Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 154


Chapter 154 Calamity of the Undead

Smelling the scorching, rotten smell in the air, Galleon looks at the fading future Galleon, suddenly filled with anticipation.

“When will I be able to reach that level.”

“Controlling time is like eating and drinking.”

Galleon’s eyes are bright and his mood is high .

In the future, Galleon can directly control and influence the long river of time. Galleon feels that he is too far behind. His own time-based spell ability cannot be used at will, but can only be used in a fixed way and according to instinct.

Glancing at the constant flow of time for a while, Galleon let out a long breath, then retracted his gaze and glanced around.

The air-dried bones all over the place cast a lifeless gray-white color on the ground, and the dead air lingered up and down here. In just a moment, Galleon saw some skeletons, because of the stimulation of the death Spiritual Qi, their eye sockets. A tender soul flame ignited in it, and it vibrated mechanically and rigidly.

“It won’t be long before this place will become a paradise for the undead.”

The stone mound snake dragon, which remained in the main material world, twisted its body, flew into the air, bowed its head Looking at the plain of ash-gray below, he whispered.

When Harris died, a large number of dead Spiritual Qi flew out, lingering, as if a heavy cloud of lead was formed in the air, and before that, hundreds of thousands of deaths had already been Become a breeding ground for the growth of the dead.

Innumerable dead, the influence of the dead domain, coupled with the magic residue of Harris

In the near future, it is even possible to form a different energy vortex here, connecting another full of energy. Death Spiritual Qi’s world attracts the arrival of undead creatures from other planes, causing undead disaster.

Whether it is the dukedom forces that form the golden alliance army, or the kingdom of Dimo, it will be devastated by this war, both sides suffer, and will not be able to recover for a long time.


The powerful sound of dragon wings flapping sounded.

After Harris’ death, the effects of the Paralyzing Touch wore off, allowing the four five-colored dragons to regain their mobility.

They look a little more embarrassed now, their scales are covered with dust and dirt, and there are small cracks that fall out of the sky, and they seem to be covered in dirt.

Fortunately, Harris’s attention was entirely drawn to the Galleons later on, and he didn’t slay them to kill them.

The eyes of several five-colored dragons are all bright and unusual, looking at Galleon with a kind of amazement, as if they had witnessed the legend with their own eyes.

He focused his attention on the two rings of black scales on Galleon’s body.

“Dear Lord Time Dragon, it is my Rowell honor to be loyal to you.”

Red Dragon lowered his head, his words full of awe.

The same goes for the female Red Dragon.

They had decided to swear allegiance to Galleon in order to go to the Lava Demiplane. Now that they know Galleon’s identity, they may have just been motivated by profit, but now they have more of their own true will.

Besides, Black Dragon and Green Dragon looked at each other in blank dismay.

After hesitating for a few seconds, the two dragons also lowered their arrogant heads and said in awe: “Dear Time Dragon, Black Dragon Hellett (Green Dragon Accra) You salute.”

Like the dead Spirit Dragon, although Black Dragon and Green Dragon expressed their respect for Galleon, they did not want to directly surrender their identity to become followers because they knew his identity. By.

With the character of True Dragon, the noble identity can only make the other party respect, but if you want the dragon body to be shocked, it is almost impossible to make the other party acknowledge allegiance without violent means or seduction of interests. thing.

If it weren’t for this, the Dragon Gods of the outer planes wouldn’t have been around for so many years, and they would still be inferior to the Divine Force.

The two high-ranked sorcerers who survived by chance also flew over, looking at the dead and dead plain below, their faces heavy, sighed, and then said: “Sir Galleon, the high-ranking sorcerer of the Seven Rings Evocation School. Reid (sorcerer Critchens, a high-ranking scholar of the Eight Rings Conjuration School), thank you again for your life-saving grace.”

“We will be loyal to you for ten years in accordance with the contract. After ten years, I hope You keep the pact and set us free.”

As the most mysterious of Legendary dragons, the Time Dragon has an astounding name.

But high-ranking sorcerers are no longer ordinary persons. They have their own independent thoughts, wise brains, and their own behavioral logic. They will not be loyal from the heart because of Galleon’s identity.

Most of the powerful sorcerers do not believe in gods, thinking that gods are just powerful creatures that initially held the authority of the world.

The sorcerers believed that the mortal body could be feared by the gods as long as the ultimate mystery of the spell was mastered.

The views on Time Dragon are basically similar.

Although time is mysterious, it also belongs to the research scope of sorcerer.

The change system has a nine-ring spell called Time Stop.

It can make the speed of the sorcerer to the limit, in the eyes of outsiders, it seems like its own time has been stopped.

