Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The Plane and the World

Galleon’s scales are as new as a mirror, without a trace of the passage of time, the dragon claw is thick, the dragon’s wings are like sails, the dragon tail is like a gun, There was a strong aura all over him.

The most eye-catching is his pair of platinum golden dragon eyes, and the ring of black scales that is closely inlaid around his neck.

The wyrmling stage of dragons is between zero and six years old.

However, Galleon, who was just about one and a half years old and still in the wyrmling stage, already had the body shape of a juvenile dragon, which is equivalent to a body shape that can only be possessed by dragons that have lived for more than 25 years.

This growth rate made Galleon stunned.

It seems that time moves much faster on him.

But after understanding his own power, Galleon gradually accepted the growth rate of this monster.

With the growth of many times of deep sleep, in Galleon’s field of vision, this world is not simply the sky, the earth, the ice and snow, and the creatures. He also saw an illusory line that other creatures could not see. long river.

This is a long river of time.

Accurately speaking, it is a figurative form of time, but it appears as a river in Galleon’s eyes. Perhaps in the understanding of other creatures, it is a giant tree that reaches the sky, or a wispy breeze. .

The entire material plane, no, all planes, even the phlogiston layer between the plane crystal walls, is in the long river of time.

The long river of time envelops everything, everything is in it, the falling snow, the flowing glaciers, the cold wind blowing. The sky, the earth, the Sun, Moon, and Stars rivers

When Galleon breathes, in addition to inhaling air and elemental energy, it also devours wisps of illusory river water, gaining a unique power that Galleon calls the power of time.

The power of time obtained is also the source of energy he uses to manipulate time.

As for why you master Time Acceleration first, instead of slowing down or going backwards, it is because the river of time is always flowing forward, and it is always much more difficult to go upstream than downstream.

As a hatchling of Time Dragon, he seems to be a strange creature that Time Dragon loves in one body. With the help of Time Dragon, he grows more than ten times faster than ordinary dragons.

And the passage of time didn’t leave any bad effects on him other than making him stronger.

In addition to the bright scales of a white dragon at birth, the ordinary White Dragon will gradually become rougher and more traces of time.

But Galleon’s scales are still mirror-like in color, beautiful and bright, like a baptism that has never experienced time.

Only natural and man-made disasters can kill Time Dragon, and the passing time can do nothing about it.

Under the night, many Galleons grew up, but they were a little worried.

“The way the White Dragon Mother looks at me is getting more and more wrong recently. She probably doesn’t want to raise me anymore.”

“Without the White Dragon Mother, a stable and growing life will be impossible. It has to go away and never return.”

It stands to reason that the dragon mother will at least raise the young dragon to pass through the young dragon stage and reach the young dragon stage with a certain self-protection ability, and then she will be driven away. Out of the nest, self-inflicted.

No matter how cruel and cruel the dragon is, it will not let the young dragon die on its own.

However, Galleon, a little dragon that is just over a year old, already has a body close to the teenage White Dragon.

The White Dragon Mother looked at Galleon with vigilance and impatience now, and it was estimated that it would not be long before Galleon was expelled from the dragon’s nest.

Although the current Galleon has a certain self-protection ability, and has mastered new abilities except Time Manipulation, it is not as good as a real adult dragon after all. In this world of dangerous lurks on every side , after leaving the White Dragon Mother can only cautiously, walking on thin ice.

Galleon is already making plans for himself.

From time to time, he would venture to the edge of the White Dragon Mother’s territory, looking into the distance from a high place, looking for a suitable place to grow, so that he could find a place to live as soon as possible after he was expelled. .

A life of ups and downs is not what Galleon wants, it is too dangerous.

Under the night, Galleon fanned his wings and the mirror-like dragon scales on his body surface, not only did not attract attention because of the reflection, but reflected the night sky environment into a good protective color.

If someone with bad eyesight sees Galleon flying through the night sky, he will most likely be regarded as a black cloud.

