Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Urgent News[1]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎21st April 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Midnight City, United States Of America▪︎]

"Mind telling me what happened here?"

I ask as I stretch my hands forth toward a figure in the distance and clench it into a fist, making the head of the figure explode with a boom.

Frowning, I watch as the black particles akin to shadows flow from their surroundings and then form into the head again. 

The figure is a black almost formless beast-like monster the height of a small skyscraper with extremely long tentacles covering its shadowy body.

From where I'm standing, its body looks like it's made of darkness itself or better yet particles of shadows linked together, giving it an eerie and unnatural visage.

The shadow monster shrieks loudly—destroying some glass—and starts wildly flaying its long tentacles to crush the nearby building while the Guardians attack it.

"I-I-I don't know. When I got here it was already rampaging through the city."

Nightboy, who is standing next to me on the rooftop of a skyscraper, says nervously as we watch Krys—Crysela—strike it from above with a strong of her advanced crystal-like claymore, sending a fast vertical slash of a shockwave that blows its body apart but it reforms again.

At the moment, the Guardians and I are in Midnight City—Darkwing's base of operation before he kicked the bucket. 

A city that mirrors Gotham in every way. The only difference is that it's way darker since its skyline is in perpetual darkness or night due to the scheme of a sorcerer a few years ago.

Where we are now is one of the commercial streets of the city that is being destroyed by the monster. 

The place is pitch black and I've enclosed the whole place and us with a barrier in the shape of a cube. We just got here ten minutes ago.

Turning to look at him, I observe him closely. He is a five feet eleven inches tall young man wearing Darkwing's iconic black and blue costume with a cape. 

He used to be Darkwing's assistant—kinda like Robin—but now he's styling himself as if I'll call him that. 

I can see the faint droplets of sweat gliding from his neck to his torso and I can sense the fear and unease within him. He is lying.

The next moment, I enter his mind, scan through his memories and leave after a few seconds with my face now stoic.

...He is the one who caused this, albeit it's a mistake. 

The creature is from the Shadowverse, a dimension devoid of visible light and filled with monsters or beings made of darkness or shadows like the one before me in the distance.

Frankly, I'm not surprised about a dimension like this existing but the fact that Darkwing didn't input this into his database. 

...I'll see to it that the dimension is put to good use after this. My trusty brain is already thinking of efficient ways of utilizing a space like that...morbid evil ways.


The monster screams in pain as Robot uses his laser blade to strike it from below, extinguishing that part. 

In a frenzy-like state, the tentacles of the monster increase wildly and start waving around as if to guard itself, making the Guardians dodge and move away from it as more and more buildings start getting destroyed.

...Light huh? I get it now.

"Robot, increase the wavelength of your lasers to visible light and blast it with the biggest light show Midnight City has ever seen!"

I instruct calmly as I cross my arms, my voice echoing everywhere. 

Robot nods and immediately ascends while the rest of the team moves or flies back to my position, carefully dodging the attacks of the tentacles as they do so.

Flying and maneuvering athletically around the tentacles, Robot stops at a close distance and like a flash, parts of his suit from his arms to his legs open up to reveal some mechanical arrays.

Just as one tentacle is about to hit him, an extremely large and bright flash of light bursts from the compartments and lights up everywhere like a miniature sun as the Guardians and Nightboy close their eyes.

The monster shrieks one last time and when the lights dim and disappear, the monster is nowhere to be found. 

Only the pitch-black street area littered with destroyed buildings being the only indication that a fight just went on.

Nodding, I turn to the now relaxed Nightboy, my face cold and stoic.

"...I'll be watching you, Nightboy."

I whisper in a soft way that makes him gulp loudly and nod fervently, his body trembling slightly.

A smile comes to my face at this and the next moment, I glide downwards to the ground as the team converges together with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Good job guys, we are done here for today. Let's leave the rest to the city authorities."

I say as my feet touch the ground on the cracked road in the midst of the team. They all nod happily and in their eyes, I can see the overwhelming respect they have for me.

"Let's go h——"

[Virgil, Invincible is initiating contact with Allen.]

I pause as Seraph informs me of this news. Gesturing to my ear, the team nod in understanding and so I move away from them a little and continue.

"Allen? What's he doing back here? And why is Invincible attacking him? Didn't he just wake up a day ago? I thought I told Cecil he wasn't a threat."

I frown and ask in confusion.

[It's because of the speed at which he was moving towards the planet. He was anxious and there was fear plastered on his face. From the conversation, Cecil had in his base, he wanted to call you m but he learned you were busy here so he called Invincible to stop him. One thing led to another and now they are fighting.]

Seraph explains.

If that's so then I have to see what's this about. 

"I see. Then I'll be heading there now."

I mutter and turn to the chattering Guardians, locking eyes with a stoic Krys.

"Guys, there's been a problem in space so you guys will be heading to the base without me."

I inform them softly as their attention comes to me. Black Sampson, Krys, Monster Girl, and Shrinking Ray frown.

"Can we help?"

Rex Splode asks seriously as they all look into my eyes in expectation.

"No, this is kinda like a private matter and none of you can operate in space. Just head back and look out for threats across the globe. I'll be back in no time."

I smile and assure confidently. They nod quietly, a little disappointed and after giving Krys a meaningful look, I ascend and blast off into the air.

Within seconds, I breach the last layer of Earth and head towards the distant figures of Invincible and Allen who are trading punches.

Flashing from my position, I arrive in between them and use both of my hands to hold their fists just as they are about to hit themselves again.

Both of their eyes widening, I feel the familiar psychic nudge in my head from Allen and allow the telepathic connection as the two of them relax.

{Thank goodness you're here Prime, you're the one I'm looking for. But man, you Earthlings sure do have powerful champions, this guy packs a serious punch...literally.}

His familiar friendly voice sounds in my head as a small smile draws on his face.

{ Yeah, he sure does.}

I turn to the confused Invincible and smile at him, deepening his confusion as he starts scratching the back of his head and turns back to Allen with a serious face.

{What's the problem, Allen? Why are you here?}

I ask and almost immediately, his expression hardens and his smile disappears.

{There's a Viltrumite on your planet.}


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