Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

With a smirk on his face, Butcher's eyes glowed red and sent an orange thick beam of heat from his eyes to Homelander who just shrugged off the attack as it hit his body.

"That's the best you can do?"

Homelander mocked with a smile and clapped his hands so hard that a large shockwave was sent towards the crew and pushed them back with the grassy ground destroyed, with only Maeve and Butcher still left standing.

"You guys know what to do."

Homelander calmly said and walked towards Butcher with a mocking grin, his hands around his back.

Stormfront, Lamplighter, and the boy nodded and walked towards the other members of Butcher's crew who were now on their feet.

"Lamplighter! You will pay for what you did on that night, M.M leave him to me."

Frenchie said with visible fury and dashed towards Lamplighter at speeds that Lamplighter wasn't able to follow and tackled him on the ground.

He started raining down heavy punches on Lamplighter's face that made it sink into the ground with visible cracks forming on it.

Tired of the heavy and painful punches that were making him bleed, Lamplighter found the chance to stab his fingers in Frenchie's eyes, making him cry out in pain, and the next moment he kicked him off his body.

As Lamplighter stood up, he snapped his fingers and this made the needle-like device on his gloves spark and this action produced fire for him to manipulate into two hot fireballs.

With a frown on his slightly bleeding face, he threw the fireballs at Frenchie who was now on his feet with his palm on his eyes. 

He wasn't able to dodge so the fireballs exploded upon impact and sent him flying a few meters away with his torso on fire.

"You son of a Bitch!"

Frenchie exclaimed as he spewed blood and removed his flaming jacket and shirt, revealing his relatively unharmed torso, and dashed towards him again but this time he was now calm and collected.

Lamplighter spammed fireballs at him but due to his newly acquired superhuman agility, he evaded the fast fireballs and came right in front of the anxious Lamplighter who immediately spewed large streams of fire toward Frenchie.

The amount of fire was so much that it clouded his field of vision and made him unable to see Frenchie's burning body but the familiar scent of burning human flesh brought him comfort.

'Fuck it's finally over. One moment I'm doing my usual job then the next I'm being taken out of my wishes with Dustin to fight a battle I'm not a part of. These guys aren't supposed to be supes, what the hell is going on? Well, not my problem at least I've killed h--'

Suddenly, Frenchie's fist hit his body and barreled right through his heart. This made Lamplighter stop his attack and spew blood from his mouth, making him look at the now naked but partially burnt Frenchie who has a smile on his face as Lamplighter bled and died with a face filled with shock.

"I've avenged you, Madam Mallory."

He muttered and fainted the next moment beside Lamplighter's body that soaked the ground in blood, his body beyond repair.


When Frenchie was fighting Lamplighter, other fights were also ongoing at different parts of the lake house's large compound.

Mother's Milk was busy battling a floating Dustin whose eyes and fist were glowing navy blue with him repeatedly shooting Mother's Milk with Blue plasma bolts that created holes in the ground upon impact.

In another location also, Maeve, Starlight, and Kimiko were busily exchanging heavy punches and attacks with Stormfront.

Due to their numerical advantage, they overwhelmed Stormfront and turned the fight into a one-way beat down where heavy attacks that created miniature shockwaves bombarded her body.

"Take that you Nazi Bitch."

Maeve hissed as she grabbed Stormfront's face and kneed it with enough force to break steel but it only bruised her and made her eyes foggy.

With a frown on her face, Kimiko grabbed her face and started pressing her eyeballs with her thumb.


She ignored her screams and with a determined face increased the pressure on her eyeballs and crushed one, making Stormfront scream more with Starlight turning her face but with Maeve watching.

"I've avenged you, Madam Mallory."

Her superhuman senses made her pick up Frenchie's words and this made her turn to look at Frenchie's half-burnt body as it fell to the ground, making her eyes widen with shock and worry and this made her distracted together with Starlight and Maeve who also turned to look at Frenchie.

Stormfront immediately took advantage of that and electrocuted Kimiko, this stunned her and made Starlight and Maeve rapidly turn back to her but they were too late since Stormfront stretched her palms and sent two bolts of electricity that flung them away.