At this time, the Arctic Icefield, the night sky is dotted with the Star River, the stars and the moon appear at the same time, the scenery is magnificent, like a scene that can only be seen in a dream, Galleon is flying under such a night, The surrounding air seems to be a lot more active.

Although it is not the first time to fly, Galleon feels happy at any time with the freedom and freedom of flying high in the sky.

A moment later, Galleon flew to the edge of the White Dragon Mother’s territory.

The place where White Dragon Mother is located, except for the huge ice cliff that is one kilometer high, is generally a relatively empty plain environment. To the south, several thousands li are composed of countless mountains, rivers and hills. A continuous mountain range inhabited by countless magical creatures, humanoids, and cryptic monsters.

And the direction Galleon is flying is the moving towards this faintly visible giant continuous mountain range.

He doesn’t really want to approach the continuous mountain range if he can, because the continuous mountain range is more dangerous than the polar ice sheet.

Galleon once crossed a kilometer-high ice cliff and continued to move deeper into the northern polar ice sheet, but the further north, the colder and barren the environment, and the poorer living creatures.

In such an environment, Galleon wasn’t confident in finding enough food.

He eats a lot, and he has to eat several times his body weight every week to barely meet his needs. He goes deeper into the extreme Arctic where birds don’t shit, and he may not be killed by foreign enemies. , will starve to death.

A starved Time Dragon would make all intelligent creatures laugh out loud.

However, although he is flying to the direction of the southern mountain range, he is just looking for a suitable place. Before he has enough strength, Galleon has no plans to leave the polar ice sheet.

Because in this world, the most dangerous creature is actually human.

One of the favorite names of human adventurers is Dragon Slayer. Once the silhouette of a dragon is discovered, countless human adventurers will swarm to become a dragon slayer.

A dragon’s body, whether it’s teeth, minions, or scales, is a good magic material, which means countless wealth in the human world.

“The same kind in the past is what I have to beware of the most now.”

Galleon felt the impermanence of fate, and the cyan planet appeared in his mind.

He thought that after he was strong enough, he might be able to go back to Blue Star to show himself in front of others.

This is not an impossible thing.

The material rules of different planes are very different. Since the material rules of Earth and the main material plane are roughly similar, there is a high probability that it is somewhere in the main material plane.

The plane, in Galleon’s current understanding, refers to the collection of countless worlds.

These worlds are of different sizes and shapes. They may be a land, a planet, a galaxy, or a vast universe.

The relationship between the plane and the world is like a big bubble surrounded by countless small bubbles.

The diaphragm that separates the ‘bubble’ is called crystal wall, between the crystal walls is an amber-like fluid called phlogiston, except for Transmission Formation, powerful props such as magic ships and some special spells In addition, some powerful creatures have the ability to directly travel through the world and planes.

Time Dragon is one of them.

Galleon has a hunch that when he becomes strong, he will definitely be able to travel through the long river of time, even to the past and future.

Let’s get down to business, now he’s just a little dragonfly worried about his impending expulsion.

Galleon hovers high in the sky, looking out to the earth, searching for a suitable hiding place.

A moment later, his eyes lit up and he locked onto an area,

about fifteen kilometers away from where he was now, a small winding glacier.

Any dragon is a terrestrial creature, and Galleon thinks he might be able to live underwater for some time in the future.

Getting a nest at the bottom of the glacier should be one of the very best, whether it is concealment or safety.

Thinking of this, Galleon decided to go to the small glacier to check first, to see if there are any creatures that cannot afford to offend, such as frost giants, winter wolves and other ruthless characters.

He turned his head and glanced at the dragon’s nest location, took a deep breath, and then left the White Dragon Mother’s territory.

Leaving some invisible boundary, an ever-present coercion belonging to the mighty dragon species disappears.

ps: Please don’t raise books. Now the starting point recommendation process is very dependent on the follow-up data, and the regulations do not allow more, and it is not too late to raise them on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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