Conquering The Omni-Verse!

September~11 [End]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎11th September, 2001▪︎]

  [▪︎General Pov▪︎]

"Oh my God! Is that a plane!?"

"Look! its heading towards Vought Tech!"

"We are all going to die!"

People on the streets exclaimed as they could see an aircraft heading towards a blue-black skyscraper that has a large sign that said 'Vought Tech' on top of it.

Chaos and panic ensued when they realized that it was another terrorist attack. The people on the streets started running, trying to leave the area around the skyscraper with those possessing vehicles abandoning them for a chance of survival.

Due to how chaotic the place was, children became lost and concerned parents had to look for them in the stampede.

Inside the plane that was just moments away from hitting the skyscraper, a man was grinning and looked at the skyscraper with an insane look.

"For Osama! For Al Queda!"

He shouted crazily and increased the aircraft's speed a few seconds away from hitting the building.

But suddenly the plane stopped as if it was frozen.

"What's going on! Move you piece of shit!"

"Your attempt is futile, the plane won't move no matter what you do."

A voice calmly responded in a tone laced with a little anger.

"Guys look! Its Deva!"

A man shouted as he pointed towards the sky.

When they all looked, they saw a handsome white haired and red eyed man wearing a black futuristic skin-tight body armour with his left hand stretched towards the plane.

The pilot and those watching were surprised with some of them even taking their phones and recording.

Military cars and helicopters arrived at the scene at that time but they were too late as the threat was already being handled.

They all stood there and watched as the modern piston aircraft was being held up in the air by a one man whose face didnt show any strain or reaction as if what he was doing was nothing.

Coupled with his black futuristic body armour and his appearance, the scenes struck the hearts of many as it painted a powerful picture.


[▪︎Main Pov▪︎]

I arrived in time just as the plane was about to crash into the building and froze it in the air.

If I was a second late, the buliding would've been destroyed by now.

Just thinking about makes me angry, I dont really care about the building or the people inside but the important things that would've been lost is what would've worried me.

I could see the crowd and those on the streets as well as the military who just arrived looking at me, I will ignore them for now.

The suicide bomber was still trying his very best to move the plane, even though by now he should've realized how futile his attempt is.

This guy has been brainwashed thoroughly. Just by taking a peek in his mind, I could see all the atrocities he has committed in the name of Al'Queda.

The fact that he thinks what he is about to do is the good thing is very interesting. 

This just proves that with the right training and environment, a child can be made to believe that even raping babies is morally or logically right.

What I have seen in his mind has given me several ideas on how to utilize my [Telepathy] very efficiently.

But for now, let me pour out my frustration on him. 

With my fingers adjusted in a grabbing motion, the tail end of aircraft was ripped out and left floating leaving behind the front part of the plane with the cockpit.

He freaked out when I did this, but the next second he removed his hoodie.

A bomb was shown strapped around his waist with his left hand holding a detonator.

He looked at with a fanatic expression and the next moment he jumped towards the building.

I shook my head upon seeing this and with a thought, his explosive vest was ripped off his body into the sky and exploded the next second with his body suspending in the air next to the windows of the buliding.

The next moment he glided through the air and arrived in front of me with his hands holding his neck with the destroyed aircraft falling down behind him onto an empty street.

"How do you feel now that all plans has been foiled and your life is now in my hands."

I asked with a devilish smile.

He looked at me with both fear and hate and said:

"Even if I die today, ALLAH'S will will prevail and all you Americans will witness the day your country and the world is turned into one Islamic state under the rule of the Prophet!"

He managed to scream fanatically even though he was clutching his throat in pain.

Interesting, even with all that has happened he still believes his leader will succeed in his goals. 

By the time I'm done with their leader we will see if he will have the energy to think about his goals.

"I can see there is no helping you, I would've killed you here and now but I don't need to do so as I've gotten all that I need from you. Enjoy your stay in whatever torture facility you are going to find your self in."

"Wait! Please don't give me to them. Just kil---"

With a quick chop to his neck he fell unconscious.

I wanted to kill him but I didnt see the need to do so since I've gone through his memories.

He wasn't an important person in the organizations hierarchy so he wasn't privy to highly classified information but he at least knew of their secret hideouts and that's what I need at the moment.

Together with my satellite, I can easily find their bases and also the location of their leaders and main leader.

I'm going to enjoy what I will do to Laden in the next few days.

I then descended to where the military where and dropped him on the ground like garbage.

"Deva! That was sooo awesome man. Thanks for saving us."

"Thanks for saving us Mr Deva, you are now my hero!"

".....Thanks Man." ".... You've saved us."

The civilians cheered as they surrounded me with some taking pictures.

I smiled seeing this as I thought of how they will feel if they knew that wasn't my intention, but my smile only made them increase their picture taking.

The military came in and dispersed the excited crowd and took the criminal with a man who judging by the number of medals on his uniform is very high ranked, approached me.

"Mr Deva, I'm Sergeant Barns. On behalf of the American Government, I sincerely thank you for your service. The people you saved on the plane are being sent back home."

He said with a smile and stretched his hand for a handshake.

I smiled back and shook his hand and said:

"I'm only using my gifts to protect the nation Sergeant, you guys are the real heroes."

They were surprised at how humble I was and just smiled happily with their impressions of me increasing.

"Don't be so humble Mr Deva. You are the hero today, so just enjoy the praise."

The Sergeant said happily and gestured me to follow him into the military jeep.

I nodded and followed him into the vehicle which within a few minutes drove away.

They were just giving me a friendly lift to one of my mansions as a sign of acknowledgement.

The treatment is nice so I don't see the need to decline and I really wanted to relax after all that I've done.

I can already forsee the amount of public appearances I will make after this with Homelander. 

Al'Queda should rest while they can, because by targeting me they've sealed their fate.



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