She immediately flew away from the area and headed towards where Ryan and Becca ran off to.

"I'll take care of her, you guys stay behind and help him."

Maeve said as she gestured to Mother's Milk who was finding it difficult to defeat the boy due to the aerial advantage he has.

Seeing them nod, Maeve immediately took off at high speed and left them behind.

Up in the sky, Stormfront's gaze swept below the woods beneath her and after five minutes of searching, she found Becca and Ryan running along a forest road.

She smiled, flew downwards, and landed a few meters in front of them.

"Give the boy to me."

She commanded with a smile as she slowly walked towards the frightened family.

"I'd rather die than give my son to a bunch of monsters like you guys."

Becca courageously hissed with hate and disgust apparent in her eyes as she shielded Ryan's body with her own.

"....Then Congratulations, you finally get to die."

Stormfront said with a cruel smirk and with the stretch of a palm, sent Becca flying with a streak of electricity.


Ryan cried as he went to Becca's body which was shaking with blood coming out of her mouth. Stormfront's attack destroyed most of her internal organs and created burns on her skin, leading to her current state.

"I-I love you, Ryan, never forget that. Don't worry, Butcher will p-protect you."

Becca said with a smile as she coughed up blood and caressed the face of the crying Ryan one last time and died.

"Mom? No mom wake up, you promised we will be together forever. Don't leave me, mom, please!"

Ryan cried hysterically as he saw Becca's unfocused eyes which only meant she was dead and this made him wail in pain.

"Stop being a crybaby Ryan, she's dead. Let's go back to your father."

Stormfront calmly said as she came closer to Ryan with a stoic expression on her one-eyed face.

When Ryan heard her nonchalant tone, unbridled anger manifested in him. The fact that she was talking to him like she did nothing made him so furious that his eyes stayed glowing a deep red.

He then remembered what Virgil once told him, 

'If one day you are angry at someone and you want to make the person pay, channel all that anger and bring it out in one big move and make sure. you pour everything out, otherwise, it can destroy you.'

And so that's what he did, he channeled the entirety of his anger through his eyes and with deep breaths turned to face Stormfront.



Ryan screamed and released two immensely thick beams of concentrated heat from his eyes unto Stormfront.


A large explosion sounded in the area when the attack hit her and sent her body away with the surroundings starting to burn as a result of the residual heat from his [Heat Vision].

With angry and red glowing eyes, Ryan went towards Stormfront's body and stopped when he came right in front of her.

His furious expression softened when he saw her body. Her body was burnt to a crisp, one of her arms was missing from its socket, her chest has a bloody hole in it that showed her entrails and her face was completely unrecognizable.

As he watched this, he started crying but strong soft arms surrounded his body in a hug.

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

Maeve comforted him as she turned his face and tightened the hug, making the body bawl his eyes out due to all that's happened to him.

Suddenly, Stormfront started muttering something in German that made Maeve frown since an attack like this was supposed to instantly kill her.

After saying and repeating her last sentences for two minutes with her remaining eye unfocused, she died, leaving Maeve and the crying Ryan alone in the slightly burning woods.



Meanwhile, at the lake house. With the help of Starlight and Kimiko, Mother's Milk was able to successfully knock Dustin out.

"Huff huff, it's left with Butcher. Where is h--"

The words got stuck in Mother's Milk's mouth when he turned and saw Homelander grasping Butcher's neck off the ground in the middle of the lake with a mad grin on his face.

"Shit! We've got to help him."

Starlight said and was about to dash towards the lake with Mother's Milk and Kimiko but Butcher's words stopped them.

"N-No don't come, run away now! I will buy you some time."

Butcher shouted with a sad smile and turned to face Homelander. The next moment he used his [Heat Vision] on Homelander's face at point blank but the attack did no damage and instead, he gave Butcher a wide grin.

"It was fun Butcher but everything ends today. It sucks you won't be able to see me lead this country but oh well. Goodbye William."

Homelander said and ripped Butcher's head off his shoulders, making blood gush out, and left the body to fall into the lake with only Butcher's head firmly in his grasp.

"...Oh shit."

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