Conquering The Omni-Verse!

The Missing Piece


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎29th April 2003▪︎]

"Home sweet home."

Holly mutters causally as we step out the portal, finally at home. The familiar fresh scent of the living room area wafts into my nose as the darkness of the place disappears with the emergence of the lights.

Looking around as Holly walks over to the sofa—dressed in casual clothing—a little smile emerges on my face. We are finally back from Talescria after spending five days there. 

"Well then, I'll be heading to Amazonia. The pregnancy issue needs to be handled carefully and my elders won't appreciate me being off-realm for long."

She snickers with a smile as she turns to look at me.

"...I wouldn't want to piss off those old hags if I were you. Just thinking of them scares me sometimes."

I chuckle lightly—shaking my head dramatically—making her cover her mouth with her palms as she bursts out laughing, almost wheezing.

"If they hear this, I just want you to know they didn't hear it from my mouth. I'll drop by to see how things go with you and the girl, later love."

She waves to me with a mocking smile on her face and without waiting for my reply, presses her golden necklace and disappears with a flash of light.

[Virgil, there's been a situation.]

Just as I'm about to create a portal to New Flaxia, Seraph announces with her serious voice.

"I'm listening..."

I stop and respond.

[...It's better if I show you.]

Seraphs comments and the next moment, a wide holographic display panel pops up in front of me. On it is a live feed.

A city is currently under siege by aliens and the Guardians Of The Globe, Invincible, and Eve are fighting them but there is a problem.

Their battleground is at the center of the city and it's almost destroyed plus the fact that they are losing badly.

"Where is this?"

I ask calmly, still watching the feed as their disc-like purple UFO-looking spaceships cruise the sky, actively bombarding the city.


She answers and I nod in response with a sigh. I leave for almost a weak and things are falling apart, this is appalling.

Turning, I create a portal after conjuring up an image and then enter it to appear on top of a dilapidated skyscraper on its last leg.

The moment my feet touch the dusty crumbling rooftop of the building, the booming sounds of battle and destruction hits my eardrums as I survey the field.

It's like a wasteland. Surrounding this building and all around are destroyed buildings—some reduced to rubble with some aflame— multiple dead bodies sprawling across the pavements and breaking roads and burning vehicles giving off wavy black smoke.

The darkening horizon above littered with hundreds of ships adds up to making the already bleak and grim place even grimmer.

At the distance, hundreds of meters away on a wide open space ringed by the remains of buildings are the Guardians, Invincible, and Eve fighting off the army of aliens.

The aliens are tall humanoids with different features, all of them donning a white and blue tight combat uniform with advanced rifle-looking weapons in their grasp. 

The majority of them have light pink skin with a squid-like head and face while the minority have deep blue skin with a bull-like head and face, these ones have bulky muscular bodies.

From my position and because of how many they are, they look like a colony of ants spread all around the place, so plenty that they fill up almost half of the city.

Watching them fight against the army, a subtle frown mars my face but as I continue to watch, the frown deepens gradually and becomes heavy and cold.

.... It's like they are playing with them. On one hand, you have aliens who are progressively trying to annihilate you with their plasma-based weaponry while on the other, you have the heroes of Earth just punching, kicking, and shoving the aliens as if they don't want to break their most precious dolls.

The skies aren't being manned by the flight-capable personas, leading the aerial group to have free reign to increase the destruction of the city. 

They are all cramped in the middle gritting their teeth and doing arguably the most idiotic and illogical things I've seen since I came here.

....This is immensely disappointing.

"Ahh! Fuck this."

Suddenly, Crysela who is blocking and dodging the high speeds attacks snaps loudly with an angry look on her sweaty face and with one swing of her claymore, decimates the portion attacking her via an arc of concentrated shockwaves, cutting them up from their waist, effectively killing them as their innards splashes onto the ground.

Instantly, as if a switch has just been flipped, the team and the aliens stop fighting and turn to look at the blood-wet Crysela who is huffing and puffing, the heroes are jaw slacked and the aliens are horrified.

