Conquering The Omni-Verse!

The Truth[2]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎30th April 2003▪︎]

I say warmly with a reassuring smile decorating my lips.

Confused, she looks down into my palm and then switches back to my face with a little suspicion in her eyes.

Staring at my smiling face for a while, she sighs helplessly and places her palm gently on mine.

"...I'll hear what you have to say."

She says, nodding in return I lock out fingers together and slowly lead her into the portal as I enter first.

We appear on top of a triangular-shaped rooftop covered with a unique metal that looks like blue-colored glass, beautifully reflecting the rays of the distant sun into a distinct kaleidoscope of bizarre colors.


Star-struck and mouth wide open, Eve lets out and turns left and right, taking in all the show of lights and our surroundings beyond the rooftop as a strong gust of perfectly clean wind blows on us, sending our hair flying.

Beyond the ledges, a large and wide futuristic city spreading almost endlessly across the picturesque landscape with countless towering skyscrapers—most jutting into the clouds—is within our sights.

Eve moves to the ledge and so I walk to her side, both of us now watching below as the blue-skinned Xyrians go about their daily lives either across the nearby street or parks situated beside crystal blue running lakes.

Above ground—around the midsection of the rising buildings—are both young and old Xyrians either using hoverboards, flying jet-like vehicles, or even using glowing boots that allow them to levitate busy going about their business with practically zero noise pollution.

On the surface of most of the skyscrapers, are also holographic images detailing various kinds of news and entertainment that brings a certain form of flair to the bustling civilization before us, so much so that a genuine smile finds its way across Eve's pink glossy lips.

This is Vestas, the home planet of the Xyrians and also the planet the [Takers] first took when I was subjugating them.

A very beautiful planet filled littered with the bulk of the Freehold's culture and advancements. The perfect place for this talk.

"Where are we? This is definitely not Earth."

Eve snaps out of her reverie, turns towards me, and asks nervously with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension at our immediate alien environment.

"This is Vestas, home capital to the Xyrian Freehold and one of the many planets in my name."

I say seriously—my face now stoic—without facing her, my eyes fixed on the seemingly expanding expanse as thousands of meters away, I can see another statue of me being built in an AR-designated square.

She raises an eyebrow in disbelief but upon seeing my serious face, her eyes seemingly telling me to stop joking but upon seeing my face still serious, her eyes widen slowly as her disbelief starts disappearing.

"...You're kidding, right? How can th——wait, are you trying to tell me you're some kind of King?"

She questions with a slightly pitched voice as coincidentally—a few hundred meters away—one of the holographic screens on the surface of a sliver helical skyscraper changes to an almost real-life image of me seated on a Xyrian throne donning my iconic suit.

In seconds, all of the buildings around us change to that particular image, and almost instantaneously, distinct loud shouts echo all over as the Xyrians start jubilating with an infectious fervor—completely startling Eve.

" Do you believe me now?"

I finally turn to her and smile charmingly as the jubilation increases.

She darts her eyes across the images and me and as if she's lost all her energy slumps down on the ledge.

"I'm going to need a lot of explanation Mr. Don't you dare leave anything behind."

She narrows her eyes at me and says as I sit down next to her with a smile on my face.

"Well, where do I begin? Hmm, for starters yes I'm sorta like a be more accurate I'm an Emperor."

I softly say as the wind suddenly slaps us heavily but with a thought, a large sphere of condensed air surrounds us.

"...I see, so you're the ruler of Earth back at home right?"

She inquires causally with a calm facade as if she isn't shocked but her body language and the slight twinkle in her eyes give her away.

"Yes, and also where I'm from the entire solar system is mine. I have a lot of titles but my favorite is the Lord Primus of The Prime Imperium."

I chuckle playfully, bringing a smile to her face but she shakes her head and faces me again with an expressionless serious face. She doesn't know it just makes her cuter...

"...So this explains why I always saw you that way like you're detached from the normal world, almost as if you're above it all even if you don't even act like it. It all makes sense now."

As if she's struck with an epiphany, Eve's eyes become lost as she slowly nods her head, like she's solved the hardest puzzle ever.

Starting at her as amusement fills me up, I chuckle again, making her snap out of her daze and then look at me with a frown on her face.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing, you just look cute."

I smile.

"That won't work now. You still haven't explained everything. With all this in mind, it means that your story of accidentally crash landing here is a lie right?"

She asks seriously, making me sigh playfully.

"Intelligent as always Eve. Yes, it is a lie. I came to this dimension for a particular reason."

I nod at her.

"What reason?"

"Well let's just say, something of mine found its way here so I'm here to retrieve it."

I answer with a shrug, and her frown deepens.

" Have you gotten it yet?"

"No, but I know where it is. At the moment, I'm just bidding my time for the right moment to take it back."

I reply to her as the jubilation ceases but my regal image still continues to lie on the screens.

"...I tell me, what does all of this have to do with War Woman and you? What is your relationship?"

She asks heavily, trying to sound emotionless as she looks me deep into my eyes, trying really hard to hide her feelings.

"...Hmm, I'll explain it this way. You see, both of us are from different worlds hence different cultures and how we see and understand things."

I start and pause, smiling at her attentiveness, and then continue.

"From where I'm from, a man or a woman is permitted to marry a maximum of three wives or husbands assuming all of them love each other and consent to it. 

"The fact that I'm the Emperor gives me more privileges regarding this but I'll spare you the details for now. Do you see where I'm going?"

I ask softly to Eve whose eyes are wide open in surprise and at my question, a light of understanding dawns on them.

"...You were raised in a polygamous society and so that's how you see life. This means that you and War Woman are in a romantic relationship..oh my GOD."

She answers in a tone filled with emotion and places her palms on her face, now utterly quiet as her body trembles slightly.

"Eve, I——"

"...Stop, don't explain yourself. I understand perfectly."

She cuts me off and inhales deeply, removing her palms to show her red eyes and her bitter face.

"Does she know we are in a relationship?"

She asks coldly, trying to make her face as hard as stone to reveal no emotions as she looks at me.

"...Yes she knows and she's cool with it."

I answer calmly, looking into her sad eyes unflinchingly as she stares into mine.

"I see. Answer me this simple question Virgil, are you serious about me or is all this just a game to you?"

She questions sharply, her face now stoic and emotionless.

Hearing this, I smile at her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug with no resistance.

"Do you think I will tell you all this if I was playing with you? Eve, I'm serious about us. You realize I'm telling you one of my biggest secrets and even risking people finding out just to come clean with everything. I care for you Eve, I—I love you."

I whisper to her with warmth brimming out of my tone and voice, this makes her shake as all her bottled-up emotions start coming out.

"...Can you give me time to think about this. I need to process this so please give me time to think about everything, even us."

She sniffles softly with emotion as she relaxes her lowered head on my chest.

"...Sure, I understand. I'll wait for you. Just don't forget that I'll always be here for you no matter what."

I comment dearly as I start caressing her silky hair lovingly, my eyes on the distant landscape.

Sniffling again, she nods and tightens her hold around my waist, seemingly finding comfort in the tighter our contact is.

"....Can we stay like this for a while?"


I answer her calmly and slightly increase my hold on her waist...

At least there wasn't any drama...


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