This nine-ring spell is not a pure time spell, but it has reached the threshold of time faintly, borrowing the power of the long river of time.

As for the Legendary sorcerer. Like Harris, who can perceive the existence of the long river of time, and will have certain countermeasures for the time spell.

Closing the matter, Galleon looked at the two high-ranking sorcerers, calmly said: “I always keep my promises.”

paused, he said: “I want your allegiance, not to make You fight for me, or make you do hard and troublesome things, but for the knowledge in your mind.”

In the future Galleon will use the time ability to have the words at hand, but he will also be Legendary The level of evocation spell, which shows that he has not given up the exploration on the road of spell, and has reached the level of Legendary sorcerer.

The Legendary spell developed by the Legendary sorcerer with great concentration is so powerful that it can indeed make Spiritual God feel uneasy.

This is a path of infinite possibilities.

Christians and Fred were stunned for a moment, their wilted faces glowed, said with a smile: “The door of truth is always open to you.”

” May the brilliance of spell bless you.”

At the same time, Black Dragon and Green Dragon hesitated, looked at Galleon’s face, slowly backed away, and said at the same time: “Dear Time Dragon, we still have If you have to deal with it, just leave.”

This is for fear that Galleon will force their allegiance.

Seeing the legendary Time Dragon and seeing the power of time, Black Dragon and Green Dragon are very excited, but they are still unwilling to work for free, unless Galleon will give a certain amount to let them their interests.

Black Dragon and Green Dragon . are useless on the lava demiplane.

Galleon didn’t care: “Leave.”

Black Dragon and Green Dragon nod, the dragon wings waved, and they were about to turn around and leave here.

At this time, the female Red Dragon, Gresha frowned, seemed to suddenly think of something, said solemnly: “Wait!”

Black Dragon and Green Dragon turned their heads suspiciously , looked towards Gresha.

Gresa snorted, and a fire star flew out of her nostrils.

She had a ferocious look on her face and said in a bad voice: “Those bastards, Timo, please help us in the battle, but they want to bury us on the battlefield together.”

“hmph, this The matter can’t be left as it is, the Royal Family of Emperor Mo has to pay five times, no, ten times the compensation! To make up for our damaged bodies and minds!”

At this time, the emperor Mo, he has lost almost all of his high-ranking combat power, and even the army has been destroyed here. If a few adult True Dragons come, they have no other good way except to destroy the wealth and eliminate the disaster.

Gresha looked towards Galleon, the evil god’s expression suddenly turned into awe, and said in a low voice: “Sir, goddamn Dimo, you must pay the price for deceiving True Dragon like this. .”

“Please allow me to go to the capital of Timo to fight for my own interests.”

Rowell nodded, said: “Yes, as Gretha’s My partner, I will also go together and ask for an explanation for Gresha!”

While speaking, Rowell showed a greedy face, as if he was already fantasizing about how to blackmail the Timor family.


He thought for a moment, and finally, under the expectant gazes of Rowell and Gresha, said solemnly: “Let’s go together, I’d love to know, this How did the Legendary Lich top secret and control all the senior sorcerers of Timo.”

The senior sorcerers are not fools.

Although it is powerless to compete with Legendary, it is impossible to say that a dozen high-ranking sorcerers have been secretly turned into walking corpse, but no one can find it.

When I think about the pressure of the army, the strange measures of the Dimo Kingdom seem to be to let the soldiers die, try to create an environment full of the dead and full of Death Qi, and maximize the use of Legendary Lich. ability.

This guy was the chief mage of the Temo Kingdom when he was a human, and was the teacher of many members of the Temo royal family.

Galleon would not believe that behind this tragic war, there was no secret support from the Timor family.

As long as Harris completes his immortal Lich body, let alone the south, there are not many existences in the entire Noah continent that can compete with Harris in that state, Noah continent is a relatively small main material world.

With the protection of such a Legendary existence, no matter how badly the army and other high-ranking sorcerers are damaged, the kingdom of Timor can rise again.

It’s not impossible to go even further and become the first human empire in Noah’s continent.

“If I hadn’t been trapped in Legendary spell territory and had to use Time Dragon to reverse the current, he would have really succeeded.”

Galleon’s cryptic shook the head.

Harris’s luck is really bad.

However, the strength shown by Harris left a lot of impression on Galleon.

The reason why this Legendary is powerful is not because of Lich’s body, but because of Harris himself, when he was a human, he was already a Legendary sorcerer of the dual schools, and his reputation resonated throughout the promise. subcontinent.

Ordinary Legendary Lich has absolutely no strength like him.

