Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Master And Protege


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎30th April 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Guardians Of The Globe Base, Utah▪︎]

Seated on one of the couches in the living room with a circular glass table separating it from the other one facing me, I take a light sip of my iced vodka in my glass cup while watching Ruddy quietly sitting in front of me.

Today, he isn't in his suit. Instead, he is wearing a white round-neck t-shirt with black pants on and white sneakers. He is unrelaxed in his seat and his youthful brown face is adorned with a nervous look.

His whole body language is exuding nervousness even if he's trying to hide it with his fingers tapping softly on his lap, bringing a smile to my face as I place the glass down on the table.

"So, you mind telling me why you are here?"

I ask as I cross my left leg over the right one.

"...I'm here about the team. As the co-leader, I was entrusted to deliver their responses."

He says softly, looking at my face as he tries to become serious but the intensity of his finger tapping is increasing.

...I really did spook them with my speech, well that was the plan.


"We all would like to stay. We've given it a lot of thought and after a little group discussion—minus Krys who didn't even think about it—we came to the conclusion that you're right. We've been taking this duty with a wrong mindset and we will change it."

He explains as I take another sip of the strong alcoholic beverage, nodding gently as he finishes.

"I see, that's good. So what are your thoughts on lethal aggression?"

I question calmly in a soothing tone that visibly makes his tapping calm down and stare into his eyes intently.

"Well, we thi——"

"No, no, I'm not talking about the team. I'm talking about you Rudolph Conners, what are your thoughts on lethal action after some introspection? You know how I am about honesty so pour out your mind."

I cut him off and insert this causally with a smile on my face as I gulp the whole white liquid—surrounded by cubes of smooth white ice—down my throat.

None of them know this but there's virtually nothing I can't see on this mountain so their optimistic sense of privacy is nonexistent.

Because of this, I know what went on in their respective bedrooms after watching the recording right after coming back with dealing with Levy Angstrom.

They brooded a lot and some of them couldn't even sleep, with the exception of Immortal who slept like a lamb, and Crysela who was masturbating—moaning my name as she did so.

Ruddy, on the other hand, didn't even lie in his bed, he spent the entire time contemplating behind his desk while using his advanced pieces of equipment to do some logical calculations.

All in all, I knew that there would be a ninety-nine percent chance that they would all stay. If they wouldn't, then I won't be able to call myself an expert manipulator now, would I?

"...I've thought about it thoroughly and no matter how much logical it is to kill when it's needed, I still can't convince myself of the morality of the situation. I still have a feeling that it's wrong to kill even if the perpetrator deserves it."

After collecting his thoughts for a few seconds, he explains carefully with a wry smile on his face, nervous to look right into my eyes.

Ah yes, morals. Not his fault though, he's just like the rest of the humans who've been brainwashed by the system to think that killing is bad when the same system paints Deathrow executioners as 'good' and the inmates 'bad' when they're all committing the same crime.

A small chuckle leaks out of my mouth at the thought of this and makes Ruddy's face change into one of confusion as he now looks me in the eyes.

"Don't mind me, Ruddy, I just thought of something funny. To be honest, there's nothing wrong with this type of thinking and I'm sure this is what is worrying most of your teammates deep inside them. It's normal to be concerned with morality after all you were born in it so to speak...unlike some of us."

I explain with a small smile on my face but Ruddy's eyebrows narrow at the last part as a small frown creeps on his face.

"What do you mean by 'unlike some of us'?"

"That's a story for later Ruddy. The thing is that it's okay to face moral conflict about these types of things, it shows you still have a good heart otherwise you'll be no different than the genocidal maniacs and supervillains we face on a daily."

I wave my hand dismissively and remark wisely, making his face light up as he nods seriously, seemingly soaking up my words of wisdom.

"The only thing is that you shouldn't let it cloud yourself of judgment and reason when the time comes to do what must be done like during the invasion."

I add and immediately his expression darkens as a willful smile spreads across his lips.

Smiling at this, I stand up and walk to the counter to pour myself another chilled glass of Vodka as he remains silent, cupping up his chin with his left hand as he sinks into his thoughts.

Using my mind—while I pour myself the drink—I take a bottle of grape juice and pour a glass of it after filling half of the glass cup with ice, painting a nice image as the bluish color of the Vodka and the violet color of the grape juice compliment each other on the counter.

"...Virgil, did you mean what you said about letting us go if we didn't accept it?"

Ruddy asks softly with a tinge of seriousness in his youthful voice as I walk back to the couch area with the glasses in hand.

He mouths a 'thank you' as I hand his glass to him and stares at me as I sit on my previous seat calmly.

"What you mean is, would I have let you go if you didn't want to stay? Or in other words, would I abandon you if you made the other choice right?"

I smile as I take a mouthful of the drink—my eyes on him—making him sigh as his lips curl into a strange smile.


He answers sharply—staring at me intensely—his drink still between his palms.

"Sadly for you no, I wouldn't have let you leave. You are worth more than them and too valuable to me. The thing is I already knew they would stay, with time you'll be able to predict these types of outcomes when you do things right. 

"If by chance they would've let—which they wouldn't—it won' frankly bother me. There are a lot of capable people in this world who would give everything to be a part of this team and would absolutely love to have a chance to get close to me."

I start explaining gently and end confidently with an arrogant smirk on my face while taking another mouthful of the cold drink.

Ruddy just looks at me silently for a while and then chuckles—while shaking his head—with an elated smile on his face. He gulps down his entire drink soon after and sighs contentedly.

"I'm glad you think of me this way even if I disagree on the value aspect. I guess it's good that your prediction was correct and that they all agreed to stay, it would've been a shame if they all left. I've grown accustomed to them.

"Even if I wanted to leave, I wouldn't. You're my mentor Virgil and I believe in whatever you say because per my calculations, you've always been right. You can count on my leal support always Virgil Prime because I know you'll always make the right decisions."

He places his glass down on the table and says strongly with a serious face—his voice, emotions, and eyes showing how much he means what he just said and his conviction.

....My investment is showing its returns so soon. He'll be a perfect right-hand man. 

I wanted Ryan to be it but he got his head choked up with being the embodiment of true heroism, a hero who'll do anything to save the lives of Imperium citizens, so I had to rethink it. He's fine doing what he's doing, it suits him.

But now, I have gotten the perfect person for the job with the right qualities. All he needs is some polishing and he'll be more than perfect. 

It'll take time but that's a commodity I don't lack and it will, in turn, make the polishing more thorough and perfect.

"I'm flattered Ruddy. Don't worry, I won't disappoint your faith and trust. You just need to stick by my side and watch as miracles and wonders unfold right before your eyes as we make this world and naysay this universe a better place."

I smile meaningfully and gulp down my glass after taking in his nod underneath his fervent eyes brimming with overwhelming enthusiasm and loyalty.

I hope you'll enjoy this journey Rudolph...because I sure know I would...


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