Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Reincarnation as a Dragon

At night, Yang Jian was reading a novel, lying on the bed, on his side, leaning on the pillow, his phone still charged.

But suddenly, his eyes darkened, and his vision suddenly plunged into endless darkness.


Waking up from the darkness, Yang Jian’s brain was almost blank.

After some effort to open his eyes, he found that his field of vision was very blurred, and everything around him was covered with chaotic shadows, and there seemed to be shrill and shrill sounds coming from time to time.

“Am I dreaming?”

Shaking his head violently, Yang Jian’s consciousness gradually became clear.

Without waiting for Yang Jian to understand and observe his surroundings, the biggest white ghost in his field of vision fuses together and gradually converges into a huge monster that makes him trembling in fear and almost jumping up .

This is a ferocious giant beast with a cold and white body, with a pair of bat wings on the back that seem to be enlarged and widened. The fascia is obvious and tenacious and powerful.

The white scales that are like ice crystals on the body are very smooth and beautiful, reflecting a layer of bright light. There is a gap, and it seems to have a powerful defensive power.

Its size is very large in Yang Jian’s eyes, but it just looks lazily lying on the ground, and the whole looks like a heavy high-rise building.

The oppression force assaults the senses, making Yang Jian forget to breathe for a while.

White Grand Beast stared at Yang Jian with those cold vertical pupils, as if waiting for something.

At the same time, Yang Jian’s body trembled, and then dumbfounded, his eyes were blank.

At this moment, a large number of memories flooded into Yang Jian’s mind, merging and stirring with his own memories.

This stream of memory is very majestic and contains all kinds of knowledge that Yang Jian feels unimaginable. It comes and goes quickly, but in just a few seconds, Yang Jian came back to his senses .

Dragon inheritance I became a White Dragon. The White Grand Beast in front of me is my White Dragon Mother.

The vast amount of knowledge and information he just received made Yang Jian understand his situation.

At the same time, the vertical pupils of the White Dragon Mother stared at the hatchling that had just broken its shell, feeling a little puzzled.

The White Dragon is the smallest of all dragons. The newly born dragon-like only has this adult wolf-dog size, and it is even slightly smaller.

But its young dragon, just broken its shell, is the size of an ordinary liger, with a larger body, and the muscle lines under the scales are also much stronger and stronger than normal young dragons. Appearance, it usually takes a few weeks after the hatchlings can achieve.

In addition, different from ordinary White Dragon hatchlings, although the scales on Yang Jian’s body are large areas of pure white ice armor that can reflect light, like a mirror, but at the position of his neck, there are Some fine black scales are incompatible with the whole.

This circle of black scales bites into a circle, showing a ring shape, which looks like an indescribable charm.

Could it be that it has become a mindless Dragon Beast? At this time, the White Dragon Mother has become impatient. Frost gas is sprayed from its nose, and it falls on the ground and condenses into a translucent patch. of ice crystals.

It stared at Yang Jian indifferently, and anthropomorphic and dangerous eyes gradually emerged from the pale-yellow dragon.

On the opposite side, Yang Jian was suddenly shocked, and a series of syllables quickly spit out from his mouth: “Galleon · Aurelian · Volibear. Godzilla · Digasol!”

This is his True Dragon name.

Being able to say their real name after birth means that the new baby dragon has acquired the inheritance of the dragon, instead of becoming a brainless Dragon Beast driven by instinct, without being expelled by its biological mother Or kill, to have a period of growth that can be considered safe.

Although it looks a bit strange, since Yang Jian said his real name, it means that it is indeed a True Dragon, and the danger in the eyes of the White Dragon Mother gradually dissipated.

It closed its eyes and fell asleep lazily.

After spitting out his real name, Yang Jian shook his head hard, and there was an obvious hunger in his stomach.

Turning his head to look at the broken eggshell next to him, Yang Jian lowered his head and nibbled at it.

“It tastes good. It’s icy cold and has a bit of a chocolate-like taste.”

Dragon eggshells contain many of the nutrients they need, as well as skeleton scales that speed up The inorganic matter that A grew up was the first meal of the dragonfly after birth. Yang Jian shook his head after realizing that it tasted good, and nibbled the chocolate-flavored eggshell with his tail.

After eating, the young dragon carefully sorted out his memory information, and then secretly looked at the White Dragon Mother lying not far in front of him.

No matter how many times he saw it, he was shocked by this ferocious and beautiful giant beast, whose body was not as big as the White Dragon Mother’s head.

“Compared to other dragons, the White Dragon Mother’s size is relatively small.”

Yang Jian thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, he saw himself through the reflection of the light on the scales of the White Dragon Mother.

The center of the eyes is not the pale yellow color of the White Dragon Mother, but a pair of Platinum Dragons with bright colors, which are bright and dazzling and very beautiful.

If it is in a group of dragons, it will undoubtedly be the most beautiful cub.

Dragons have a variety of eye colors, such as pitch black, yellowish, brown, blue, deep purple, etc., but the color of platinum is quite rare.

In addition, Galleon’s lower limbs are thick and muscular, and the white scales are more smooth and translucent than those on the White Dragon Mother because of the new birth. There is no trace of roughness, and it is reflecting like a mirror. The pair of dragon wings on the back are wide, the fascia is tenacious like a sail, and the wingspan is longer than its own body length.

The ratio of shoulder height and body length is about one to six, and the overall is relatively slender and healthy.

At the same time, Yang Jian also saw the fine ring of black scales around his neck.

“Bring a black necklace? It looks pretty good.”

Yang Jian was stunned and didn’t think much about it.

After all, there are all kinds of dragons in the forest. When they are born, a little mutation will happen occasionally, but it is a strange circle of black scales, which can’t be considered a big mutation.

This somewhat mutated dragon is recorded in the inheritance of dragons, and they are called alien dragons.

Altered dragons are mostly weaker than normal dragons, but occasionally mutate into abnormally powerful individuals.

I hope my mutation is positive. Yang Jian thought to himself.

After seeing his appearance clearly, Yang Jian lowered his head and stared at the dragon claw, which already had a sharp cold glow, and recited his long real name of the dragon again in his heart.

“The name Yang Jian, let it fade away with the past.”

“From now on, I will be Galleon, a White Dragon named Galleon!”

At this moment, Galleon’s mood is more complicated. On the one hand, he is somewhat restless because he has come to a brand new world, and on the other hand, he is excited to see the magnificent corner of this world from the inheritance of the dragon.

Dragon, Undead, Giant, Elf, Sorcerer, Elemental, Demon, Abyss, God

“Let it be as it comes.”

Galleon took a Deep breath, close your eyes slightly, and slowly open them again, your mind has calmed down a lot.

Reincarnating as a dragon, not a low-level monster like a poor slime or a goblin, is actually a fortunate thing.

ka-cha cracking

Some small cracking sound caught Galleon’s attention, he turned his head to look over, and found that the sound was coming from the full dragon egg next to him .

He saw that the millet-sized dragon egg swayed slightly, and at the same time, there were more and more cracks appearing on it.

The hatchling inside struggled hard, and after a few seconds, finally broke out of the shell.

It’s not like Galleon froze in place for a long time, the newborn dragonfly just came into contact with the outside world, and he let out a childish dragon cry, and then said his dragon’s real name.

“Hill Rose Vinesa Rebecca.”

Hill’s voice was soft and soft, giving Galleon a loli vibe.

(End of this chapter)

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