Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Check out Patreo.n/KingSeyer to read ahead.


[▪︎1st July, 2002▪︎]

[▪︎Central Park, New York City▪︎]

High in the sky, the afternoon rays of the sun shines brightly on the evergreen carpet-like grass in the park.

Small beautiful trees can be seen all around the grass landscape as the fresh warm wind makes the glossy green leaves flutter.

The silhouette of the towering skyscrapers can also be seen in the distance as birds cruise through the sky.

Everywhere, children can be seen playing around happily with their parents or family sitting on the grass in front of perfectly laid picnic blankets either conversing happily or eating.

I turn to my side and observe the smiling face of the person beside me with a smile of my own.

This is nice.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

Holly asks curiously right beside me as she takes a bite off a sandwich and places it down on the place on the red blanket in front of us.

Today, she is wearing casual but fitting blue jeans with a dark blue crop top that emphasizes her bust, on her feet are a pair of white sneakers. 

Her long oily stark-black hair lies on her back in a braid with golden hair clips holding them.

I for one I'm wearing black jeans, a white tshirt and black sneakers. Oh and I'm wearing glasses, I decided to stick with Superman's genius idea of hiding in plain sight and its working out perfectly...I think?

"Nothing, just that I'm stunned by your beauty."

I reply cheekily, making her smile beautifully.

Today, we are on a date or better yet a picnic date. This is not the first time since for the past year we have transitioned from friends to would be partners.

It's been close to a year since we started dating and I've succeeded in making her fall for me.

She tries to hide it but I have more experience in these kinds of matters than her despite her age plus I can read her mind, so there's nothing she can hide. 

I've got to say, this past year has been really boring. 

There hasn't been any alien invasions or anything along the lines, just a bunch of mediocre villains who don't have anything better to do with their lives and a couple of monsters.

The only interesting thing I've done these last couple of months was destroying an asteroid that was about to hit Detroit in space.

Money is no longer a problem...not that it ever was but now with my investment firm, I have enough money to do what I want. Meaning, the deal I have with Cecil doesn't mean much anymore.

The only reason I'm still doing hero business is because I need to build a certain image, also it helps me relive some stress.

Concerning magic, everything has been going well. 

I've been practicing a lot so I'm very familiar with all the spells I know, I've gotten new ones too from the magic user who were unlucky to cross my paths but they haven't boosted my attack potency. 

They've just increased my versatility. The only important value of magic to me is the [Third Eye] and the soul strengthening rituals that have boosted my resistance to curse-related spells and hexes.

The [Third Eye] allows to me perceive the immaterial that is magic, ghosts, the aura around a person etc. 

I also have a form of passive instinctual [Danger Sense], meaning that I will be able to instantly know if something or someone is able to harm me. 

There's more to it but its combat related.

Still, there's no sign of the Spark. The connection is still down so I can't even portal to wherever it is. 

There's a reason why I landed on Earth specifically so all I have to do is continue waiting.

I've been thinking of leaving Earth to travel the galaxy and interact with different races, mainly for my experiments but Omni-man is a ticking time bomb so I'm taking my time.

It won't be long before he acts and when he does, I will be able to get Viltrumite DNA. Then from there, everything will be set.

For now, I have a lovely picnic to enjoy.

"Is this the part where I blush like a maiden in love?"

She asks playfully with a playful raise of an eyebrow.

"This is the part where I get a kiss. Compliments are hard to get these days."

I smile provocatively as I stare right into her beautiful light blue eyes.

"Hmm, rewards aren't easy to come by these days but I guess I'll make an exception today."

She smiles seductively, her eyes and voice showing warmth and pushes herself closer till her shoulder touches mine and touches my face gently.

I breathe in her sweet sensual jasmine scent as I grab her waist softly and lean over till our faces are just a few centimeters apart, making our hot breaths hit each other's noses.

The next moment, our lips touch. Ignoring those around us, we engage in a hot passionate kiss and I enjoy the sweetness from her soft luscious lips and mouth.

<Bang! Bang!>

Suddenly, two large figures drop from the sky and create craters on the ground as they land, creating a large gust of wind that blows some people away with dust.

They are three-meter-tall bulky stone giants donning Greco-Roman battle armor with a long iron spear and a thick round shield in their grasp. 

Their eyes are pure red with no pupils and there are some small cracks running down beneath their eyes.

"It's monsters, run!"

Someone cries and immediately, everyone starts running, screaming as they did so. They ignored them, their gazes fixed on our figures as they slowly walk towards us.

"Oh no, not this again!"

She clicks her teeth in annoyance as she breaks our kiss and stands to meet them.

"You know them?"

I ask as I rise from the ground to stand next to her.

"Yes, they are Guardians Of Stones. Creatures made of stone to protect the other realms, they have been sent here by my mother."

She says in a tone laced with venom as they halt a few meters away from us.

"Princess, we are here to take you back to the 'Other Realms'. Please don't resist."

One of them says with a dry unnatural voice, not sparing me a glance.

"How many time do I have tell my mother that, I don't want to go back! Leave this instance!"

She commands as she places her presses her necklace, making her figure glow as her battle armor forms on her.

"It seems you won't go willingly."

It remarks stoically and then all of them get into a battle formation.

"You heard the lady, leave now.."

I say darkly as I stand in front of her.

"Mortal, this is not your affair. Walk away or suffer the consequences."

The lead giant threatens, his eyes glowing red.

I turn and look at her apologetic face then turn back to face them with a dark smile.

"Fuck off."

I say and snap my fingers, making all of them explode to bits simultaneously.

"Sorry for ruining the date Virgil, my family al--"

"It doesn't matter, your problems are also my problems. We are together in this remember?"

I cut her off with a smile and caress her face, making her smile warmly with her eyes showing love.

"It looks like this isn't the first time this has happened right? Why is your mother so persistent on wanting you to come back when you are a fully grown adult?"

I question seriously, this makes her sigh tiredly.

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