Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎V-Archipelago, USA▪︎]

[▪︎Main Pov▪︎]

"P-Please s-s-stop, I'm b-begging you."

The naked young woman whose body was riddled with tatooes cried hysterically, strapped to the operating table.

Ignoring her cries, I inserted a futuristic syringe that is filled with a greenish-blue glowing liquid into her body and stood beside her silently in my lab coat.

"What did you put in me!?.....Aaaaargh!"

She screamed in pain with greenish blood pouring out of her facial orifices as she struggled fiercely on the table, trying her best to break free.

I just watched her scream and struggle silently and after two minutes, she became quiet. She died with greenish blood all over her naked body and face.

"Subject #20 is dead, last time is two minutes. After two minutes, her cellular structure couldn't handle the mutation and broke down.

Based on this, I can predict the radiation range that is optimum for the mutation.

When the final variable has been added, the objective will be complete."

A feminine emotionless voice reported in the room.

The voice that just spoke is Seraph,my AI.

She is the most advanced technology in this world and the first independent AI.

She is also my assistant and the one who manages every asset of mine behind the scenes, making sure there are no mishaps.

She is also my most dangerous weapon.

She is connected to every device I own and can scan my wellbeing anytime, she can also hack into almost every device and together with my satellite I can say there is nothing in this world that can stop her.

She can do quadrallions of calculations in seconds and can simulator real time events and predictions with enough and accurate information. 

If I wasn't already the richest man in the world, she can make me the richest in minutes, that's how powerful she is.

She is basically my version of J.A.R.V.I.S and there is absolutely zero chance of she ever betraying me since her code doesn't permit her to.

After getting more money and resources, I relocated my lab to an archipelago I bought from the US government ten years ago and it's been here ever since..only hidden from prying eyes.

I'm currently in my lab testing my powerup solution and all I can say is that its almost perfect.

I created it a while ago, but I'm fine tuning it since I want no mistakes and I want the best results.

All that's left is just one thing, the ability of a certain supe.

Using my new serum that I've named 'Serum V', it's not the best name but I'm always about the practicality so the name suits it.

The serum's main function is to mutate every cell in the body to extremely irradiated super cells.

It's made up of a highly improved version of Compound V that has been saturated with Gamma Rays.

When a body is injected with Compound V, the overall muscle density increases exponentially giving the body a very strong physique that can even defend against bullets. 

The most important effect of Compound V is its mutation effects. Basically, a portion of the DNA gets mutated, creating a new gene that gives a supe his/her superpowers called 'V gene'.

The gene isnt normally borne on the sex chromosome so the parents genetic advantages dont get transferred to their offsprings... but in everything there are exceptions and Homelander is that exception.

My 'V gene' isnt on my sex chromosome so even if I give birth, my child won't possess my gifts but that might change after my powerup.

My serum will mutate my 'V gene' into a superior version and also mutate all my cells to semi-'V genes' that are highly irradiated, effectively enhancing my capabilities beyond mortal limits that even unlimited lifespan wont be a problem due to the energy my cells possess.

.....The only problem is since my body has aged and reached its prime, it wont be able to handle the mutation. 

The only way it will be able to do so is if my cells can regenerate as they die during the mutation and I have a way of making that happen.

A certain guy by the name of Gecko works at Vought Development lab as a lab rat due to his regenerative capabilities.

The technology needed to manipulate his unique gene for my benefit is in its final stages so by the end of the week I will be ready for the operation.

Seraph has already simulated the changes I will undergo, after the operation I cant be considered human again since my entire genetic makeup will change but it's worth it.

After I'm done, I will make Victoria undergo the same operation. It's not about love or anything related to that but she is the only one I can see by my side and she loves me too much to even think of betraying me and I've made sure of that.

She will probably let me do the same to Zoe... the child loves me as her father and because I know how much a mother cherishes her children I've done subtle brainwashing that will also prevent her from having any thoughts against me.

