Considering the Possibility of Falling in Love With the Villain

Chapter 58 - Fate

After a long silence, Shen Qingjia said, “What is the fate in your mouth?”

Perhaps because the position of the previous life station is too low, the destiny is nothing, Shen Qingjia hardly ever heard of it in the previous life. This is quite normal, even if an ordinary person is reborn, she cannot be expected to be acquainted with the intention of implementing high-level national policies.

That night, the eight cities made the main decision about the world. The two words “god and destiny” appear very frequently, and when it comes to destiny, there is a clear ups and downs in the emotions of mourning and foulness. Obviously, this is most likely the key reason why Zhu Ai is so cold to her now!

Shen Qingjia now has a certain hunch in her heart. Perhaps as long as she reveals the real meaning of fate which must be in the last days, she can truly understand the abnormal behavior of mourning these days.

“Destiny … This is a very broad word, which is hard to explain.” Zhu Yan smiled earnestly, “So it’s worth half of your body.”

“Destiny, this kind of seemingly illusory thing, in fact, after entering the sixth stage, you can vaguely feel its existence. What kind of feeling is it? The world is like a chess game, all beings are like chess pieces, everything is under the control of destiny Down to a planned future. “

Zhu Jie’s smile at this moment was rather helpless. “According to the speculation of the staff of the Rucheng City Strategy Staff, this eschatological outbreak and the evolution of various creatures are controlled by people or gods. We are like being trapped in a cage. Like the little white mouse, the self-righteous evolution is powerful, maybe just a few ridiculous jumps in the eyes of the deities. “

It seems that two thunders staggered in Shen Qingjia’s ears. This is a secret she has never heard before. She had no abilities in previous lives, and a huge miracle that lived ignorant and died more ignorant. Like the community, it is impossible to know such news.

“Whether it’s fun or fun, it’s fun. The ones who control us … let’s call them gods. Gods have given the earth destruction and death. What we want is not only destruction and death, but controllable range. Evolution. “

“Small organic molecules and the most primitive life appeared billions of years ago, and then single-celled organisms and marine organisms appeared. The Cambrian came to the evolution of marine life, and landed on land. Which evolution of the organism was not aquatic fiery and hot days, which was not countless Life race annihilation death disappeared. But after every cataclysmic disaster, the creatures on the earth evolved like a race. Until the era of dinosaurs more than 200 million years ago, this * power evolved to almost invincible creatures existed 1.8 For billions of years, they will be more prosperous than human beings. Maybe their existence threatens the gods, or their development direction does not meet the expectations of the gods. In short, the gods gave them a disaster and destroyed them in the Cretaceous. Now. “

“And we are also experiencing a disaster now. We don’t know whether the **** wants us to evolve or to be destroyed. What we can only know is that the life of any life is no longer under the control of our own hands. Because our opponents, It is unheard of, unseen before, untouchable and invincible … haha, it is a **** … “

Suddenly hearing this incredible news, Shen Qingjia was silent for a moment.

I originally thought that my appearance as a rebirth had broken the fate of the past life and could change the ending of mourning the past life. But now it seems that his rebirth is also foggy.

Is his rebirth just a deliberate act of the gods?

A sense of crisis that is even greater than the face of wishing to live and live is covered by Shen Qingjia. Every move is being monitored, observed, self-righteous and powerful, self-righteous evolution, joke-like life … what to open joke? !! !!

“What a joke? !!!” Shen Qingjiahuo stood up.

If so, what is her encounter with Zhu Ai? What is their interdependence and mutual support? What does it mean for her to advance to the next level when she goes all the way? What is Zhu Ai doing for her? Are all these things that can be planned? !! !!

“If there is such a god, I will kill him anyway !!!”

“Don’t be thrilled.” Zhu Jie restored the image of the gentle and elegant lady, only a bit of the disorder just never happened. “Even if there is a god, he will not be bored to monitor the unknown pawn. And … as an immediately People who are going to be eaten by me, what are you worried about? “

Shen Qingjia became angry for a while, his face turned blue and white, and he resentfully called a “soul light”, exhaling a stale breath, Shen Qingjia re-sit on the bamboo table, “As long as you answer my last question, love steaming or braised It’s up to you! “

“Who said I would eat your flesh now?” Zhu Jie smiled.

Shen Qingjia’s temple jumped abruptly, saying this … as if she could not wait to get up to eat her flesh!

“Do you think a sacrifice is a simple matter?” Zhu Xie’s index finger knocked on the table, “It goes without saying that you need to bathe and burn incense. It is just a short period of time to prepare you completely without thoughts. . “

Zhu Ai was silent for a moment, looking at Shen Qingjia, “I have answered so many questions for you, and also ask you a question … Of course, you don’t think you need to answer.”

