Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[The Pentagon, United States Of America]

" What did Congress say?" 

A built old man dressed in military attire adorned with many medals asked as he sat with many other military personnel in a small conference room.

"They said we should terminate project 'A-Life', and make sure there are no traces left behind." answered the only female in the room.

"By terminate you mean, we should get rid of everything and everyone one directly involved with the project?"  one of the men asked in a somber tone.

" Yes" she answered with the same tone.

"How can they do this? We have invested a whole lot of resources and time into this but now they suddenly want to end it when the first batch has been successfully made!"

The general exclaimed angrily,glancing at the faces of all those present in the room.

There were exactly five Generals present in this meeting; four male generals with one female general.

Silence reigned in the room due to outburst of the general. Everyone of them were feeling complex emotions since this project meant a lot to them and it would've changed the history of warfare.

After a while, one of the male Generals who had an expressionless face asked:

" What about the Scientists? You realize we have one of the greatest minds in the nation in that project. Are we just going to kill Reyesmar and the rest?"

" Anderson, the project has been leaked to our adversaries . You know we have to do this in order to prevent them from using the information to harm us."

The heavily built General answered with a remorseful tone. Everyone in the room knows how important Reyesmar is to the nation as a whole and to Anderson especially since they are family.

Anderson who heard his answer became quiet. He then got up from his seat and excused himself and left the room drenching it in silence once again.

The heavily built old General who has the most authority among those present spoke again:

" There is no time to waste, send a battalion to the island as soon as possible and make sure there are no traces left"

" Brenner, what should we do about Anderson?"

One of them asked since the usually calm person they know wasn't himself right now.

" Leave him to me and just send the troops" Brenner replied sternly.

The meeting came to an end with his words and thus every General went to execute his command.

Alone in the room, Brenner opened a file of someone and read it.



Reyesmar Silverster Anderson


Twenty Nine(29)


 A tall fair lean man with black hair,  brown eyes and a small scar on the side of his left eye.


American, Ghanaian.


Ph.D Biochemistry&Microbiology


He is extremely rational, has psychopathic tendencies,lustful, sadistic and introverted.He is very kind to children but wont hesitate to hurt them if its needed .He believes that human beings have the potential to be 'Gods' and will do anything even throw away morality to make achieve his goals. He sees emotional people as baggage and only respects those in authority and those who are logical and know how to suppress their emotions when its needed. He is extremely loyal and wont hesitate to those he considers family.


•Created majority of humanities deadliest Bioweapons.

•Created 'BStorm' a drug used by America and her allies that temporarily enhances adrenaline Production which increases the overall physical capability of soldiers to inhuman levels.



After reading through the file, he closed it and sat down in silence. Even though this isn't the first he has read through that particular file, the feats of that person never ceases to amaze him.

If It wasnt that his research was top secret, he would've won numerous Nobel prizes and that's a fact.

He meditated a while and sighed with a pitiful expression on his face.

"Once again, another genius bites the dust due to this nation's paranoia."

Feeling sad that a valuable resource will be destroyed as a result of fear.


[ Unnamed Island, Pacific Ocean]

In a secret facility underground, tens of scientists were performing experiments in futuristic laboratories fully immersed in their work ignoring the occasional screams from their test subjects.

Human males were being experimented on while strapped on medical beds or chairs with various chemicals or procedures that made them scream out of agony. 

The scientists unfazed by this, continued their experiments without a care in the world.

In a large laboratory located at the last floor of the underground facility, numerous human sized vertical incubators filled with identical naked males immersed in a bluish liquid occupied the lab in rows.

A fair and handsome 6'1 man wearing a white lab coat was standing in front of one of the incubators with a smile on his face.

" Finally, I've successfully cloned human beings with the memories and experiences of their original. Humanity has taken a further step in its development." he said with a peaceful smile on his face.

He left that place and went towards his white work desk located at the corner of the room.

He sat down and started writing down some theories and hypotheses that will aid in his next experiment.


The satellite phone on his desk rang. He only uses it to contact one particular individual so he immediately knew who was calling and picked up the call.

"I'm busy" He said as he continued to write.

" Reyesmar you are about to die" The voice said.

He actions immediately ceased when he heard this and his expressionless face turned to a frown.


