Conquering The Omni-Verse!

War Declaration


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

Homelander gently descended from the sky and landed in front of a beautiful medium-sized cabin situated near a pristine lake with Ryan on his shoulders.

He tried to grab Ryan off his shoulders but Ryan levitated to the ground before he could do so and this brought a smile to his face.

"Never knew you can fly, that's good."

Homelander remarked and walked into the cabin after gesturing for Ryan to follow him.

"This is going to be your new home, neat isn't it?"

Homelander asked with a smile as they entered the luxurious living room that has everything you can find in a comfy home.

"It's nice I guess."

Ryan casually commented, obviously not happy to be here with him.

"Sigh, look I know you are still upset about what happened earlier today but you have to understand that being there isn't what's best for you. We are different from the rest of them but we are the same because you're my son Ryan."

Homelander gently said as he turned to face Ryan with his hands behind his back.

"You tried to kill my mom! We are not the same, I'm not a murderer."

Ryan bellowed in anger as his eyes glowed red.

Seeing this, Homelander just gave Ryan a broad and evil grin and crouched to his level.

"That's not accurate Ryan, I'm a god, not a murderer and so are you. Think of it like this, do you feel sad or even guilty if you step on an ant or even a bug? No, you don't because to them you're a mighty god. That's who we are Ryan, everyone including your mother are ants and you are the mighty god. So why should I care when I kill some ants?"

Homelander explained carefully, his eyes and tone showing how much he believes in what he said and this scared Ryan since his naive and childish mind couldn't find a way to retort to what he said.

"We have a lot of catching up to do Ryan but why don't you go upstairs and check out your room, I personally decorated it for you."

Homelander suggested with a tone of finality, making Ryan weakly nod and climb the stairs as Homelander got up and went outside with a frown.

"To what do I owe this pleasure Stormfront, I'm in a good mood so depending on your answer you might leave here alive."

Homelander causally said as Stormfront descended from the sky with arcs of electricity emanating from her palms.

"I come in peace. I have something important to tell you."

Stormfront said with a calm smile as she raised her hands, standing in front of the lake, a few meters away from Homelander.

"I'm listening."

"The army is coming here right now with a battalion of soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and a whole bunch of tech designed by V-Industries. 

They are coming to turn you in to answer for your crimes and they've been ordered to do so by force if they have to."

Starlight explained with a smile on her face.

"Oh, that? I can hear and see them coming. I was wondering when Edgar will sell my location to the government, probably giddy at the chance to get rid of me."

Homelander nonchalantly shrugged and looked at the quiet Stormfront with disinterest.

"Is that all?"

He asked.

"I've come to help you, right now the whole country is basically against you. You'll need all the help you can get now."

Stormfront replied with a gentle smile.

"Pfft, what makes you think I need any help?"

Homelander slightly laughed and looked at Stormfront condescendingly, his eyes showing how little he thought of Stormfront.

"Oh honey, I don't think you do but any wise person knows how to utilize resources and talents no matter how powerful they are, even Deva acknowledges this."

Stormfront replied.

Hearing Virgil's name, Homelander narrowed his eyes and looked at Stormfront with a gaze that sent shivers through her spine but she still kept her smile.

"I see, but why should I trust you, and why are you doing this?"

Homelander asked after thinking a while.

"It's simple, I want to be on the winning side of this war. After your stunt yesterday, I figured you've finally decided to do what you've been destined to do. 

This is not only a war between you and the ruling powers but it's also a war between races. They don't want our race to prosper and they know that with you now rebelling, others will do so so they want to get rid of you. This is our war and after this, you will take your rightful place as the god of this world!"

Stormfront preached in both a compelling and fanatic way that made Homelander's eyes widen since what she said is more or less in line with his current way of thinking.

After Virgil gave his view on the matter concerning her ideologies, she was disappointed and dissatisfied.

She thought Virgil is the key to everything and dismissed Homelander but after their last team meeting coupled with yesterday's fiasco, she decided to side with Homelander since, from the power he displayed and the way he's been behaving, he's the one that will support and honor her life's dream.

To her right now, even if Virgil comes from wherever he is and confronts him. He will be the one in the ground this time round.

Basically, she has betrayed Virgil.... not that he even thought of her as something.

"You can trust me, John, I swear to be by your side and help you in any way you want. With me by your side, I can even convince some of the Supes to join you and follow you to the depths of hell."

She ended confidently.

Homelander stood there speechless for a while and said after revealing a mad smile.

"Congratulations, you've convinced me. Since you are so eager to serve me, then your first mission is to secretly get more supes for me. You have three days."

Homelander said.

"That's easy, I already have some people in mind."

Stormfront assured with a smile and came close to him.

"Good, now let the show begin."

