Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Evolution Starts


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎New York City, USA▪︎]

Yesterday, if only all Gilfs are like her but a man can only wish.

It's in the afternoon, She left early morning when she woke up. She wanted to talk about our supposed partnership but I told her I'm going to be off grid for a while so unless I'm back.

Sadly for her, she won't be getting her partnership. I have no use for illogical people like her who let trivial things like skin color to determine a person's worth, I never understood racists and I never will. 

It's like the way sane people can't get along with mad ones, we can't just understand each other.

She was about to preach to me about the 'One Race' basically, a superpowered version of Nazi's Aryan race philosophy but I just told her next time she can tell me.

I tested her by telling her that if we are to cooperate then she needs to stop being racist and she readily agreed with a smile but her thoughts suggested otherwise, all those years of self brainwashing won't just disappear unless I do full mental therapy on her but that will take too much time.

Maybe if after my evolution, I get something akin to [Mental Manipulation] then I might have some use for her but now, the only use I have for her is to take care of the children in S.G.C and as a cum dumpster.

Enough of the Nazi Bitch, it's time to meet Gecko and get on with my objective, after that I will send my instructions to Vicky and the rest.

Dressed in a white and black shirt with a black designer jacket on top and black jeans with white sneakers, I got out of the mansion and entered the backseat of the black luxury large SUV that was opened by a muscular man in a black suit and shades.

They are basically my bodyguards.. not that I even need them.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived in the parking lot of Vought Tower. 

"Take the box and follow me."

I commanded and got off the vehicle, the two men got off soon after and took a medium sized symmetrical box from the trunk.

After that, I entered the building flanked on both sides by them. Ignoring the looks of the employees, I entered the empty elevator and pressed on the sixty-seventh floor.


We left the elevator and entered the floor, passing by a few researchers who gave me looks of admiration and respect I entered the last laboratory on it.

A large white room came into view, numerous men and women in lab coats can be seen walking around or seated in front of sophisticated laboratory equipments doing various kinds of experiments.

We drew the attention of most of them but after flashing me polite smiles and nodding with respect, they immediately withdrew their attention from us and continued their work with a light skinned middle aged woman coming towards us.

"Mr Virgil, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Allen Walker, the Head Supervisor."

She greeted me politely with a smile when she came in front of me and stretched her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Doctor Allen. I came here to see Doctor Rosenberg, where can I find him?"

I asked with a smile as I gently shook her hand.

"Sorry something came up, his wife just got admitted to the hospital for labour so he had to leave. He told me what to do when you come so don't worry, nothing is going to change."

She assured confidently with a smile.

"I see, then it seems I'm going to be in your care. Please lead the way."

I said. 

She nodded in response and gestured us to follow her as she started walking away.

We passed through the busy researchers and arrived in front of door located at the end of the room and entered.

It's a small room with a black table in the middle of it with some chairs around it, a sink attached to the wall on our left and a square shaped glass board embedded in a table with a Butcher's knife on it to our right.

Gecko is seated on one of the chairs in front of the desk wearing a hospital gown. He has black messy hair, small pointed nose, black eyes, small ears, pale pink lips and an average looking face.

"Mr Virgil this is Matthew, I don't think I need to introduce yourself to him."

She said with a smile as Gecko stood up and came close to me with a happy face, his eyes showing deep respect and admiration.

I guess he's a fan?

"I'm soo happy to meet you Mr Deva, I'm a very huge fan."

He said as we shook hands.

"I'm happy to meet you too. Do you know why I'm here today?"

I asked with a smile as he sat down after I gestured him to take a seat.

"Yeah, Doctor Rosenberg told me. He said you wanted a part of my body for something really important, to be honest it's kind of an honour. I can do it right now if you want."

He said with a smile, his face not showing any kind of emotion at the thought of cutting off his own hand.

I've read his file but it's still a little surprising that he genuinely doesn't see it as a big deal to literally rip his arm off.

I guess he's made peace with his fate, a non perishable lab rat. 

Well, Vought fucks you up one way or the other so it's not that shocking seeing him with this kind of mentality.

"I really appreciate your cooperation, well then let's get to it."

I said. 

He nodded, went to glass board and took the Butcher's knife.

"Wait, Don take the knife and do it. Make it clean and fast, I don't want to see any mess."

I commanded as I glanced at the dark skinned bodyguard on my right.

He nodded in response and went to take the knife from the chill Gecko, the next second he swiftly cut through Gecko's arm with one swing.

Gecko didn't even flinch when he did so.

"Fascinating isn't it? It still amazes me every single time."

Allen said with a smile as she stood beside me.

"Indeed it is."

I replied with a smile as we watched Gecko's arm visibly regenerating, a minute later his arm grew back with nothing indicating it was cut off a moment ago.

"Put it in the ice box and let's go. It was nice meeting you guys, I wish I could stay longer but I have things to do. A small gift will be sent to you Mattew for your troubles, it will be enough that you won't have to do your Uhm, other things again, goodbye."

I said and left the room after declining her request of escorting me to the elevator and receiving Gecko's thanks.

Five minutes later, we arrived outside of the Tower and went to the parking lot.

We entered my car soon after, I made myself comfortable in the backseat and took out a P.V.P and started playing Grand Theft as the car drove off.

"Go to Airport, drive slowly."

I ordered.

The car drove toward the Airport as I enjoyed my last game, from the Airport it's straight towards my island.

It's finally time for my rebirth.


"|Radiation levels optimized|- |Cell cloning optimized|-|Prime serum optimized|.

Everything's ready now."

Seraph announced as I stood in front a hexagonal futuristic vertical chamber naked in the middle of this silvery white room icey cold room due to the decreasing temperature.

Large tubes can be seen connected to the chamber, their job is to inject me with the Prime Serum and regeneration fluid.

Using the Genetic Editor we developed, Gecko's V cells are being cloned and through a delicate process, turn into the regeneration fluid by mixing it with Compound V as an activator.

This chamber is where I'm going to spend my next two months.

".... Have you sent all the messages and double check everything?"

"Yes yes I have, I don't even know why you're nervous. We've done thousands of simulations just to make sure everything will be alright, Math doesn't lie so just get inside."

Seraph said in a fake tired tone.

Sigh, I guess this is it. When I'm back things are going to speed up, I just hope nothing bad happens when I'm away, I'd hate to clean up a mess right after I come back.

I walked into the open chamber and relaxed as the door closed. 

The insides lit up in a blue color and instantly, tubes fitted with drill like needles gently penetrated into my skin and started pumping fluids into my body.

The next second, gaseous liquid nitrogen flooded the insides of the chamber.

I immediately started feeling dizzy so I closed my eyes, my consciousness slowly fading away.

"It's time to evolve."

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