Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Magic And Trouble


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎13th June 2001▪︎]

With a sonic boom, I whistle through the sky, passing by numerous landscapes at speeds untraceable by the naked eye, and arrive above Chicago as my perception transitions from slow to normal.

I cruise above the bustling city and head towards the west and after two minutes, I arrive right above my house. 

Immediately, I descend downwards onto the backyard and enter through the back gate that leads into the renovated modern kitchen.

I open the blue-colored fridge, revealing the shelves packed with food items, and grab a bottle of milkshake.

As I open the cap and drink it, I pass through the doorway and turn to face the stairs that have the living room on its left side.

I saunter behind the staircase and wait as the floor opens to reveal another flight of stairs that lead downwards.

As I descend the stairs, the lights flicker on and reveal a small laboratory. It is painted white with rectangular workbenches that have futuristic pieces of equipment on their surface with black stools in front of them.

This is my basement now turned laboratory, I had it created two days ago after Cecil left. A laboratory that is not enough but sufficient for now.

I move and arrive in front of a large futuristic silver cylindrical-looking gadget with an open upper surface. A tiny black spherical orb leaves my pocket and opens up when it lands beside the gadget, revealing a red tissue sample.

I take it and put it inside the machine and watch as the upper surface closes and the body starts to glow.

|Scanning commences, estimated time of completion is ten minutes.|

Seraph's mechanical voice echoes through the place as a holographic projection pops up beside the object, showing a series of microscopic images and processes.

Magic, a mysterious and powerful thing that always seems to break the very laws of physics. 

From curses, hexes, manipulation of the elements and even controlling space, magic is extremely versatile, especially here.

I've gotten a lot of spells and stuff from the old man but the most important thing is the theoretical knowledge and without it, I wouldn't know my left and right around this thing.

Based on his memories, before someone can even attempt to train in magic they need to be able to 'feel'. 

Basically, in the words of Indian spiritualism, I need to open my 'Third Eye' which I think I clearly don't have.

You see, the 'Third Eye' forms when you're able to evolve your pineal gland to the next level. 

That's why not everyone can practice magic, not everyone has a special pineal gland. 

Upon opening it, an individual will be able to 'see' and will therefore be able to harness the essence of magic...or so they claim.

There is a way to make it evolve artificially and luckily since Sorcerer Kane researched this and underwent the procedure, I know what is needed to make it so.

Magicians, Sorcerers, and Warlocks have existed for thousands of years. Old records indicate that they first appeared in Sumeria.

They also suggest that it was the Anunnaki who brought the knowledge with them when they came from the stars, some records also suggest that humans got it from dealing with demons and otherworldly forces.

I'm more inclined to believe the latter but from what I know from watching and reading different types of fiction, magic is basically a form of esoteric energy, and all magic practitioners are just people who managed to find a way to harness this energy.

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of magic practitioners around since science killed them and so the most important parts of it have been lost. 

The few practitioners that are left too also don't try to even research and only use their knowledge to create chaos or try to rule the world.

Not that I care anyways since magic in this universe isn't that strong. The only reason why I'm even putting my attention on this is that I don't want it to be my weakness. 

Look at Superman, as strong and powerful as he is the moment magic springs up he turns into a little bitch and I can't allow myself to be like that. 

Science is my way but I won't throw the opportunity to master magic as in the Omniverse it's a very prevalent force of nature.

For now, I just need to gain experience and build some resistance to it.

|Scanning complete. Here are the results.|

She says and makes a very detailed report pop up on the screen. I tap on it and swipe across it, making sub-sections of the report display in rows.

"I fucking knew it."

I smirk as I read about the presence of a slowly dissipating almost invisible form of energy that seeped into the alien cells of the imps. 

So the reason the imps, despite their small sizes are much more physiologically stronger than regular humans is because their home environment has made them evolve with uhm let's call it 'mana' infused into their genetic makeup.

Very interesting...I guess there's more to learn after all.

|Virgil do you copy?|

Suddenly, Cecil's voice sounds in my other earpiece.

"I'm here, what seems to be the problem?"

I ask as I wave and make the screen disappear with a swirl.

|I need you at the front of the Pentagon A.S.A.P|

"Alright, I'll be there."

I reply and the connection cuts off.

Seems like something important is happening if he's calling me to the Pentagon, I wonder what it is...

|Before you ask, it has something to do with Atlantis, I just checked.|

Seraph says.

I see why Cecil seems a little agitated. That civilization is a very advanced and resourceful after all and dear old America doesn't want one of their rich allies to be fucked over.

"Please show me a picture of the Pentagon Seraph, I've decided to travel in style today."

I request.

Instantly, an ultra-clear image of the entrance of the Pentagon appears on the screen.

After sparing it a glance, I turn and conjure a portal in front of me. Without wasting time, I step into it and appear beside the Pentagon sign on the walkway.

"Chill, chill it's just me."

I raise my hands in the air and pacify with a smile as the Guardians, Omni-Man and the invisible soldiers seem ready to charge at me.

Wow, the whole gang except Rush is here. This should be fun.

"Virgil? How did yo--never mind. Now that you are here, let's talk about the problem."

Cecil shakes his head and says to us as everyone present looks at me with mild surprise and suspicion, Immortal is the latter. 

"Aquarius just sent a signal, Atlantis is being attacked by a horde of Leviathans. They are losing and he needs help."

Cecil informs us and projects a screen into the air for us to see what he's talking about.

"This is serious, we need to leave now. Many lives are at stake."

Omni-man says in a somber tone as we all watch the Atlanteans in their futuristic vehicles and armor being killed by the countless large and long serpentine monsters with black, glossy and extremely packed scales.

Yeah right, as if you even care.

"Hmm, indeed we should but I can't breathe underwater."

I say grimly, making all of them look at me with weird unbelieving gazes.

Well, I can hold my breathe for a very long time effortlessly but they don't need to know that.

"Of course, you can't."

Immortal scoffs as some agents bring some metallic boxes and place them on the ground.

"Last time I checked you can't either so shut up and let the 'people' do the talking."

I insult him with a dark smile, making him clench his fist with furrowed eyebrows.

"We don't have time for this. Inside the boxes are mechanical gills designed by the Atlanteans to enable humans to survive underwater, it is priceless so try not to lose it. Virgil, can you create a portal to the place?"

Cecil stops our interaction and asks.

"Yes, I can."

I respond calmly as I beckon one of the boxes to me and make them open, revealing the gadget.

"Good, then I wish you guys good luck."

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