He said with an evil smile, his eyes flashing with a glint of madness.


On the outskirts of New York, the sky is filled with numerous helicopters that soared through the sky towards Homelander's location with tanks, armed vehicles, and armed forces beneath them also heading towards the same place.

The motorway leading to the place is blocked as a result with media helicopters following them from the back, recording the journey live.

"We are here this hot afternoon, giving you a live broadcast of the attempt to arrest Homelander. As you can see, the army is very serious regarding this, and thus, the scene below. We all ho----, what's that in the sky?.... Oh my God, it's Homelander!"

The female reporter said as she looked at the imposing figure in the sky, a few meters away from the battalion. His hands crossed in front of his chest with a confident look on his face.

Immediately, everyone stopped on the road with the media people pointing their cameras at him. 

The whole place became drenched in silence as Homelander just floated there with his cape fluttering with the wind but after a few minutes, someone brought out a megaphone and said,

"Homelander, you are under arrest! Come down right now and let us escort you to stand trial for your actions!"

The soldier said.

Homelander remained silent and glanced at the large force assembled against him and with a smirk shouted loud enough for them to hear him.


Suddenly, his [Heat Vision] burst forth and cut through numerous tanks and vehicles together with the marching soldiers, creating deafening explosions that further wrecked their formation.

<Boom! Boom! Boom!>

The tanks and helicopters immediately shot him and successfully hit him, clouding his surroundings in smoke.

As they waited for the smoke to clear, Homelander shot out from the smoke with no harm and flew through numerous helicopters around him, making them explode and fall.

The helicopters and anti-aircraft vehicles sent out homing missiles and explosives that chased after Homelander but he easily destroyed them and continued to destroy the helicopters by either flying through them or dividing them using his [Heat Vision] with a smile on his face as numerous flaming helicopters fell onto the ground.

When they saw him effortlessly destroying their aerial vehicles and shrugging off their devastating attacks without so much as a scratch on him, the forces on the ground all had looks of despair on their faces.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bradley, at this rate we will all die! We need to do something."

One soldier fearfully commented to the old but sturdy man with a small silver leaf on his uniform as they watched Homelander destroy their air support.

".....Bring the Sonic Disrupters out."

He commanded sternly.

"Yes sir!"

The soldier saluted and left. 

Five minutes later, numerous five-meter-tall cylindrical objects with a sophisticated hexagonal metallic heads were fixed on the ground and switched on, making the mouth open and let out a loud sound at a particular frequency.

This disrupted Homelander and made him fall from the sky with his hands covering his ears in pain.

"Everyone fire! Release everything at him!"

Lieutenant Colonel Bradley commanded loudly, making every armed vehicle aim and fire at Homelander who is a few meters away from them.

<Bang!> <Boom! Boom! Boom!.....>

The whole place became saturated with deafening explosions with the road devastated and trembling due to the force of the amount of firepower concentrated on Homelander whose body is clouded with smoke, fire, and dust.

"Stop! He should be dead by now."

The Colonel arrogantly said after ten minutes of continuous fire.

They all stopped and looked confidently at Homelander's position covered in smoke and fire with the road and surroundings around him destroyed with large craters and waited for the smoke to clear.

"I will kill you all!"

Homelander shouted as he flew out of the smoke with rage and burst the body of a nearby soldier into pieces with a single punch.

"Oh, God...."

One soldier subconsciously muttered in fear as he saw Homelander slowly walking towards them with glowing eyes, visibly irritated by the sound of the nearby Sonic Disrupters that from their calculations should've incapacitated him for a while.

A nearby tank immediately shot him but Homelander's figure flickered and disappeared from his position, making the round hit his after image and appeared in front of the tank.

He grabbed it and casually threw it toward the tanks and soldiers in front of him, killing and destroying them with a shower of explosions and punched the ground.

His punch shook the ground and created a large fissure that divided the wide road into two, killing and destroying most of the soldiers and military vehicles as they fell into the abyss.

"Arrrgh! Please don't kill me!"



Such were the screams as Homelander brutally killed and destroyed the army using his inhuman strength and speed that their senses couldn't register, his body seemingly teleporting as he disappeared from one place to the other destroying everything in his path.

Ten minutes later, Homelander can be seen floating in the sky with a devilish grin on his face as he looked that the numerous dead bodies and destroyed vehicles with flames and smoke everywhere around them.

After admiring his work, his gaze went further into the sky and looked at the media helicopters that are busily recording everything, including his current facial expression with the reporters horrified at what they saw.

"This country is mine."

He said to the camera and flew away.

Meanwhile, everyone who watched it on the streets, in their homes, offices, bars, etc couldn't help but be terrified at what they just witnessed live.

It was at this moment that everyone including Superheroes knew that a change is coming and that things were going to get really ugly.

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