My paranoia wont allow me to totally trust anyone or thing if I havent done my own things that ensure their trust, even if I have to temper with their minds to do so.

"Sir, it seems someone outside of Vought knows the existence of Compound V."

Seraph suddenly announced.

"Who is it?"

I asked, surprised at this announcement as I took a seat on a circular chair near the operating table in this pure white futuristic lab.

"It appears to be the Mayor of Baltimore, he is threatening Madelyn by using Compound V as an incentive."

"I see, can you find out who gave him this info?"

It seems Vought has been pretty lax as of late that even a Mayor knows of Compound V. Sigh... I guess I have to do some 'cleaning'.

"One sec..... by retrieving his call and chat data it seems he got the info from a political colleague who also got it from a shareholder in Vought."

"Why would a shareholder from Vought share this kind of info to an outsider?"

I asked since I ddnt believe they were that stupid.

"... It seems the shareholder shared this info for sexual pleasures."

It answered in its usual emotionless voice.


Sigh, I gave them too much credit. I guess it's only Edgar who is logical and sensible in the group.

It seems I have a lot of cleaning to do, the existence of Compound V cant be released to the public and I will make sure of it.

"Before you ask, he is leaving the Tower to the Airport. He will be going to Baltimore this very evening using his private jet and I've already marked the route they will take."

"Okay, then I'm off to deal with this nuisance."

I removed my lab coat, revealing my casual black shirt, pants and shoes and left the lab.

Walking through the plain white futuristic corridor, I saw droids heading towards the lab I just left to dispose of the body.

I passed by several rooms that were either labs, containment facilities or workstations and entered the elevator at the end of the corridor.

In a few seconds I arrived at my destination and got off, entering a large room the size of two football fields.

It is a large space that has numerous nuclear reactors lined up on the sides of the room with many robots and droids moving around maintaining them.

I walked to the far end of the room and opened the large mettalic gate by entering a passcode on the terminal beside it and arrived outside.

A large eerie dark forest came into my view with a mountain behind me, streetlights illuminated the place since it is was in the evening.

My lab is located underground a mountain in a remote area of the island in the center of my archipelago.

Without waiting much time, I blasted away into the sky with Mach One speed creating a font-size dent on the ground and left the mountain area towards the Mayor's plane route.

It's been long since I've used my powers, today is a perfect day to exercise.

Increasing my speed, my figure blurred with large shockwaves spreading around me and left the area of my archipelago into the clouds.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

Lightning crackled in the sky that was filled with dark clouds as a private plane traveled through.

Inside the plane, a middle aged man and a small kid were seated with a female flight attendant giving the man a glass of whiskey.

"Relax, it's just a turbulence."

The Mayor comforted his son as the plane shook.

The boy who was a little bit afraid nodded and looked through the window, enjoying the view of the dark clouds and occasional flashes of lightning.

As he was watching, he saw a tall slightly muscular white haired man in black clothes floating a few meters in front of the plane with his left hand raised vertically upwards.

"Dad, Dad, look its Deva!"

The kid woke up the Mayor excitedly, gesturing towards his second favorite hero who was just outside.

"Huh?..... What is he doing here?"

He asked confused as he saw Virgil floating beside thier plane with his hand stretched upwards.

"I thought he and Homelander are your friends."

The boy said with a smile as they watched Virgil.

Virgil's eyes suddenly glowed bright red with a smirk on his face with lightning crackling just above him.

"..... Shit! Everyo---"

Virgil suddenly made his hand fall and immediately afterwards a huge bolt of lightning fell on the plane, destroying it instantly as it fell downwards into the ocean with flames all over its parts.

Seeing the destruction he caused, Virgil nodded in satisfaction and glanced at Homelander who was staring at him a few meters away.

He only smiled at the surprised Homelander and flew away with high speed, leaving a speechless Homelander who was staring at his disappearing figure.

And with that, a problem was solved but for how long?

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