Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎15th July 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Planet Bermoth, Ingras System▪︎]

At a small distance, I watch Battle Beast as he continues to choke. His grip around his neck increasingly tightening, the whites of his bone-chilling bulging eyes reddening, and his white-furred face becoming paler than usual.

I can see the increasing rage and frustration in his eyes as he beholds me standing a few feet before him with a mocking smile on my face, watching him struggle as his very life slips away from his slowly.

This planet—Bermoth—is a planet at the very edge of the territory in the hands of The Coalition Of Planets. 

A barren wasteland of a world filled only with scorching sands, no lifeforms, and a temperature so high that oxygen-based lifeforms burst into flames, making it one of the many worlds with no oxygen present or better yet the type of oxygen present here isn't utilizable for carbon-based lifeforms.

A very deadly planet to say the least...

This is the site I've chosen to indoctrinate Battle Beast. A place where the very essence of his willpower will be swept away, allowing me to do all that I want to his mind without interference.

And as I can see it's working splendidly.

Still sporting the sneer on my face, I take two steps forward. Battle Beast immediately tries to get up from his smoking knees but only stumbles and falls back to the ground.

Taking three more slow steps—my smile widening at his pathetic attempt—Battle Beast again tries to stand up, struggling a lot.

This time he succeeds, his knees bulking but I can see the animalistic resolve and determination in his eyes amidst the pain and torment.

...Sorry, but this is my stage and you're at my mercy.

With just a thought, his knees collapse onto the ground instantly as a mighty [Psychokinetic] force amplifies the gravity on him, pushing his knees further into the ground while it cracks slightly.

His pain and struggle flare due to this and from his face, red watering eyes, and the weakening grip around his neck, it's painfully clear that he's about to fall unconscious.

After five whole minutes of waiting there, he is, face first on the red ground, thoroughly naked with his clothes turned into ashes, his pristine white fur marred with wounds exposed to the world.

It's time to work, it won't be long till he recovers.

Kneeling right in front of his head, I touch his head with my middle and index fingers on my left hand and immediately delve into his consciousness.

Expertly breaking apart his mental defenses, I start coding and rewiring the very aspects of his consciousness, removing commands and slowly inputting new ones to maximize my accuracy and efficiency.

Hours pass as I do this and after the fifth hour—after one last round of editing—I come out of his mind, exhaling in my mind.

With a satisfied and proud smile on my face, I straighten myself and gaze upon the Battle Beasts' body which is slowly regaining its color.

I didn't input any complex code in his mind, I just structured it in a way that deep inside him, he'll only see me as his only authority.

He'll remember me as the one who beat him and the one to who he swore allegiance after his defeat. This command goes in line with his creed and personality so it was easier for his mind to assimilate it.

So now, he's my subordinate. Something which in his mind, he agreed to. 

I only left one directive in him. That is, he should go back to Panthera—his home planet—take control of it, which should be easy, and then reign from there as the HighKing of the Pantherans. 

This won't attract much attention since he will still be part of the Coalition but this is where it gets interesting. 

As a fabled legendary figure in almost three galaxies, he holds a lot of influence and power plus the fact that he scales higher to an adult Viltrumite will give him more weight in the Coalition which in turn allows him to pull the Coalition to his side. 

So as Thadues works very hard to undermine the Viltrumite Empire and forces, Thokk will be in the dark secretly bringing the thousands of planets in the Coalition under his banner.

...By the time the eminent war happens, everything will be mine. Whether the Viltrumites or the Coalition emerge as the victors or losers, there will only be one winner who'll reap all the benefits at the end of the day.

Smiling, I wave my hand toward Battle Beasts' body. A portal forms in a second and swallows him whole, leaving only me in the dead scorching wasteland.

Creating another portal, I take one last glance at the vermillion sky that shows one of the planet's Earth-sized moons and walk into it.

...The next time we meet, we'll be fighting side by side...


[All side effects, impurities, and any unwanted effects nullified. Efficiency is hundred percent. All synthesized and calculated effects are permanent, any psychological changes to your psyche are irreversible. Z.A.G is complete and ready for use.]

Seraph explains as in front of me, a small cylindrical silver pillar emerges from the ground to my waist and opens up. 

Allowing a bluish cold mist to wave out as a small glass vial containing a transparent gas reveals itself with a small stylish gas mask beside it.

Z.A.G, also known as Zavest Activation Gas, is the new synthesized gas that will induce the evolution of my brain, the state of total [Mental supremacy] and pure [State Of Mind].

Today is the day, my brain breaks all its biological limitations and transcends to a new state. 

As a wise man once said, "If you conquer your mind or thoughts, you conquer yourself and the world around you", a statement I'm going to verify very shortly.

I take the gas mask, place the vial in its allocated section, and then place it on my face as I hover and assume a lotus posture in the air.

The mask sinks comfortably as if binding my face to become one and I put my finger on the activation button while I take in a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Calm, I press the button. Immediately, a thick gaseous fluid swims into my mouth and nose, filling me up with a deep sense of oneness and calm that my eyes inadvertently shut up.

The feeling increases slowly as I feel my mind expanding and the moment the last of the gas slithers into my facial orifices, my eyes instantly open and widen, my pupils, dilating as I feel something shattering in my mind.

Like last time, my [Hyper-Awareness] bursts out, and [Third Eye] open, making me feel everyone and everything in and on the two continents. 

From thoughts, appearance, dimensions, ghosts, spirits, [Mana] streams, metaphysical extensions, minute air particles, dust particles, worms, ants, etc without the usual pain or struggle.

My mind is as calm and steady as a river with all my worries, fears, and unwanted emotions, disappearing totally as I absorb and memorize all the information flowing nicely into my mind.

Suddenly, something or a thought clicks in my mind as I observe everything and so as natural as breathing, I manipulate the very essence of my mind and construct a fun game-like interface that shows a map of everything and everyone on the two American continents.

Smiling happily and proudly now, I oversee everything using the map that shows everyone and everything organized as dots with small square images above them. 

...I've done it. I own my brain now and by extension my consciousness. Now, I can truly say this body is mine and mine alone.

Haah...things are getting fun. With this, my upcoming [Bio-Suit], and the constructing vessel, I can only imagine what my power would be like. 

Sigh...I pity all the souls that'll cross my path at that point...


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