Considering the Possibility of Falling in Love With the Villain

Chapter 19 - Fingers crossed

“Died? Is that so dead?”

Everyone looked at the group and reflected the small half of the sky into a silver-white explosion of thunder. For a moment, they felt dreamy and everything seemed unreal.

Are you kidding me? A second-order apex power kills the third-order apex worm leader! God! I must be dreaming!

Even if Shen Qingjia used such a technological weapon as Palm Thunder, even if Shen Qingjia had no idea of ​​his life or death, this matter was still unbelievable!

How can ordinary second-order peak abilities have the courage to go to the third-order peak! How can an ordinary second-order peak ability have the strength to search for weaknesses while fighting with the giant worm leader! How does an ordinary second-order peak abilities person want to get a giant thunder boss with palm thunder against almost a turtle shell?

It’s simply, an incredible battle …

Without the command of the giant worm leader, the groupless dragon-headed maggots quickly retreated to the deep forest.

Tensions of nerves relaxed as the battle ended.

It ’s a pity that such a young girl who is amazing by force or machine change is afraid to kill the jade, and that kind of thunderbolt of the scale will be turned into coke. …

Lightning faded slowly, and the smoke slowly dissipated, revealing the standing figure.

“No …” someone whispered incredulously.

I saw a few smoky lines, a small arc flashed from time to time on a protective cover, sparks flickered. This protective cover is much darker than the previous one. The dark blue translucent protective cover is indestructible, and there is still no trace of cracks in that offensive.

The arcs in the smoke kept flashing, and the person was vaguely elegant and elegant as the person in the painting, with black hair like a waterfall and fluttering clothes, like a fairy.

The protective cover slowly dissipated, wishing sadness and holding Shen Qingjia in her arms. The slender-looking girl said nothing, and Xu Kai and others could not see her expression. Shen Qingjia was completely obscured by the girl’s body, and she could only see a slender arm and legs hanging down, without moving.

There was a sound of blood ticking down to the ground.

Xu Kai cautiously said, “That … injury …”

“No problem.”

“Uh … we have medicine for wounds.” Xu Kaiqing knew the young girl’s apathy and didn’t care.

“No need.”

Xu Kai, “………”

When Shen Qingjia regained consciousness again, the sky was already dark, and the wind was whispering in her ears.

“Wake up? You’ve been sleeping for almost an hour.” Zhu Ai noticed her breathing rhythm changing.

Shen Qingjia rubbed her eyes, “An hour? Shouldn’t I be in a coma for two days and three nights, and then until the end of the adventure?”

Childish ghost!

Zhu Ai laughed in his heart and said, “Before you were unconscious, I asked Xu Kai to take a step forward. Now that you are awake, we should hurry.”

Only then did Shen Qingjia find herself sitting on her own mount, a black wide eagle, with her upper body resting on her arms. Zhu Ai had a reassuring taste. Shen Qingjia couldn’t say what kind of fragrance it was like. She just felt that she wanted to sleep in her arms and never wake up.

Shen Qingjia blushed, feeling that she must be bleeding too much after the injury, and her head was awake.

Speaking of injuries … Shen Qingjia raised her left hand, but found that her arm, which had almost been broken in the past, is now intact, let alone the wound, and even a little blood was invisible. The skin on the arm and wrist was victorious. , Silky and delicate, how can there be a cricket look that was exploded by Thunder in the previous memory.

“Well … what happened to the injury before?”

According to the injury that the arm was almost completely broken in two before, an hour, the blood may not be completely stopped. So, what is this …?

“Injury? How can there be any injuries?” Zhu Ai touched Shen Qingjia’s head, worried, “Willn’t that dozen or so Lei Guang blow your head?”

Seems to be worried about Shen Qingjia, but there is a smile in his eyes.

“Okay! I wish you had learned to tease people!” On the back of the hawk, his teeth danced back to the mourning. However, how could Shen Qingjia’s war five scum be the opponent of His Majesty the Devil, and he was taken into his arms again, Danger.”

Shen Qingjia calmed down, and instead hugged the mourning, coquettishly said: “No matter how dangerous, I know I can hug me.

