Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Guardians Of The Globe Base, Utah▪︎]

[▪︎21st July 2003▪︎]

One interesting thing about my newfound abilities is that now, I have something like a database that contains detailed information of let's say every person—whether civilian, superhero, or supervillain—in North and South America, this is based on the map in my mind.

It's because of this that I found out about someone who is engaging in a pretty interesting experiment. A science experiment based on reanimation or necromancy and it works or is working.

The genius behind this is called D.A. Sinclair, a young college student at Invincible or Mark's university. The only problem is that his experiment isn't exactly ethical or legal, after all, it involves the dead.

His whole experiment is to turn already dead humans—preferably young males–into supersoldiers using advanced robotics. His aim or goal was to conquer death so that people wouldn't need to lose their loved ones or even if they do, they won't lose them forever.

A noble goal but now that's not his goal. Now, after realizing the killing potential of his creations, he like the rest of the villains out there wants to rule the world.

A pathetic goal since his ambition, pride, and greed are blinding him from seeing the sheer futility of his aim.

Anyways, his creations are unstable. They've been going out against this will to terrorize his campus and being taken care of by Invincible so he's upgrading.

Instead of using dead unstable subjects, he's going for live ones and he's already captured one. This will trigger the inevitability of Invincible apprehending him, sending him to jail for the rest of his life.

But will he go to jail? No, that's unlikely because I understand Cecil very very much and so I know that he won't let a talent like this rot away in a cell considering the fact that he wants to stop relying on uncontrollable factors such as myself and the Guardians.

For example, just two days ago, Invincible apprehended Darkwing's sidekick Darkboy—who now calls himself Darkwing—and gave him to Cecil but instead of putting him in a cell for all the lives he's taken, he sent him somewhere secret to start indoctrinating him in order to get another superhuman soldier in his command.

And the fact that he's preparing for—according to him—the time I'll be at odds with him or the world at large. He really needs to work on his trust wonder he's still single.

I wouldn't need Sinclair but his genius is high enough for me to take interest in his research so I'm afraid even if Cecil gets to him, he'll only be answering to me.

Besides, I need him to have an illusion of safety or something that'll make curb his innate fear of me so loaning Sinclair to him is the best move...for now at least.

The door suddenly slides open and Monster Girl—in her human form—walks inside, a little nervous as her eyes flit around the room—looking for me—and stop above my figure.

"...Uhm Prime, can we talk?"

Monster Girl asks softly, reeking of nervousness as I turn and look down at her childish figure covered in small-sized articles of clothing with a warm smile on my face.

...Hmm, now that someone is here, let me try that.

"Sure, take a seat."

I nod and gesture to one of the sofas as I glide down from the viewing platform while in my head something clicks.

She nods back and sits down on the couch as I walk to the counter. Pouring her a unique cocktail of juices, I take the chilled bubbling glass of greenish cocktail and walk back to her position.

"What's the problem, Amanda?"

I ask gently with pure care as I give her the glass and sit down on the couch in front of her.

She takes a whiff of the glass and then takes a sip of it, her small feet hanging above the ground.

"...I need help."

She says sadly with a small sigh and places the glass gently on the table separating us.

"What help?"

I ask gently, feeling sad and then she looks down at her dangling feet with a sorrowful smile on her face.

"...Just a week ago, my feet were just about two inches above the ground, almost touching it but now..."

She pauses, shakes her head, and then raises it to look at me.

"As you know, every time I use my powers, I de-age slightly. I've been using my powers for a while now, for a lot of years and it finally regressed me to the body of a ten-year-old. 

"But lately, the rate at which my body regresses has increased and..."

"...And you're scared, right? Scared that your body will become so young that no one will take you seriously again, scared that a time will come where the chances of you getting a relationship is close to zero, scared that a time will come where you'll essentially regress into a toddler..."

I continue for her, making her eyes widen with her mouth open in shock and surprise.

"I understand what your worries are and what you're going through Amanda, what type of leader would I be if I didn't? It's alright to be scared. 

"To be honest, anyone in your position would be but because you're strong, you've been able to reign it in and keep it at bay for the sake of your duty and that's what true heroes do Amanda. I don't know if you hear this a lot but I'm proud of you, as a leader and a friend."

I smile warmly, looking into her widened eyes with extreme care. Within seconds, she starts trembling—gripping her skirt—getting emotional as tears start forming in her beautiful eyes. She lowers her head.

"I know Robot told you he'll work on your condition so I decided I'd leave it to him until either of you comes for help. Now that you have, I'll do my utmost best to make sure you are normal, I promise you this."

I say as I stand up and sit beside her, pulling her shaking body for a hug. She immediately starts crying on my suit as I caress the crown of her long bright brown hair with love.

After two minutes, she calms down and separates herself from me. With a bright smile now on her cute innocent face, she wipes her tears with her forearm.

"Thanks a lot, Prime, I really needed this. I trust you so I know you'll fulfill your promise. I'm glad I never left this team. Thank you very much."

She says and leans forward to place an innocent peck on my cheek. 

"I'll be waiting Prime."

She jumps down from the sofa and says as she starts walking to the elevator, waving to me with a cheeky smile on her face as she does so.

Flashing her the same warm smile, I watch as she walks into the elevator and operates it to move.

The moment she leaves, something clicks in my mind and instantly, the smile on my face disappears, replaced by a calculated look.

...Manipulating your own mind to genuinely care and love someone is a very fascinating thing. It takes the whole manipulation game to a next level and makes it very interesting and fun.

Now, I know that in the event that I change or manipulate my brain to feel or remove some emotions, it'll regress to its original state at my will. A very neat and useful trick.

Hmm, now I'd have to fully study her magical cells and find a way to cure her. I already planned to upgrade the team so it shouldn't be a problem.

I'll just take it as a side project while I continue training to master the very essence of my mind and consciousness.

Eve will call me any moment from now for the trip. I guess I'll use the remaining time to create my mental world or universe...


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