....At least someone is thinking.


One of the aliens points at her angrily and immediately, almost all of them charge at her from all sides, their eyes bloodshot with rage.

Smirking darkly—while her teammates try to keep the raging bulls from ganging up on her—she lets out a short cry and with a boom, a large and powerful concussive force spreads all across her in a circle and blasts the charging attackers into bits and pieces in a large encompassing radius.

"No, no, this is wrong. Krys stop what you are doing!"

Invincible yells as he tanks hits from ten aliens surrounding him and proceed to knock them out with a thunderclap, the rest of the team stealing looks at Crysela as they fend off their attackers.

Like a God of war, Crysela ignores him and continues slicing and dicing any alien in her path as she moves, with such grace and expertise that it looks like art—grotesque art—the once smug and confident aliens are now terrified beyond measure as even though they attack her, she either shrugs it off or dodges it. 

Every attack of hers kills at least ten individuals.

Seeing this, Invincible tries to scream again but he holds his tongue due to more of the aliens focusing their attacks on him now in fear of targeting Crysela. 

Immortal, as if infected by Crysela, also stops pulling his punches in frustration and starts attacking the aliens fiercely, no longer caring for their wellbeing.

The rest of the team and Eve look at Robot but regrettably, he continues to just blast them with short knockout rounds using miniature blasters on his wrists. 

As a result of this, Eve—who is above ground—and the rest with indecision, shock, and worry glowing on their faces, continue doing the useless things they were doing earlier.

All of a sudden, the ships in the air stop what they are doing and bring their focus on Crysela, making her ascend to meet their attacks with brutal retaliation. 

But even from afar, I can see her visibly getting drained out and injured as time passes because of the multitude of bombardments from the ships despite destroying some of them and weaving through their attacks.

Suddenly, a deep and strange feeling from the very core of my being, washes over me and instinctively I sharply turn in a certain direction and lock eyes with someone a few distance away.

The person is an African American middle-aged man with dark skin, black clean cut hair and beard, wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and black trousers, on his feet are black shoes.

Just beside him is someone who looks exactly like him with bushy wavy black hair wearing a yellow old jacket on top of a white round neck, and blue trousers of poor quality. On his feet are brown sneakers.

The next moment, the professional looking guy grabs his lookalike or clone as a green portal forms near him and with fearful eyes, both of them enter the portal and disappear.

...Well well well, finally, the missing piece of the puzzle. It seems all the good I've done in this world is finally being repaid. He can run or teleport all he wants but I've got him in my radar now...there's no escaping me.

I guess it's time to end this idiotic farce of an invasion. We are going to have a serious conversation after this, this team and I.

Spreading my awareness to cover the whole city as I float towards the battleground with a dark smile on my face, I send all of them—the team—flying backward away from amidst the sea of aliens and stretch my hands forth towards them.

Confused at the development as I stop and hover a few meters away from their position, the aliens point at me as their ships start blasting me from a distance to no avail due to the conjured air shield and clench it into a fist.

Almost instantaneously, an earthquake rocks the entire city—a magnitude at which the buildings begin to tremble—and within less than two seconds, the area covered by the army starts cracking and breaking apart.

The earth spreads apart with the increasing cracks, eventually extending into a large and seemingly bottomless ravine, swallowing up almost half of the army as they cry out loudly in despair.

Seeing this, the ships cease their attacks and immediately descend like rain near the survivors, and with haste and terrified shaking bodies, they scurry off into the ships, glancing at me like I'm a Harbinger of death as they do so.

Calmly, I turn my back towards the aliens running away and slowly descend on the street I threw the team to. 

I'll pay them a visit later.

Crysela is looking at me with a wide happy smile— intense obsession showing from her eyes—as she get up.

Eve is looking at me with both shock and joy while the rest like Black Samson are just staring at me in a daze, Immortal nodding with respect and slight fear.

My face cold and stern, I stop a few feet above and near them then gaze at them from above.

"We need to talk."


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