Zhu Ai’s hands were tight, “I will not be as desperate as I would like to do this time again, you must know that there is a shortage of manpower. This time … this time I almost thought it was too late.”

The sky is like ink, and the shape of the mountains in the distance blurs out a little outline in the night. I wish that only the dark and luminous future will be as tight as the night, and hold her heart tightly. The enemies in the dark approached each other, making people unable to breathe.

“Yeah, yeah, I wish to become a housekeeper!”

Zhu Ai flashed a bright red on his cheek, turned his head to look at the sky, “talking again.”

At this stage, the power can’t heal the wound so quickly without leaving traces. Probably … it’s a hallucination … Shen Qingjia thought so.

As a matter of course, Shen Qingjia was left behind by the unsolved matter about the disappeared wound, and Quandang had an illusionary memory in his brain chaos in a desperate situation.

“But then again, why Xu Kai they are so hurry to rush, it is obviously not suitable to rush at night.”

“Examine you, and ask: Is the mutant animal capable of driving the two third-order peaks strong?”


“Question: I hope that the base team has already suffered half of the damage. Both physical strength and power are exhausted. Why is a powerful mutant animal not taking the opportunity to clean us up?”

“Because it is more important than killing us!”

“Question: Our purpose is to kill it. What is more important than its life.”

“There are only two possibilities. One is that its strength is so strong that it can completely ignore our good or bad status. The second is that its strength can no longer support it to launch an attack on us … The second possibility is the largest, so it says Xu Kai was in a hurry to investigate whether the mutant animal was really injured? “

“Xunzi can teach.” Zhu Ai touched Shen Qingjia’s head.

“Really, don’t think of me as a child!” Shen Qingjia was not angry.

Suddenly remembered something, Shen Qingjia took the crystal nuclei of the giant worm leader from the bag and handed it to Zhu Ai, “The explosion was too powerful before, I almost thought I couldn’t get it.”

Zhu Ai glanced at the light purple nuclei in the palm of Shen Qingjia, “for me?”

Shen Qingjia nodded, “Maybe it will get you to the fourth level.”

Zhu Ai was silent for a while and took the crystal nucleus, “I know my situation, the crystal nucleus of the fourth order can not let me break through, but use it for you.”

“This way …” Shen Qingjia lowered her head a little disappointed.

Refined the energy in the crystal nucleus into a lump of light and handed it to Shen Qingjia. After she completely absorbed the luminous light, Zhu Ai keenly noticed that her body became hot, and the momentum became sharp and sharp for a moment, this momentum became more and more Strong majestic, finally …

Shen Qingjia’s back straightened, a gentle smile, and her hair fluttered in the strong wind. “Sorrow, I will show you a firework.”

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

There was a continuous explosion of explosions in the sky, light red crimson fuchsia big red, big fireworks set of small fireworks, and leaping flame fireworks almost dyed a small half of the sky red.

That beautiful girl like the lady of the Tang and Song dynasties was flushed with flames on the cheeks, her skin was white, and she was so beautiful that she looked back at her with a smile and groan and looked at herself, her own reflection in the eyes and the fireworks blooming in the sky.

It is more beautiful than the real fresh flowers when they bloom, and it is a warmer light than the sun. Sitting on the back of the stable eagle, I felt that I would never see more beautiful fireworks in my life than tonight.

“So happy!” Shen Qingjia sat down and sighed after venting her uncomfortable energy.

Zhu Ai stabbed her head slightly with dislike, “Nothing, is it enough for the third order?”

“I’m not a gift of genius. Of course, it’s easy to satisfy!” Shen Qingjia smiled, suddenly a little stunned. “Even though my strength is constantly increasing, I still feel very confused about the future … Regrets, you say … Do you say we can be together forever? “

Forever, this is a word that is too far away and illusory. Shen Qingjia, who has changed many futures, cannot be completely sure of the future.

Zhu Ai held Shen Qingjia’s hand, fingers crossed, “Of course.”

Those contradictions about whether Shen Qingjia can live happily under his protection or accept to grow and grow, those who worry about the enemy in the dark, those who guess and cope with the thoughts of Xu Kai and others … Shen Qingjia’s hand didn’t want to worry anymore.

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