Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Unlocking Magic


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Check out Patreo.n/KingSeyer to read ahead.


[▪︎16th June 2001▪︎]


I stomp on the head of the white-furred giant creature, splattering and tainting the white snow with reddish blood and mushed cranial parts.

All around me, multiple dead bodies of the same species of the creature I just killed lie sprawling on the icy ground as the strong howling wind of snow falls and tries to cover their bodies.

Without sparing them another glance, I walk past their slowly frosting bodies and stop in front of a small flower that is blue-colored with violet petals.

I crouch and gently uproot it, then with a snap of my fingers the nanobots escape from my medium-sized sling side bag and carefully enclose it into a black sphere.

Now that I have a Frostshade, it's only left with Wypers Essense then I'm done. Never thought, I'll meet real-life Yetis guarding it though. 

This world will always be full of surprises.

I shake my head playfully as I place the sphere in the bag filled with similar spheres and will a portal to appear in front of me, then I walk through.

Immediately, I appear in the middle of a large rainforest with thick towering trees that block the rays of the afternoon sun all around me with bushes and vegetation of various lengths covering my surroundings and the expanse as a whole.

A cacophony of noises from the different and exotic insects and birds assaults my enhanced auditory faculties but instantly I tune them out to normalcy.

In the next instance, I concentrate and fully spread my [Hyper Awareness] to surround the entirety of the Amazonian Rainforest.

Taking in the vast amounts of information, I shift through them and stop on the outline of an underground cave harboring an extremely large figure.

With a thought, another portal form, and I enter it. I instantly appear in a large clearing and look below into the abyss-like bottom of a large hole.

I jump into it and land softly on the bottom of the hole, the whole place is dark, grim, and extremely pungent with myriad bones sprawling all over. 


A loud hiss reverberates all over as a brown snake the thickness of two nim trees and the length of a baseball field raises its head and looks at me from above like an ant with piercing and glowing red eyes.

It has a small red crystal on its forehead that is glowing menacingly.

I tread towards it with a dark smile as it hisses and snarls at me with a warning, the snake's eyes showing a certain level of wariness/fear, and stop a few meters in front of it.


I command telepathically in a way that makes my command undeniable, making it lower its huge head right in front of me with fearful eyes.

With a beckon, the crystal rips off forcefully from its head making blood spray all over as the creature hisses in pain.

As the bots surround it into a sphere, I pat the last remaining fang softly with a smirk that further increases its fear and turn.

It would've made a nice pet but sadly, apart from its innate ability to sense the true nature of anything it's useless to my current self.

Sigh, maybe next time.

I will a portal to appear and enter through it, making me appear in my lit basement turned laboratory.

I tread and stop in front of one of the workbenches that have a setup or array of futuristic laboratory experiments all over its surface.

|Commencing brewing, 'Potion Of Truth' will be done in seven minutes.|

Seraph announces as she controls the ten nanospheres and makes the ingredients enter a blender-like object while the surface of the setup glows with a hum.

You see, another significant problem you will face after acquiring all the tools is the brewing process. 

With the right method, you can successfully brew the potion but due to the various kinds of ingredients used to make it, impurities are left.

These impurities lower the percentage of the potion working so even after all the trouble someone might've gone through, there is still a chance of the potion failing.

During the golden age of magic in the olden days when with the right amount, a powerful mage can just teleport and gather all the ingredients for you this wasn't a problem.

But with time as magic lost its influence, it became a serious issue since there were not many mages and the rest left weren't powerful enough to risk their lives for this.

Because of this, other alternatives were researched it bore minimal results and since the let's say aristocrats finally had a chance at concentrating magic within their families, records of the potion were buried.

Or let's say buried from the 'common folk'.

Sorcerer Kane was actually the last remaining descendant of a long line of mages and thus had access to the wealth of knowledge his ancestors left behind and its because of this that even though his bloodline wasn't pure enough for him to naturally unlock his Eye, he was still able to unlock it after a very long time.

After thoroughly analyzing the setup, I devised a way of removing or purifying every form of impurities using a scientific approach, hence the setup.

This way, there is a hundred percent assurance of it succeeding and I wouldn't have to waste my time looking for the materials again.

I just hope that in other universes, it will be this easy to get a chance of using magic.

|Brewing successful, zero impurities identified.|

Seraph suddenly says, breaking me out of my musings as a small transparent vial attached to the side of a cylindrical liquid purifier fills up with a transparent liquid.

After it fills up, I detach it from the machine and hold it right in front of my eyes.

"So this is it huh? Doesn't look special."

I mutter and hold it up my nose for a quick sniff. 

Hmm, no smell either. Since everything matches the description, let me get on with it.

Wasting no time, I pop the cover and gulp it down.

The next moment, I make myself hover and cross my legs in a lotus position and close my eyes to meditate as I block out all sounds.

A warm and fuzzy feeling erupts from my gut and spreads all the way to my brain, making me feel lightheaded. 

The warm feeling continues till it becomes searing hot and then, pain assaults my head.


Gritting my teeth, I focus and remain relaxed as the heat and pain rise to the point that I start trembling but after five minutes, everything suddenly stops as a feel something like a door open between my eyebrows.


I mutter as I open my eyes and see traces of bluish streaks of energy all around the room, painting a weirdly beautiful picture as I also notice weird but small vestiges of some type of aura around.

I concentrate and focus on my [Mind's Eye] and build a connection to the now visible form of mana, something clicks after a few minutes.

Relishing in the magical feeling of the connection, I focus on my left hand.


I mutter and immediately my hand sparks as the energy surges around it then it bursts into flames.

Observing it as I slowly turn my hands, I mutter another spell.


Instantly, the flames coil and turn into a fiery red fireball the size of a baseball that hovers in the middle of my open palm.

Magic, I'm going to enjoy you very much.

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