" The Government, information about the project has been leaked to our enemies so they are coming to erase any trace of the project before the World Government finds out."


" I cant do anything right now so try and escape on your own, take the submarine and d..."

"Dont try to give me false hope, this isn't how you trained me. Do you actually think even if I escape this place I will still be alive? I've created their soldiers for them and since they have the data they can recreate it with time." He said with an angry tone. 


Breathing in and out in a particular rhythm he calmed down and continued:

" They fear my knowledge and intellect and since they no longer need me and can't control me, the only option they have is to kill me. They would've done it even if nothing was leaked, it was just a matter of time."

" So what will you do now?" 

Anderson asked in a seemingly sad tone.

" Since I'm going to be fucked up either way, why don't I leave them one last present"

Reyesmar replied with a creepy grin etched on his face. 

" ... I see, I want you to know that even after all that's happened you will always be my son."



Reyesmar ended the call after he heard that and sat down on desk and started thinking about his life.

He was an orphan in Ghana but after getting a scholarship due to his intellect, he was able to come to America where he later got adopted by Mr. Frederick Anderson a Brigadier General at the time.

His father was a very strict and hard guy who because of losing his wife early in life rejected any form of emotion and lived by Rationality not even choosing to marry again since the death of his wife created a deep abyss in his heart.

He grew up with a twisted personality due to that and became as cold as his father. He was only adopted because of his intellect and he was constantly made aware of that fact serving as a reminder that when he is no longer needed he will be cast aside.

Eventually, His father gradually started caring for him and thus the two became closer forming a weird father and son relationship.

He remembers the day his dad beat him up to near death during a spar and he had to use a knife to cut him up before he stopped. That was the first time he told him he was proud of him.


The intense shockwave of the explosion shoke his lab heavily, making sand and gravel fall from his ceiling. 

" I guess they are here, i have lived an envious life and I've made sure to experience everything I can to prepare for this moment. From movies, anime, series, games, sex.... I've not done a milf before but I guess it's okay for now. It's now left with going out in style"

He said with a maniacal grin. He moved calmly to the back of the room despite the sound of explosions in the background.

Arriving, he placed his hand on a specific part of the wall which opened up showcasing a futuristic screen. Biting his finger, he used his blood to write his signature on the screen.

The wall moved apart like an elevator door and displayed a small hidden room equipped with a computer which had multiple screens showing the live feed of soldiers killing his researchers.

He sat down and started typing with incredible speeds with the screen showing long strings of codes. 

" ...And done. With this I've screwed them over big time, the whole worlds gonna know the type of shit that goes down in this country, now it's time for the fireworks"

He continued typing and after a while the screen started showing a two minutes countdown.

He then relaxed in the desktop chair and waited for them to come with a peaceful smile on his face as if nothing is going to happen to him.

He wasn't afraid of death since humans will eventually die so instead of being afraid of it he has already embraced it. He has never believed in the spiritual so he wasn't afraid of Heaven or Hell.

After a while soldiers started pouring into the room fully armed and slowly marched towards his location. When they arrived they got into formations and pointed their guns at him.

" Reyesmar Anderson! Stay where you are!"

Their leader shouted as he entered the room.

Reyesmar ignored him and pointed to the screen.

When the soldier saw the countdown he had a horrified look on his face and turned to run.


The soldiers were confused and thus were slower to react. Reyesmar who was watching the screen started laughing for the last time and said:


The countdown went to zero.


The whole facility and the surrounding surface blew up, sending a mushroom shaped cloud up into the air that could be seen by nearby Ships.

On this day, 11th March 2020,Reyesmar Anderson, a world renowned investor and Biochemist died, never to be seen again..... at least in this reality.


[ Two Days Later]

The whole world was chaotic as information regarding inhumane, banned and atrocious experiments conducted by The United States Government was released to the public from an unknown source.

Videos showing the corrupt nature of the president and other important government officials were released and this made them go to prison for life.

It was also announced that world renowned Biochemist and investor Reyesmar Anderson was dead, and this sparked some conspiracy theories across the world.

His funeral was held in Manhattan and was attended by His Father who was accompanied by an unknown woman holding a baby and other important figures who came as sign of good will since they were cautious of what information Reyesmar gave his father before he died.


Thus, he left this world leaving a legacy he knew or probably didn't know of.




The End.

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