over there?"

I stealthily point to Eve's location.

"Oh yes, that's Eve, a regular of this place. Why what's the problem?"

She asks as she follows my finger and raises an eyebrow upon seeing Eve.

"Good, can you get me two of what she gets here regularly?"

I ask with a polite smile.

"Oh, I see what's going on here. So that's two large iced vanilla lattes coming right up."

She nods her head with a sly grin on her face and starts working on the order.

After twenty-five seconds, she places two large stylish transparent bottles with a straw lid in front of me. The iced beverage can clearly be seen.

Raising my eyebrow with a smile on my face at the heart-shaped design on the surface of the liquid, I look at her and she flashes me a cute smile.

"She normally takes chocolate cake with it so I'll do you a favor and personally bring it to your table, good luck."

She says and politely shoos me away. I shake my head as I grab the two cold bottles and walk to the table, some women around glancing at me and the direction I'm heading to.

"Virgil? I didn't see you come in."

Eve says in a surprised tone, her eyes widening as I sit down in front of her and put the two bottles on the table.

"Yeah, I made sure of that. Here, this is yours. I got you your favorite, oh I've got to say, you look ravishing this afternoon."

I smile charmingly as I carefully push one of the bottles to her. A beautiful smile draws on her face as she holds the mug and in her eyes, I can see that I've earned some brownie points.

"Wow, thank you. Wait, have you been stalking me?"

She thanks and asks playfully with a smile, her tone and body language suggesting that she's slightly anticipating a positive answer.

"Sadly no, but I'll start if you want me to."

I say with a coy, playfully seductive smile that makes her giggle as she takes a look at the face of the beverage.

A blush spreads across her cheek as she stares at the design for a while.

"It wasn't my idea. You can ask the Japanese friend over there?"

I shrug and gesture to the Japanese lady who is staring at us from the counter. Eve looks that way and the lady sends Eve a friendly wave that she responds with a smile and then turns to look at my face.

"Sorry for Phoebe, she tends to be a little misunderstanding sometimes."

I wave my hand dismissively at her statement—still smiling—and reply.

"No worries, she's cool. I've just got to say this Eve but you look absolutely gorgeous today."

I compliment her smoothly in a jovial way. Her face brightens as her smile widens—flashing me a look of her pearly whites—and she tucks a strand of her strawberry-colored hair behind her ears.

"Thanks, you look very handsome as well. You look really good in black."

She comments warmly with a bright smile.

"Why thank you, Eve. Anyways, let's talk Eve, tell me about your day today."

I nod and take a sip of the beverage using the straw as I visibly relax into the comfy seat, looking into her eyes.

She also raises her bottle and brings the straw to her lips as she starts.

"Well, today....."


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