Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 111


Chapter 111 True Dragon Glory

After wrapping the cold forest snake dragon with ice for several layers, Luna Walked around Galleon’s territory with Nicole Nina, amazed by the power of Galleon’s family.

Especially the Winter Wolf of the Wolfheart clan.

The Winter Wolf has always been rebellious, and even if True Dragon takes the initiative, it is rarely able to subdue the Winter Wolf as a vassal.

These high-intelligence wolves are more willing to cooperate than to acknowledge allegiance to True Dragon’s will, and become dependent creatures to be respected by True Dragon.

It’s not that no dragons have threatened their lives, but many winter wolves have a rather die than submit temper.

When they saw the bull head shaman mining gems, they also showed their curiosity about the spirit of nature. There are creatures who believe in the spirit of nature, but it is not easy to see them. ‘t expect Galleon here to take a group of nature sacrifices as slaves.

“Do you want to build your Ice Crystal Palace here?”

Nicole Nina looked at the small Snow Mountain and suggested to Galleon: “This is too much It’s too low, it’s not a good place to build a palace.”

Galleon shook the head and said, “I don’t stay here often, so let’s build it in the ice cliff territory that used to belong to Salia,”

Nicole Nina tapped the dragon’s head and said happily: “That thousand zhang ice cliff is really good. If you build an ice crystal palace on the top, it will definitely shine and be magnificent, and you can enjoy the scenery of the ice field inside. There’s an unobstructed view.”

“You helped me a lot, and when you come back from the south, I will make an all-out effort to help you build the palace and make it the greatest work I have ever done.”

Galleon laughed , saying: “Then I’ll wait and see.”

Luna and Nicole Nina are not in Galleon’s territory since Amos and Lilith still need to be taken care of After staying for more than ten minutes, he planned to leave.

Before leaving, Luna warned repeatedly: “When you go to the south, don’t despise human beings.”

“Ninety-nine percent of them are weak Creatures, but the powerful individuals among them are the Ancient Dragons who should be afraid of three points.”

Innate talent is good enough to become a Legendary existence at the age of 20, and the True Dragon at the age of 20 . Still in teenage years.

Although it is only a rare case, it is enough to show that human beings should not be underestimated.

Most of the worlds on the main material plane are under the rule of humans. True Dragon is powerful and even worshipped, but it is no longer the true ruler of the continent.

Galleon himself has not thought about recasting the glory of True Dragon, but as Time Dragon, as long as he grows to a certain level, even if he does nothing, his existence alone is enough to drive True Dragon Clan rejuvenated a bit.

The Silver Dragon and Crystal Dragon soared high into the night, gradually disappearing from Galleon’s field of vision.

After the two of them left, many creatures in the territory that were cautiously, even dared to breathe, slowly returned to normal.

The appearance of two unfamiliar super-large True Dragons at the same time is a rare event for many creatures to see in a lifetime.

Galleon shifted his gaze and looked towards the cold forest snake dragon thrown in an open space.

Several winter wolves of the Wolfheart clan are continuously exhaling frozen air, maintaining the thick ice crystals around the cold forest snake dragon.

This is so, with the passage of time, there have been many cracks visible to the naked eye where the ice crystal interior and the dragon body of the cold forest snake are in contact with each other, like cobwebs and bifurcations Branch-like moved towards spreading out.

Galleon moved his body, walked to the dragon body of the cold forest snake, and looked at it through the thick ice crystals.

The rough scales of dark green, the ferocious sharp thorns, the fierce eyes. It looks like a proper murder.

However, although the snake dragon species is ferocious in nature and full of destructiveness, it does not mean that they have no wisdom.

The snake dragon even speaks three languages, in addition to Dragon Language, they also speak Evil and Mu Clan.

Evil language, a language used to communicate with ancient evil beings, some Evil Gods, or their followers, serpents speak Evil language, which many beings believe they are deeply rooted in. One of the reasons why Evil God is favored.

As for the Mu Clan language. Galleon’s assessment is that it is a silent language.

The record of the Mu Clan language is peculiar.

It is actually a language to communicate with elves, but its biggest feature is silence, a language spoken with heart, which can only be ‘heared’ by creatures with strong spirit strength.

The snake dragon species can speak the Mu Clan language, not because of how sensitive they are in the mind. But because they love the spirits so much, they love to eat the Mu Clan language into inheritance, which is used to deceive the spirits , lowering their alertness.

Galleon felt that, with his innate talent in languages, he could learn Evil and Mu Clan through Hanlin Serpent.


“Go about your own business, don’t come here to disturb me.”

He told the Winter Wolf of the Wolfheart clan they said.

The winter wolves, who were breathing freezing air, stopped their output in response, and then retreated one after another, disappearing around them in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, almost as soon as the winter wolves left, the thick ice crystals that had no continuous support began to shake gently, and then as time passed, the shaking rapidly became violent.

crack crack

A series of cracking sounds of ice crystals sounded.

Soon, the bifurcated lightning-like crack extended from the inside to the surface of the ice crystal, and then suddenly became a piece.


The ice crystals splattered all over the sky, shooting all around like one after another bullet.

Galleon was motionless in situ, with a wide dragon wing, sweeping away all the broken ice crystal blocks.

At this moment, in his field of vision, the frozen forest snake dragon, whose ice crystals had shattered, was shaking his body, shaking off the last piece of thin ice on his body, and then staring at Galleon fiercely.

“Seeing you True Dragon always makes me hungry.”

“I’m going to kill you first, then eat you, and then go find those two heels. True Dragon as despicable as you, tear them apart and devour them.”

The cold forest snake dragon looked at Galleon, and thick saliva secreted from its mouth, it fell on the ground with a pu chi sound, and came out Puffs of green smoke.

Looking at its appearance, its words are not just to threaten and shout, but really have such thoughts and thoughts, want to eat dragons.

Even the most vicious five-colored dragons would not be interested in the flesh and blood of the creatures that are also True Dragons. The snake dragon species is not recognized as a dragon, and it has a lot to do with their character.

“Not just a few of you True Dragons, I want to kill all the living creatures in your territory, not a single one!”

“Even the earth and rocks in your territory Trees, I will trample them and destroy them too! Let you know the terrifying consequences of provoking me!”

While Hanlin Snake Dragon spoke, sharp claw was still scratching on the ground, grabbing a lot of claw marks and ravines .


Good guy, even lifeless earth, rocks and trees?

He listened to the threat of the cold forest snake dragon, remained unmoved, but only gained a new understanding of the fierce character of the snake dragon species.

(End of this chapter)

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