Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Team And Bugs


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Volume Two: Invincible(Image Comics)


All around me through the transparent screens, the only thing I can see is a kaleidoscopic array of colors and patterns as the pod travels through the wide spatial tunnel.

The pod moves at a speed that should be impossible, at least speeds that it isn't supposed to be able to move at since I could hardly make track of our motion. 

What I'm seeing is weird but beautiful. The way, the colors, and patterns change instantaneously is very cool. I can't help but notice that purple is most predominant among the kaleidoscopic array; why not black?

"Seraph what are you picking up?"

I ask as the metallic surface of the bed shifts and morphs into a very comfy blue-lined dentist-like chair with buttons on the left-hand rest.

Nanobots are a very convenient piece of tech.

|Sensors indicate large to infinite amounts of Dark Energy and Anti-Matter. This quantum tunnel operates in seemingly three dimensions but there are also signs of something else... hmm, this is fascinating.|

Seraph reports.

"Indeed it is. Since you can't put your finger on this then let's put it aside for the meantime, after all, we will be passing through this tunnel a lot, and eventually, we will be able to make it out entirely."

I say as I relax in my seat. 

Honestly, I will be surprised if she was able to deduce everything about this place. 

If the gateway or passageway to other universes/multiverses was easy to understand in minutes, then we would have a lot of civilizations that are dimension-faring. 

Hmm, maybe when the spark is complete... Nah, I shouldn't get my hopes up. 

The future can wait, it's time for the present.

|That's true. Since we don't know when you'll get there should I p---|


"Shit! What the hell is going on?"

I frown as the pod starts to shake and rock intensely. The lights and other pieces of equipment in the room start to spark as the shaking increases.

|I have no idea but I speculate that it's some kind of spatial disturbance.|

Seraph replies as the speed of the pod increases to the point that I can only see white light.

"I thin---, wait is that a hole? Seraph prepare for impact!"

I command as a hole appears some distance away from the pod. Immediately, a shell-like covering surrounds my figure and after a few seconds, we enter the hole.

<Bang!> <Splat!>

The pod drops onto the solid ground from the sky, creating a loud noise and a crater.

"Where the hell are we?"

I frown as my gaze falls on the walls, allowing me to see my surroundings. I landed on a large maize plantation that is currently occupied by a team of armor and spandex-wearing, Uhm humans who are battle ready and are looking at the pod cautiously with house-sized insects all around also looking at the pod.

...I've seen crazy but this is just something else.

|Sir, what is our next course of action?|

Seraph questions in an amused tone.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves to our..friends?"

I shrug nonchalantly as the covering recedes into the pod and stand up. I walk towards the sliding entrance and as I do, tiny black metal pieces crawl up my skin from the ground.

Before I step outside, a black-fitting spandex suit covered in white lines coming from my arms and extending to my feet forms on my body.

I can't show up in baggy clothes can I? After all, first impressions matter.

"Hi, guys?"

I wave to the team with a harmless smile as I come out. Upon seeing me, their eyes slightly widen with surprise but the next second it flashes with caution.

Oh? It seems situations like mine aren't that common in this place but why the hell is the buff guy looking at me like I just fucked his girl? 

...Ah yes, the classic Alpha male mentality. In just seconds I already have someone who dislikes me..yay.

"Who the hell are y--"

"Watch out!"

The hot Amazonian armored woman with the mace yells, cutting the guy off as an incredibly jacked horse-sized grasshopper jumps towards me at incredible speeds with wide-open mandibles from my side.

Without turning, I send out a casual jab that obliterates the head of the insect, killing it instantly.


One of the house-sized mantises roars and jumps toward the team. After, the rest of the insects from locusts to grain weevils dash towards us with frenzy.

"Let's finish this. War Woman make them disperse."

The guy dressed eerily similar to Batman bellows as he throws a ball that denotes in front of a stemborer, blasting it and those around it to pieces as the rest of the team utilize their powers to kill some of the bugs.

I [Force Push] some bugs away and kill them just in time for the Amazonian Lady to smash the ground with her mace.


The ground quakes and shakes as the ground in front of her bursts open and breaks, creating a large hole that extends to the middle of the swarm and draws some of them in, scattering the rest of the swarm with some taking it up to the sky.




Without saying anything, the team divides into two; four of them meet the bugs midair while the remaining face the bugs on land and start butchering them with nice coordination.

A group of Locusts heads towards my direction from the air so I ascend into the air to meet them. 

As they draw near, I extend my fingers into a claw and swing it towards them, sending a large claw-shaped solid air construct that slices them up to pieces.

Those in the air glance at me with surprise for a moment and turn back to continue their killing. 

We smash through them and continue the slaughter. The insects shriek, roar, and buzz as we eradicate them and some even of them even try escaping but with a wave of my hand I cut them up with a [Wind Blade], allowing the rest to focus on the few of them remaining.

"Guys move back!"

The speedster in red screams with a Russian accent below me as he disappears and appears a few meters backward.

Interesting, he is faster than A-Train. 

The team below immediately falls back. 

Noticing this, he starts to run in a circle all around them at speeds that make his figure blurry. 

A large tornado forms and draws the bugs and the surrounding crops and soil into it as he continues running, increasing the drawing force and size.

Two minutes later, the tornado recedes and shows the mangled-up and torn-apart bodies of the bugs with the surrounding crops and land destroyed.

"Nice job Red!"

The middle-aged dark-skinned man in a tight suit of armor praises with a smile as he and his teammates descend. 

"Nice work, saved us some time but the damage..."

The Batman guy says stoically as he glances at the heavily destroyed plantation.

"Oh c'mon man, it wasn't my fault. We can pin the blame and the cost damages on the nuclear facility, it's their fault after all."

He sighs dramatically, making some of them chuckle.

"Now that we are done, why don't you introduce yourself, Stranger?"

Mr. Alpha male looks up at me and gruffs, making the rest of them also look up at me with wariness.

"Courtesy demands that you introduce yourself before I do, but I'm not surprised considering how brutish you look."

I smile as I descend close to them. The team frowns with the Amazonian woman looking at my descending body with interest as the guy's hand bawls into a fist.

"What did you say?"

He asks dangerously.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long day.


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