“Now, it’s time for the reckoning.”

“The Timor House.”

Galleon puts the dead Harris behind After that, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked behind the devastated iron and stone defense line.

The capital city of the Royal Family of Emperor Mo, in that direction.

After clearing the battlefield and collecting the fancy equipment and magic items, five True Dragons, one snake dragon, and two high-ranked sorcerers crossed the iron and stone defense as the only remaining survivors.




A few hours after everyone was gone, the sun rose, shining brightly, shining world .

However, there was a layer of darkness over the Great Plains of Bucky, like Spiritual Qi of Death, a dark cloud, obscuring the sunlight, causing the lower part to be shrouded in gloomy weather.

Innumerable corpses are scattered all over the scorched black and gray-white messy land.

Under the erosion of a large number of dead Spiritual Qi, a pale skeleton suddenly trembled, and a candle-like soul slowly ignited in its eye sockets.

The people who died in the war were already not in, but on the bones they left behind, new life was slowly born.




Dimo Kingdom, the capital city, Kraken.

This is a very prosperous city, covering a huge area, showing a boxy outline, surrounded by tall and majestic city walls, full of towering towers, spacious and tidy. Lush and green evergreen trees are also planted on both sides of the street, casting a thick shade of greenery.

Pedestrians walking on the streets, most of them bright and bright clothes, wearing delicate clothes with small accessories made of precious metals, look far better than the pedestrians in the main city of Mosha.

Pedestrians walked and talked, with smiles that belonged to the kingdom’s people.

However, if you observe them carefully, you can find that under their bright and bright appearance, their smiles are a bit reluctant, there is a trace of worry in their eyes, and they walk in a hurry and are not calm.

Many people also carried large and small suitcases, dragging their families with them, and rushing out of the city.

The situation of the Dimo Kingdom, as Dimo people, they know all too well.

Although the royal city has not been devastated by the war, according to the front-line information, those damn dukedom have formed a coalition and have set foot on the Great Plains of Baki to fight with the last defenders of Timo.

If the last iron and stone defense line is broken, this royal city that has stood for thousands of years and will not fall, I am afraid it will cease to exist.

Although they are both human, they don’t hope that the Golden Alliance will come with kindness and compassion.

When human nations are at war, it is not uncommon for the army to indulge the army to massacre the city after gaining a great advantage and breaking through the enemy city wall, killing people and setting fire to it for fun.

Because of the cruel and hard training, coupled with the battle of life and death, the soldiers of the army are mostly in a state of depression and tension. This is a reward for warriors who have experienced life and death, and let them use violence to vent Negative emotions inside.

Because of the cognition for a long time, some people still have inexplicable confidence in the Kingdom of Timor, thinking that Timor will surely be able to suppress rebellion and sit firmly on the throne of the kingdom.

But most people, who can tell the situation clearly, are trying their best to escape this dangerous building.

“If Lord Harris is still alive, those bastards dukedom would not dare to attack Timo like this.”

“If the iron and stone defense line is broken, we small nobles, The first to be robbed!”

In a luxurious carriage, the viscount dressed in silver-trimmed aristocratic clothes urged the groom to speed up while gnashing his teeth.

There is more than one carriage, and there are several simpler carriages behind, which contain most of the Viscount’s belongings.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion outside.

Before the viscount could stick his head out to investigate, the carriage, which was driving fast, suddenly stagnated, and the wind horse with the magical creature bloodline collapsed to the ground, causing the carriage at the rear to hit it because of inertia. In a whirlwind of tumult, people turned their backs on their horses.

“I’m going to kill you, lowly groom!”

The Viscount wailed.

He ripped apart the broken plank, and there was a lot of blood on his face with spiked sawdust.

But the Viscount, who had just barely climbed out of the broken carriage, suddenly felt his heart tighten, and he felt like he was being grasped by an invisible big hand, and the big hand was still tightening slowly, making him almost uncomfortable. can not breath.

Meanwhile, the bright sunlight in the sky is obscured.

A huge shadow enveloped the Viscount.

His pupils contracted suddenly, and he looked up stiffly and slowly.

Several super-large True Dragons with imposing manners, and a ferocious-looking snake dragon species, are silent, surrounded by the undisguised Dragon’s Might, flying over the city of Kraken. However, behind them, followed by two silhouettes wrapped in the brilliance of spell.

“Dragon, dragon, dragon!”

The Viscount looked pale, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his body was stiff.

There are many others like him.

The five True Dragons exude a billowing Dragon’s Might, like a hurricane passing through, heading straight for the Emperor’s Court.

(End of this chapter)

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