Shen Qingjia’s eyes drooped. “You want to ask me, why don’t you choose to ask Zhu Zhu to answer these questions?”

Zhu Xie was slightly surprised, then nodded and smiled, “You can go to mourn the most correct answer to these questions yourself … still, you are worried that she will tell a lie to you because of this.”

Shen Qingjia shook her head. “Rather than being able to reveal my true heart to me because of some last resort, I am more afraid of sorrow and embarrassment … her current situation is probably very difficult, and I do not want to bring her More burden. “

Zhu Ai’s face showed such a smile, “I knew it would be like this … so it ’s too complicated and burdensome for me to say something or something.” She said so, and suddenly she untied a jade card from her waist and threw it into the hands of Shen Qingjia with a smile. “This is the voucher for Ruyi City. With it, you can go to Ruyi City Most of the places. This is your last few days. Enjoy it … but don’t think about escaping. “

The young and beautiful woman said such words with pity or sarcasm, and had quietly issued a command to prohibit escape.

Shen Qingjia took a look at the Yupai and walked to the door and suddenly turned back, “Did you … use your power to the vast majority of the people in Ruyuan City?”

Zhu Yi froze, then nodded and smiled, “They don’t even know that they live under the control of others.”

“I’m sure.” Shen Qingjia turned without hesitation and left. “You and the **** you hate, fear, and hate, are disgusting guys.”

Leaving this attic, Shen Qingjia found that the girl named Ayi was still waiting in front of the green bamboo. Seeing Shen Qingjia coming out, the grandma girl smiled softly.

Walking to Shen Qingjia, “Is Shen Shen going back to rest?”

Shen Qingjia glanced at the white jade card in his hand. There was nothing but a delicate flame pattern on it, and he put away the jade card. “I heard that Ruyuan City has a lot of good scenery. Why do n’t you take me around today? . “

The grandma girl said a low voice, and she was so gentle that she was extremely soft.

Looking from the handrails in the corridor, the water pavilions cross one another across the water. The water surface is clear and clear, countless elegant lotus flowers are blooming, and the large and green lotus leaves are facing the wind.

Especially in this area of ​​water close to the two, the lotus leaves seemed to grow densely on the shore and could be touched with a little hand. If it weren’t for the dark clouds on the horizon, the sky would look a bit gloomy. In the last days, this can be regarded as a very pleasing beauty.

In the crystal-clear lake water, a breeze was blowing, the smooth water surface was rubbed with a few shallow ripples, and the walking figures of the two young girls reflected on the water surface were constantly shaking.

“This is an artificial lake that the owner ordered to excavate and repair in the last days. It has a wide range, as well as the scenery of the lake center pavilion and the lake center island.” The **** the road did her due diligence along the way, but most of the time along the way was low. Looking at the head, it seemed that I rarely saw strangers, and looked very shy.

Hearing human voices and footsteps, the brightly colored koi carp in the lake not far away suddenly swept away.

“This is a koi brought back from the city of Hangzhou by the owner deliberately. After raising it for less than half a month, there will be some fears after hearing the vocal … Would you like to try feeding these red carps?”

Shen Qingjia hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Grandma smiled timidly, took a bowl of bait from the railing, and handed it to Shen Qingjia, “But if you are used to feeding them, then you will just poke them with your fingers and they will not run. Now. “

“This fish is much more honest than people and never hides what they want.” Shen Qingjia sighed.

Shen Qingjia sprinkled the remaining bait from the pear flower bowl bowl into the lake little by little, until the end of the bright red carp was scooping up and scrambled, then took the handkerchief handed over by the grandma to clean the palm.

“By the way, Grandma’s time in your house is probably not short.”

“Well … yes, I have lived in Zhujia since I was a kid.”

Shen Qingjia suddenly turned her head and looked at Grandma’s eyes before she could lower her head. “So, have you ever heard of a girl named Zhuai?”

Grandma looked for a moment, but she didn’t seem to think that Shen Qingjia would ask such a question, and then smiled slowly after a while: “I wish I could never have heard of the name in Zhujia.”

The author has something to say: Song Shuxian (-o-): According to reliable news, Zhu Xie is going to sacrifice the girl Shen.

Zhu Ai (一 _ 一): Everything is still within the controllable plan, the time is not mature, wait for the moment.

Song Shuxian (-o-): According to reliable information, the sacrifice time is three days later.

Zhu Ai (﹀_﹀): Within the controllable plan …

Song Shuxian (-o-): According to some unreliable gossip, Zhu Xie prepared a rose. It may not be a sacrifice but a confession after three days.

Zhu Lai (︶︿︶): All the combatants in Rucheng City are immediately ready to go to Huangquan City! !! !!

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