Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Evolutionary Benefits


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


"Finally.....I'm back."

I mutter as I casually clench my fist in midair and make the air between my fingers pop.

I feel...powerful like I can do anything right now. My whole body feels like I'm a raging volcano just waiting for the least chance to erupt, the energy I can feel coursing through my veins at the moment is very hard to describe.

My body feels different. I'm more muscular and my muscles feel like it's made of stone. 

I'm also taller now by... two inches, bringing me to a tall height of six feet five inches. My hair is longer and more wavy now, sigh, I have to get a haircut.

On top of that, my senses are going haywire. I can see the slightest minute dust particles in here, the movement of the gaseous liquid nitrogen is even audible to me. 

I can talk about the smell but apart from my scent and the scent of the gas, there isn't much to talk about.

Regarding my senses, my passive extrasensory awareness is way beyond it's past capabilities. 

I'm not even trying but I can make out the entirety of this floor and that's like a soccer field which is approximately eight thousand square meters.

I can make out the slightest air shift, the slightest terrestrial movement, and the precise ultra-clear detail of everything within my awareness. 

The fact that I can take in all of this information without breaking a sweat is proof of my evolution and I'm very happy about that. 

I won't test out my full capabilities regarding my new [Hyper Awareness] right now because from my experience it tends to get tricky and trippy so that's for later.

Oh and I forgot to mention that right now, my perception is slowed. Right now, the motion of everything around me is as slow as a turtle. 

Unsurprisingly, my brain benefitted the most. 

I don't know and I can't calculate what my current mental abilities are at the moment but It won't be long before I will and I can't wait to find out.

"Welcome back, Sir."

Seraph's voice breaks me out of my musing as vents appear on the upper corners of the room and start to suck the gas out.

"Yes, it's good to be back. To be honest, I kinda missed your voice."

I say with a smile.

"I'm flattered. I would love to give you an untruthful compliment and make you feel good about yourself but we have pressing matters to attend to."

She replies in a serious tone that makes me raise my eyebrow.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I think you should see for yourself."

She says and makes numerous holographic screens pop up in front of me which displays the current situation of the world.

"....What the fuck happened?"

I question rhetorically with wide eyes as my feet touch the cold ground. 

After minutes of scanning through the information displayed on the numerous screens in front of me, I chuckle in amusement.

So basically after I went out of public view, Homelander managed to get a vial of Compound VS, ingested it, and surprisingly survived. 

After that, he rebelled, obliterated the military, his contingency plan, and Butcher's crew, and took over America.

The taking over America part isn't that surprising since you know... if America was a chick he will probably simp over her but the fact that he was able to beat his trained clone is something. 

That means he is at least two times as strong as he was before and that's kinda scary... well scary if I was still 'me'.

Hmmm, let's see. So Becca, Butcher, Mother's Milk, Frenchie, Kimiko, The President and his loyal retinue, Vogelbaum, Lamplighter, and some unimportant people are dead. 

Wow, he is very efficient I'll give him that. I'm surprised Edgar isn't on the list but I guess Cockroaches are hard to kill for a reason. The old man is probably hiding in Malibu or something.

The funny thing about all this is that he even destroyed my headquarters. I don't know if the drug impaired his thinking facilities or it was out of revenge or spite but everyone will agree with me when I say Homelander's retarted.

Like if he even bothered to check the building before he destroyed it, life would've been so much easier for him now but he just destroyed it.

I don't know if I'm just disappointed in him at this point or I'm just not susceptible to anger like I used to cause I'm not mad at him, that's an improvement I guess considering what I did to someone for even attempting what Homelander did.

Apart from Ryan being in his possession at the moment, all my priorities are in check. My assets, Vicky, Zoe and let's say Cindy are safe so all I have to do now is clean up this mess.

The once beloved and sought-after United States Of America is now a literal shit hole and that's not an exaggeration. 

Social order is a mess, the police and military are indisposed and supes are now the high lords.. and that's terrifying if you think about it.

"Seraph I have a question, how did he even find out about Compound Vs in the first place? Cause what he's doing with it is Uhm.... highly illogical."

I calmly ask since from what I'm seeing on the new screen, things are getting too much out of hand. I mean, the guy is literally making the country more fucked up than it already is.

The guy is making anybody he likes supes and because of how effective I've controlled the information regarding Compound V in general, he's feeding the populace crap about how he's a god sent to protect and lead this country and the majority are buying this.

The fact that he survived two nuclear bombs that the Government sent as a last resort from a silo in Boston which only destroyed his suit and then proceeded to destroy said city makes his story more believable for the lost sheep in this nation.

It's because of this feat that Organizations and countries like The UN and Russia aren't making too much noise and are essentially being quiet with regards to his tyranny.

To be honest, I'm shocked too, Vought has always marketed the idea that Homelander is indestructible and can't be affected by Nukes but that was a lie. Now, it's a reality. 

Tch, this guy must have a lot of luck to be able to take a drug that should've killed him but then turn him into Superman plus. 

"A Doctor from Vought managed to steal it and Homelander who thought you were only able to defeat him by taking a drug questioned the Doctor with threats which then lead to Homelander getting the stolen vial. 

He's dead now if you are curious about his current status."

Seraph replies.

Sigh, so this is what happens when I don't micromanage everything. I only left everything to Edgar related to Compound VS to Edgar because he insisted I should leave it to him. 

Don't get me wrong, Seraph could've prevented that but I specifically instructed her not to deal with anything that's not my problem. I guess it was a mistake to do so.

"So what's your next course of action?"

Seraph questions.

"I would have to first meet Vicky to tell her I'm back. Then I'll go and take Ryan from his Homelander and if possible kill Homelander on the spot. From there onwards, it's back to my main goal."

I calmly reply.

"I see, won't you first train and see your improvements before facing off against Homelander? Or even rest and have a meal?"

Seraph asks.

"To be honest I don't think our current facilities will be able to fully measure and determine my current prowess. The only way I can do that now is from a live test and fortunately enough there is someone who will willingly volunteer to do so."

I reply confidently.

What I said is true, I don't know the extent of even my physical capabilities but if it wasn't for the [Bio-Electric Field] layering my skin like the moment my feet touched the ground it would've sunk due to my new body mass and gravitational field but this alone says a lot about my current physical strength at the moment.

Now that she mentions it, I'm kinda hungry. Ideally, after not eating for two months I shouldn't even be able to stand properly but the amount of energy in me right now can last me for days so food isn't really a necessity for me but I still crave it.

"I'll take you up on your offer. Get me the usual with extra chicken, make it crispy."

I order with a smile as I move towards the exit.

"It will be done in a few minutes, I presume you are going to take a bath?"

"Of course, I might not be smelly but I don't think I can stand living with myself if I don't enter water. Can you imagine not bathing for more than a month?"

I ask rhetorically as I leave the room and enter the corridor after hearing Seraph sigh.

She doesn't get it but oh well. Now then, it's time to clean up this mess, fulfill my next set of goals, and finally leave this universe to the wide infinite cosmos.

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